
Is there a reason to use Base2 lengths for columns in SQL Server?

Possible Duplicates: varchar Fields - Is a Power of Two More Efficient? Nvarchar or varchar what is better use multiply of 2 or rounded full numbers?? Out of sheer habit I define the sizes of columns that I use in SQL Server to be Base2 sizes. For example, here's a table that I'm working on: ID int FirstName nvarchar(64) L...

Two levels of rows in a HTML table with fixed width <thead>?

I have a table with fixed width columns: <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Hours</th> <th>Rate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:100px"></td> ...

cannot return datable

public DataTable ExcelToDatatable_dt1 { get { foreach (GridViewRow rowItem in GridView1.Rows) { CheckBox chk; // gets the Debit Reference number for each row checked string productId = GridView1.DataKeys[rowItem.RowIndex].Value....

How to dynamically add radiobuttons, texboxes, and buttons in a Table by code?

Hi Everyone, I am trying to dynamically create a table with radiobuttons, textboxes and buttons on each rows uniquely depending on the question to the left of the TableRow with two TableCells. So far, I was able to add the questions to the left of the TableRow. Now, I am having a hard time filling out the right side of it. Can someone...

problem in sorting image-wise

Hi there, I have a table in which there are fields like user name, name, age, activity. In this if new user is added then an image is shown beside that user name. Until now sorting was done by activity by default, but I want all the newly added users to be shown first in the table by default, how can i sort in this case? Any hint? ...

How to use asp:placeholder inside a repeater

I have a HTML table that is built with a repeater. Sometimes the table has 5 rows, sometimes it has 8 rows. It was easy to add the header rows. <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="additionalHeaderColumns" /> In code behind I added controls (htmlheadercells) to the contentholder: Dim tableHeaderCell As New TableHeaderCell() ...

SQL Query for finding a unique Item in one of many tables

I have the need to search for an item that exists in one of many (~20) tables I can safely assume that the item only exists in one of the tables, all tables contains an index with the same column name and value type. Tables vary in on of their columns, containing one of a few possible value types (int, string, binary. etc.) What would ...

Show/Hide child table(html) on selection radio button in master table

Hi all, I have requirement where on selecting radio button in the main table a child table has to appear below. Can anyone help me......pls. thx. ...

CSS Horizontal Menu alignment problem in a cell....

i have a CSS Horizontal Menu in a table cell. I have set the cell's alignment to align=right.. and the CSS Menu is in that cell but it not right aligned... see the code HERE... i want to make this menu right aligned ...

How should I design an data table that has six or more variables?

The situation is akin to the following: Assume I am a store selling fruits, I would like to record the costs of each type of fruit. Assume the customer has specific tastes, and they can differenciate everything. A fruit can be an orange, apple, pear, or peach It could be n days fresh from the vendor The fruits come from different cou...

When is it more appropriate to use DIV instead of TABLE, and vice-versa?

Hey, I've noticed a variation of convention when it comes to using DIV tags instead of TABLE to separate/organize content on a web-page. In what situation is one more appropriate to use than the other? Clarification: This question is both general, and specific in that I'm mainly looking for which would be more ideal for page layout. T...

Height of table needs to be same height as panel

In both IE8 and Firefox I am experiencing the following: I have a panel that is 30px in height, within this panel I have a single row table with 30px in height. When it displays on the browser window the table does not fill the height of the panel (there is a small amount of the panel showing on the top and bottom. How do I correct this...

Pushing a lua table

I have created a lua table in C, but i'm not sure how to push that table onto the top of a stack so I can pass it to a lua function. Does anyone know how to do this? This is my current code: lua_createtable(state, libraries.size(), 0); int table_index = lua_gettop(state); for (int i = 0; i < libraries.size(); i++) { lua_pushstring...

Divide the width between the table elements evenly

I am trying to make a table to display something like this: ________ |__|__|__| |__|__|__| All boxes need to be split evenly, and the middle box in the bottom row will have a very large image that will be forced into a smaller size. This is my current XML layout, but I wind up with a layout like this: ________ |_|____|_| |_|____|_|...

Database table PK question

I have a table where I store comments for user users. I will have 100 Million+ comments. 2 ways I can create it: Option 1: user name and comment id as PK. That way all comments are stored physically by user name and comment id. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Comments]( [user] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [com_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,...

generating and displaying dynamic tables in adobe flex / flash / AIR

All, I have a adobe AIR application. In the app, I need to be able to create dynamic tables where I can display images and text. Dynamic in the sense that data in the table can be added, removed, modified, and table that is displayed changes to reflect the modifications. For example, the table contains 3 rows and columns, where there is...

Should I add total count in a the main relational table

I'm doing something different but this is an easier to understand example. Think of the votes here. I add these votes to a separate table and log information about them like by who, when and so on. Would you also add a field to the main table that simply counts the number of votes or is this bad practice. ...

jQuery Tablesorter Static Rows

I've been struggling to find an answer to this question. That is, how would I have a static row that doesn't sort or move up and down? The reason for this is to have repeated headers in a very large table. The multiple headers Would anyone be able to help? $("#dataTable").tablesorter({ sortL...

Simple Table CSS Problem

Hi everyone! I have a issue with a table. I want just a border-bottom to be set and I wanted to have no gaps in between the td's, my css looks like this: #questions td { padding: 10px; border-bottom: solid thin black; } questions is the id of my table. I've tried setting the border bottom of the tr but this seems to do nothin...

Center Form Dynamically Add Elements Remain Center?

I have a basic HTML form that I am centering. I am using jQuery plugin to dynamically validate that the fields are required. When it adds the "Field is required" message after the text box, it causes the form/table to shift due to the fact that it is in a table. This makes sense. The question I have is what is the best way to keep th...