
How do you arrange items in a table layout in SilverLight?

SO I am stumped. I've got a collection of items that I'm binding to an ItemsControl and would like them arranged as a grid rather than strictly vertically or horizontally. All of the examples I've used in WPF are not supported in Silverlight like using the ItemContainerStyle or SharedSizeGroup and the Silverlight toolkit WrapPanel does n...

How to hide a group of td elements?

I am making a dynamic form using table. My table was like below. <table border="1"> <tr> <td>A Label Name</td> <td>:</td> <td colspan="4"><!-- Input text --></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Category</td> <td>:</td> <td colspan="4"><!-- Select Option value: { both, group 1, group 2 } --></t...

SQLite issue with Table Names using numbers?

Hello, I'm developing an app which requires that the user selects a year formatted like this 1992-1993 from a spinner. The tablename is also named 1992-1993 and the idea is that using SQL the values from this table are pulled through with a statement like this select * from 1992-1993. When I run the emulator however, it throws an error....

List of database table types and security permissions?

I can't find any list for the various table types and if possible the basic default 'good practice' security permissions for tables types. I am referring to a complete list like this: The above list has few general but not in depth like Look...

Examples of HTML Table usage

I'm relatively new with HTML and am creating a website that plans to use a list comparable to the Windows Explorer 'Show as Details' option. I'm sure tables have this ability and are even made to implement exactly that however playing around with them I can't seem to get them to work as I'd expect. Google then fails to give me any good...

Sending HTML mail through PHP - strange rendering

I have a simple table: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:600px"> <tr> <td style="width:100px; padding:5px; border:1px solid #444">E-mail</td> <td style="width:500px; padding:5px; border:1px solid #444">[email protected]</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:100px; padding:5px; border:1px solid #444">Message</td> ...

Tbody scroll wont work in IE8 due to style.setExpression

My HTML and code: function ScrollableTable (tableEl, tableHeight, tableWidth) { tableHeight = tableHeight * screen.width * 0.01; this.initIEengine = function () { = 'auto'; if (this.tableEl.parentElement.clientHeight - this.tableEl.offsetHeight = (this.newHeight - (headHeight + footHe...

HTML table with fixed headers and a fixed first column for the iPhone

All, I'm working on a web app that's optimized for an iPhone. On one of the pages, I'll have a table with hundreds of rows, and dozens of columns. I'd like to have it work so that the first column is fixed (remains visible) as the user scrolls to the right, and the headers are fixed as the user scrolls down (i.e., like "freeze panes" ...

How to create thead and tbody in ASP.NET Table ?

How to create thead and tbody in ASP.NET Table ? I need those tags because of jquery and gives me only tr, th and td. ...

Android table with columns with text and color elements

Hi, I want to create a table layout in android. It should look a bit like the calendar on my HTC Desire with HTC Sense. What I want is a 4 rows: 1: Small area with a specific color (color read from database, dynamic) 2: Text 3: Text 4: text I have successfully created some tables out of a list view, by creating a list_item.xml where ...

Display: Table-cell not setting height constantly xbrowser (ie8 table bug)

So I'm setting up a page with a bunch of dynamic content. I'm organizing this within a table. There are three rows, each with a single cell. The top part works as a fixed header, since I've set the top cell's height. The bottom cell works as a footer, since it also has a static height. The table's total height is set to 100% and the midd...

Dynamically changing a table cell background color in aspx

I have the following table row on my .aspx page. Initial Requirements:     <ItemTemplate> <td valign="bottom" id="ReqStatus" runat="server" style="background-color: Gray"> <%#ReqStatus(CType(CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row, DataSet1.DataTable1Row))%> ...

Is it safe to omit </TD> and </TR> tags?

According to w3c </TD> and </TR> tags are optional, so the following table is perfectly valid. <table> <tr> <td>google <td>chrome </table> And all browsers I've tested it with render the table fine. I just wanted to ask if this is generally considered safe to use, or if older browsers, which I don't have access to, cause pro...

How to append rows to a table when the last row is visible in the browser?

Some sites have tables which appends rows when you scroll the browser so that the bottom of the table is visible. Guess it's something like this: jQuery detects that the end of the table is visible in the browser $.getJSON is used to fetch the next rows from the server the rows are appended. Questions: How do I detect that the las...

Display:table for IE7 ?

Hi I've a several columns in css, with float:left property to align them horizontally. But as it float in the left side, i can't center all the divs. So i found that if i wrap my columns with another div with display:table property, all works perfectly... but not in IE7 (idd, this property is not supported -.-). does anybody has a ha...

achieve table cell effect with floated divs

If I try to apply min-width, max-width to a floating div so that it expands to max-width when the right content is hidden does not work. But, if I use table and 2 td's in it. The left td will expand to 100% if the right td is hidden. Can I achieve this table effect with floated divs ? ...

Find Minimum Value in a Column

I have an HTML table column containing integers. What's the most efficient way to get the minimum value using JavaScript or JQuery? ...

Structuring a recipe database

I'm working on building a database that will search for recipes by ingredients. For example, I think I plan on populating the database with types of ingredients that are accepted, but I don't want to have to parse the string which includes all the ingredients in a particular recipe. I was thinking of making just like an list of acceptab...

Moving an id from cell to relative cell in a table using jQuery.

I want to "move" an id from one cell in a table to a relative cell in the table. To simplify things, let's say I have this: <tr><td></td><td id='a'></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> One of the cells has id='a' but I don't know which it will be. I simply want to make the one to the right of it have id='a'. Getting the cell with i...

How to reuse Cucumber step definition with a table for the last parameter?

This code: Then %{I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid: | Name | | #{name} |} And this one: Then "I should see the following data in the \"Feeds\" data grid: | Name | | #{name} |" And this: Then "I ...