
putting records in new table that don't have 6 or more different addresses for same name - Microsoft Access

Hey all, If the names repeated is more than 6 and there are six different addresses for that same name, then I don't want to output them to the KeepThese table: harry baker 1 street harry baker 2 street harry baker 3 street harry baker 4 street harry baker 5 street harry baker 6 street donald ross 11th street So harry baker should be...

R - iterate over a table?

Hi, I have two tables. Both are read using the read.table() function. Table 1 A B C S1 1 1 0 S2 2 0 NA S3 0 2 1 Table 2 Pa Pb Pc G1 0.12 0.65 0.001 G2 0.34 0.82 0.03 G3 0.2 0.64 0.87 I need to iterate over both tables. Specifically, I need to iterate over table one column-wise an...

Create a HTML table where each TR is a FORM

Hi, I'm trying to create a table where each row is a form. I want that each input is in a different table division, but I still need that for example, all first inputs belong to the same table head and so on. What I'm trying to do is an editable grid. I dunno if I've explained myself, more or less this: <table> <tr> <form...

Aligning items with jquery

I'm building a scheduling system for my work, and it's set up to be a two column page - one column for the nav bar, and the next column for the data. I'm using some jquery to have it automatically format the column widths depending on the size of the user's screen. For some reason the size of the columns in my header table are differen...

Selenium, xpath to match a table row containing multiple elements

I'm trying to find a Selenium/PHP XPath for matching a table row that contains multiple elements (text, and form elements) example: <table class="foo"> <tr> <td>Car</td><td>123</td><td><input type="submit" name="s1" value="go"></td> </tr> </table> This works for a single text element: $this->isElementPresent( "//table/tbody/...

Javascript select elements

How can I select all of the check boxes from a table column by knowing the column index? LE: This needs to be addressed in plain javascript, not jquery ...

Jquery remove table row not working

Basically is to click button to generate table row, then click minus button to remove row. I have tried it with a few ways below, non of it work. -.bind -normal way It seems like it is not working due to the table is generated dynamically. <script language="JavaScript" src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> ...

How do I get around not being able to parse a table name into a python sqlite query?

I have a python3 program that I'm making which uses a sqlite database with several tables, I want to create a selector module to allow me to chose which table to pull data from. I have found out that I can't use paramater substitution for a table name as shown bellow, so I'm looking for some alternative methods to accomplish this. c.ex...

How to create a drop down menu with a table?

I'm trying to create a drop down menu similar to what you would see with a 'ul'. The difference being I want to do it with a table. When the page loads I have td's with their 'display' attribute equal to 'none'. This hides the td for me. The problem is in the javascript below. function displayMenuOptions() { var _1 = do...

asp:Textbox within asp:table

Hi All, I am trying to pass a SqlParameter to a SqlDataSource. The SqlDataSource has a condition ...Where A.PERS_LNAME = @PERS_LNAME Now coming to configuring SqlDataSource, I click on 'Configure Data Source' and reach till the 'Define Parameters' step. I selected 'Parameter Source' = Control, but I don't see the <asp:Table>'s ID's ...

SQL query: list all items in one table that do not appear in another table

I'm working on a training tracker program and I'm at a point where I cant figure out the SQL query. I have 3 tables: employees, trainingRecords, masterList. employees and trainingRecords are related through the empID fkey. trainingRecords and masterList are related through the TID fkey. Right now the training records table is bla...

How to add a sequence of classes to three objects in one

I need to add: an ID to the table in my form a numbered sequence of classes to a certain amount of TD's in every next TR in that table (three td's in this case) I've got next html-model: <form id="myform"> <table> <tr> <td>some text</td> <td>some text</td> <td>some text</td> </tr> <tr> <td>some text</td> <td>some text</t...

DB Design question regarding intersections

Of these two designs for a crossroad database #Street street_id | street_nm #Crossing crossing_id | x | y | street_id_1 | street_id_2 VS #Street street_id | street_nm #Crossing crossing_id | x | y #street crossing relationship street_id | crossing_id Assuming every crossing has only exactly two roads, is there a reason why one wou...

How to display a table (rows and columns of data) in an iPhone native app?

I want to display a table like the following in an iPhone app ` Recommendations History Current 1 Month Ago 2 Months Ago 3 Months Ago Strong Buy 29 27 27 26 Moderate Buy 5 4 4 4 Hold 3 4 3 3 Modera...

tableview [cell.contentview viewwithtag:] is returning nil

I have a tableview with four sections first section has 7 rows in that first six rows has a textfield and the last row has two textfields Section 1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t1 t2 section 2 t1 t2 t1 t2 // second row textfields are placed in fourth rows t1 t2 t1 t2 // fourth row textfields are placed in someother rows t1...

alternating colors in table in jsp using css

Possible Duplicates: How to alternate HTML table row colors using JSP? Table row - Giving alternate colors can any one provide basic code for dynamically adding rows in a table with alternate colors using css in jsp file kindly provide this code ...

Customize WordPress comment post query

Hello! I am trying to extend the functionality of the comments in a WordPress install. I read allusion to an elusive 'custom comment type' functionality, but could not find any information. Instead, I was thinking that I would add a custom column ' to the 'comments' database table. That's the easy part. What I have no clue how to do is t...

How do I link h-scroll, of a table header, with the h-scroll of a table body, without linking the v-scroll of the table body, with the table header?

Hi all, Basically, what I would like is a fixed header, frozen pane, table, such as, However, his tables have one key weakness. The header will not scroll horizontally with a body. Here is a sample, based off the link above. However, the header clearly does not scroll left and right ...

Get data only from html table used preg_match_all in php

Hi everybody, I have a html table like this : <table ... > <tbody ... > <tr ... > <td ...> string... </td> <td ...> string... </td> <td ...> string... </td> <td ...> ...

jQuery clickable row

Hi, I have a table, representing a calendar, that can expand and collapse table rows. <tr class="parent" id="month1"> <th class="subheader">Januari</th> <th></th><th></th> </tr> <tr class="row child-month1" id="day-1"> <td class="date"> 1 januari 2010</td> <td>Bedrag </td> <td>-817.0 </td> </tr> <tr class=...