
Sliding options menu in tables

I'm having a hard time thinking how to word this one, so if it makes no sense, let me know. I have a table that looks something like this Name | Email | Phone John Doe | [email protected] | 555-5555 Jane Doe | [email protected] | 555-5555 Now lets say that every listed name is a link. When you click that link, an area appears ...

HTML5 autoscroll using dragNdrop on a scrollable table

I am using the scrollable table in I have added HTML5 drag and drop. Now I am try to autoscroll the table. I have a event listener ondragleave for the tbody. but I do not know the correct event when it drag leaves the tbody. I get many dragleave so it is hard for me to isolate the ti...

SELECT INTO a table variable in T-SQL

Got a complex SELECT query, from which I would like to insert all rows into a table variable, but T-SQL doesn't allow it. Along the same lines, you cannot use a table variable with SELECT INTO or INSERT EXEC queries. Short example: declare @userData TABLE( name varchar(30) NOT NULL, oldloca...

iphone: Transparent background for the Group Table Cell

For group table cell, I fall into this problem. cell.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor] make the cell bg black. It works for normal cell, not for group table cell. I want to add some button, e.g. like the detail view of iPhone contact with transparent background. ...

javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row?

using javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row? javascript (not jquery please) eg: second of where ID=id33322010100167 <table> <tr id="id33322010100167"> <td>20101001</td> <td>918</td> <td>919</td> <td>67</td> <td>CAR PROBLEM</td> </tr> <tr id="id33322010100169"> <td>20102001</td> <td>913</td> <td>914</td> <td>62</td> <t...

HTML+CSS Table, trouble setting borders

Hi all, I'm trying to make a Sudoku board online using an HTML Table and formatting it with CSS. Ideally the output would look like this image: The problem is I'm having trouble setting the borders properly. Below is the code for a single 3 by 3 box, it unfortunately isn't ou...

HTML table horizontal sizing issue

I'm sure this is an easy problem to solve, but I'm just not much of a html/css wizard yet! I have a table that I generate and the spec calls for there being a fixed header while allowing the body to be scrollable. The problem is, now the horizontal direction is scrollable also, which I don't want it to be. There is no reason it can't ...

table with div layers

I have a table inside a div 1. Then after that div 1 added another div 2 with position:relative; top:-250; so that div 2 layer will be right on top of the table. But now below the table there is a big space before anything on the page can resume displaying (I guess the second div 2 would have normally been without the -250 position ch...

Table putting words with spaces on different lines

I am trying to make a table in HTML. When I resize the window down to be narrow and the window tries to squash everything to fit inside the window even though it's narrow, it puts the contents of a cell on different lines. I don't want this to happen. E.g.: home about contact us when you narrow down the browser window: home ...

Assigning Each Primary Key Its Own Column

//Define your database settings. define('DB_HOST', ''); define('DB_PORT', ''); define('DB_USER', ''); define('DB_PASS', ''); define('DB_NAME', ''); $database = new MySQLi(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT); // Escape the id, incase it's a malicious input. $id = $database->real_escape_string($id); $sql = 'SELECT Brand.brand, ...

html table cells aren't uniform width in FF, fine in Chrome and IE8

I'm working on an app in ASP.NET MVC 2, and the output of the table looks the way I'd expect in Chrome and IE8: but this is how it looks in FF 3.6.8 it looks like this: I'm using javascript/jquery to add rows, this is the code: function onAddItem() { itemCount = itemCount + 1; var rowString = "<tr id=" + it...

Input values in table with spring

I have a component in Spring 3 form, that should store multiple int values in its input path. For that purpose I have created a table private int [] table and getters and setters. input path ="table"; It works kinda, but when I try to get table values and size, I get null pointer exception. I have former example which works, and it...

MySQL: how to prevent insertion of a row with all columns = NULL ?

In my MySQL table, every column by itself can be NULL, but there must be at least one column with a non-NULL value. At the moment, I am wrapping an insert statement in a stored procedure which prevents insertion of all-NULL rows, but that of course does not keep anyone from using native INSERT statements, circumventing my wrapper procedu...

oscommerce table width problem

Hello all, I'm altering a template for oscommerce. In this design, the checkbox column is too wide, I tried so much things and I'm not a total newbie on webdesign, but I am for php. Can someone tell me what to alter, so the first colums containing the checkbox in column (Verwijderen?) wi be smaller? For your convience, here is the ur...

Why do some of my table cells have more padding than others?

So I made a neat little photo gallery here at - Feel free to look around and take some of the wallpapers if you like, that's what it's there for. Anyways, the problem I'm having is that if you look very closely at the columns, the first and last ones have different amounts of padding from ...

python - Creating multiple lists within a single Main List - Matplotlib table

Hi I am having problems with creating a matplot lib table using python. The example i have been following : My data : I have two for loops where in the first For loop i get the Protocol Name and in the second for loop i get the module name. I need the data to...

html css question

How do you style a table with columns of data instead of rows? (or how do you build a table where the column headings relate to the row headings?)? ...

Where or what to edit to resize column in a table?

I wonder where and what I have to edit to make the first column in my oscommerce template (the one with the delete checkbox) smaller. I have spend 2 evenings try finding the data which van alter this column, at this point, everything failed. This is a link to the template I have, any help would be great. The link to the template is her...

Autosum and other calculations in word table - Mac

Is it possible to use bookmarks in calculations on Mac? I have the following working on word 2007 on PC: "=SUM(ABOVE)" <- and this cell have bookmark called "thesum" then in the cell under I have "=thesum * 0,25" <- this cell have a bookmark called "mva" then in the cell under again, I have "=mva+thesum" This works on PC but when I ...

Table padding using the MS Word COM object in PHP

Hi guys, I've got some code here that will create a basic table in a Word document using PHP, it creates the table and populates it just fine, but I really need to kinda shunt the table across so that the address (first box of the table) fits into a windowed envelope! $word->ActiveDocument->Tables->Add ( $word->Selection->Range, 1,...