
Adjusting height of a-tag to outer td

Hey guys, I got the following structure: <td> <a>1. menu</a> <a>2. menu</a> <a>3. menu</a> <a>4. menu</a> </td> Of course, I have classes assigned to the elements. I am trying to adjust the height of those a elements to the outer td, so that the hover effect will fill from top to the bottom. See here: Any idea how I ...

Jquery Hide/show using dropdown options not working IE or CHROME

I have a mutliple drop down menus that I am using to hide/show rows in my table. Example: <select name="kp1_action" class="longboxsmall"> <option class="hidenextrow" value="">Button Disabled</option> <option class="showtransferoptions" value="transfercall">Transfer Call + Log Keypress to Reports</option> <option class="s...

Colspans in Opera Browsers not working right.

Ok, I can't understand the problem here but this looks fine in all browsers cept Opera. The HTML Code is as follows: <table width="395" height="214" border="1"> <tr> <td colspan="2">Here is some content in here that has 2 colspans</td> <td width="137">This only has 1 colspan.</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="113">This has o...

[HTML CSS] clipping content of cell in table

Hi, I want to create a squared table 9x9, width and height should be 100%, and each cell should be 11.11% height and width. I could do it with below code but when the text inside the cell is too large the cell grows down with it. I don't want that. I just simply want the text to be hidden. Preserve the size of the table is my priority ...

What is the formal name for a table that maps multiple data to a single id?

For example, if I wanted if I wanted to parse the input arguments from a java program and use the input option as a key to get a variable name... i.e. java optionTable ------------------------------------------------------ option | option help | internal option variable name | I could implement this using brute force tactics, such a...

PHP Query Result From One Column to Multiple Columns

// Database Settings define('DB_HOST', '**'); define('DB_PORT', '**'); define('DB_USER', '**'); define('DB_PASS', '**'); define('DB_NAME', '**'); // Connection to Database $database = new MySQLi(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT); $sql = 'SELECT AManufactureBrand.brand, AManufactureModel.model, AManufactureEdition.edition' ...

XTHML thead, tfoot and tbody importance

Hello! Does XHTML have an 'opinion' regarding the use of <thead>, <tfoot> and <tbody>? Is there a case where they should be used? Thank you. ...

IE v. FF: Is table.tBodies[0] valid?

From what I gather, tBodies[0] seems to work in IE, but not FF. Is this an IE mistake? I've created a small file to demonstrate the incosistency, and I would like to know the best way to go about this. The HTML: <html> <body> <table id="dataGrid"> </table> <input type="button" onclick="insertRow();" value="New row"> </body> </html...

Tables to CSS....Layout sliced from Photoshop

I am messing around and created a neat web layout in photoshop. I then sliced it up and exported all of the Images and HTML to dreamweaver. However, it turns my layout into tables. This is a problem because I can't get it to fit all screen resolutions. Does anyone have a quick fix or some advice on how to get my slicing converted to CSS?...

hash table for finding sum

Given an array of integers and another integer X - create an algorithm to determine if the sum of any two integers in the array would result in x. I was asked to use hash tables for this. The solution is create a hash table with the array of integers and set the data to one. Access the hash table with keyvalue x-arr[i] and check if data...

how to compare table structure in SAS

I am a tester and i need to compare two data sets structure (not table data) in SAS. I tried to use 'proc compare' but it compares the data. i want to compare dataset/table structure (column name, data type, null constraints etc.) Can any one pl help. thanks ...

jQuery Table Row Renumbering

I am trying to renumber rows in my table using jQuery This is the generated HTML ... ... <tr> <td><input type="hidden" class="counter" value="5"></td> <td><input type="text" size="40" id="drugName5" name="drugName[5]" class="drugName required" value=""></td> <td><input type="text" name="dose[5]" class="dose" value=""></td> <td><input ...

using for each loop in visual basic for developers in excel to copy on visible values

Hey all, I would like to use a for each loop in excel to copy only all visible values in my excel spreadsheet in order to remove the link from the auto filtering so that when I export or copy these values, the hidden values from the auto filter don't come back. Here's macro: Sub sortify() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Range("A...

How to blend CSS classes for different results

I have a table where the even rows are given the class "even" and the odd rows "odd". But I also want to give the rows classes like "complete" or "problem" that give them other colors, but I still want the hue of the colors to be dark or light depending on if they're even or odd. Examples <table> <tr class="even problem"> <tr c...

Laying out "Label - Value" to center without use of tables

So often you will have a number of labels (lets use name, age, colour) and a value for each! If I placed these In a 2 column 3 row table I could make sure that the values (lets use Steve, 19, Red) all start in the same horizantal position. And if I wished by having that column left align, and if i also wanted have the label column righ...

Generate "table" with <div>

Hello, I'd like generate the representation below by <div>. The constraints : the full size = 100% the first + second column = 50%, the 3rd + 4th column = 50% the first column is smaller than the second, the second take "the rest of the place", same for column 3 and 4 :) the 3rd lines, combines 2 cells the last line combine 4 cells do...

Embedding a table in a list in a report in iReport

I am trying to do something like this in iReport: Main Report of all schools in a district. Let's say, select * from schools where district_id = $P{dist_id} A list of teachers in each school (eg, select * from teachers where school_id = $P{school_id}, and school_idea is populated by the above.) A table of each student in each teacher...

Displaying Tabular Data In A WinForm?

I started with using a TableLayoutPanel, but when I have big tables, they are extremely sluggish. I'm looking for the responsiveness of an HTML table to display my data in. The only solution I currently have is to have my WinForm write and HTML table, and display it in an embedded browser. This obviously is a huge workaround, and I'd...

how to have data align to top of html table row

i have this html table where i have one cell in the table with rowSpan = 3. so in the first column, i have 3 rows with inputs and in the second column i have a picture showing to span all 3 columns. I am trying to figure out how the browser figured out how to vertically allocate spacing for each of the rows in the first column. I wan...

Grails iterating through database tables

As I'm a bit new to grails, I'm wondering how I can iterate through the current data i have saved in the database to check if the information already exists. For instance, lets say I have a domain class for Books and I create an action that automatically adds more books but I want to check if the book.title already exists so I don't add...