
Alternatives to using delays when automatically testing an AJAX web UI

I will soon be working on AJAX driven web pages that have a lot of content generated from a Web Service (WCF). I've tested this sort of thing in the past (and found it easy) but not with this level of dynamic content. I'm developing in .NET 3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I envisage this testing in: TestDriven.NET MBUnit (this is not ...

Playground Projects

When I am unsure about some thing for a project, I usually use a small separate project and make it my playground for things need to be tested. How do you do that ? ...

What do you do with a developer who does not test his code?

One of our developers is continually writing code and putting it into version control without testing it. The quality of our code is suffering as a result. Besides getting rid of the developer, how can I solve this problem? EDIT I have talked to him about it number of times and even given him written warning ...

Replacing QuickTest Professional (QTP) -- I need a tool to test Java Applications

Right now, I'm testing a Java Application with QTP (really expensive software). I decided to move my web application testing to Selenium (using Java) and I was wondering if there were any other good tools to test my Java Application or if there are some libraries that tell allow me to click/type into Java Applications like Selenium doe...

How can I simulate ext3 filesystem corruption?

I would like to simulate filesystem corruption for the purpose of testing how our embedded systems react to it and ultimately have them fail as gracefully as possible. We use different kinds of block device emulated flash storage for data which is modified often and unsuitable for storage in NAND/NOR. Since I have a pretty good idea of ...

Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java

I'm trying to write an automated test of an application that basically translates a custom message format into an XML message and sends it out the other end. I've got a good set of input/output message pairs so all I need to do is send the input messages in and listen for the XML message to come out the other end. When it comes time to...

What is the single best open source automation tool for functional web testing

I wanted to check out a new open source tool for automated testing of a website. I prefer multi-browser support, even multi-platform. ...

Unit testing in flex

Are there any unit testing solutions for Flex? or actionscript 3? If so, what are their features? Any UI testing abilities? Functional testing? Any pointers, examples, libraries or tools that you can share? ...

How do I access a MessageBox with white?

I have a simple message box in a WPF application that is launched as below: private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Howdy", "Howdy"); } I can get white to click my button and launch the message box. UISpy shows it as a child of my window I couldn't work out the method to access it. How do ...

How do you run a single test/spec file in RSpec?

I want to be able to run a single spec file's tests for the one file I'm editing, for example. rake spec executes all the specs. My project is not a Rails project, so rake spec:doc doesn't work. Don't know if this matters, but here is my directory structure. ./Rakefile ./lib ./lib/cushion.rb ./lib/cushion ./lib/cushion/doc.rb ./lib/...

What do you use to test your browser extension / BHO?

What are the best approaches / tools to test browser extensions? In my case I work on an IE Browser Helper Object (C#) which has a small UI of its own and a good deal of database interaction. Up till now we've used automated unit tests for testing our model/business objects but manual testing for the UI/scenario testing. I'm thinking of...

Can you recommend Peformance Analysis tools for PHP?

Can anyone recommend some useful performance analysis tools for PHP scripts? Anything that could help me find problematic or unusually slow blocks of code, details about execution time, etc. would be really helpful. I know there are tools out there, but I'm wondering what people recommend as being the most useful and well-designed. ...

How to test web-apps on mobile for free without wlan?

I tried GNUBOX which use bluetooth to connect to my computer then to the internet. It's very painful to set up (under windows more than under linux, but it's still painful, it works 1 time on 3). I own a Nokia 6630 so there is no WLAN support. Is there any emulator? I'd need to know something like max width, max height ect... usability...

How to compare two PDF files?

I need to compare large count of PDF files for it optical content. Because the PDF files was created on different platforms and with different versions of the software there are structural differences. For example: the chunking of text can be different the write order can be different the position can be differ some pixels It should ...

Open source or free testing solution

Hi, Is there a open source or free suite that can integrate testcases, tests, bugs and possibly the fixes(source code) together. Maintaining the requirements in this system is not a necessity (though, it would be nice to enter a requirement id for each testcase in a custom field). We are a small organization and cannot afford something...

Database under source control again!

We use MS SQL Server and C#. Our database is under sourse control and I will tell you some details of our implementation. We had implemented two operations: Export database to plain-text files. Database schema files: tables.sql relationships.sql views.sql ... and table contents files: Data/table1.txt Data/table2.txt ... It is easy to ...

How to be successful in web user interface testing ?

We are setting up a Selenium test campaign on a big web application. The first thing we've done was to build a framework which initialize SQL data in database before the test, launch the test, archive results and then clear data. We've integrate that in a Maven 2 process, run every day by TeamCity on a dedicated database. We've set up ...

How do you solicit testers for an open source project?

In order to improve my open source project, I need testers. I have created my project independently, so up to now I have been the sole coder and tester. I have tested the thing to death, but as we all know it is dangerous as a developer to test your own code. I'm looking for ideas on how I can get some other eyes to exercise it. To c...

How to stress-test video streaming server?

Does anyone know any good tool that I can use to perform stress tests on a video streaming server? I need to test how well my server handles 5,000+ connections. ...

What tools are available for TDDD (Test Driven Database Development)?

About a year ago, I picked up Scott Ambler's Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design. I was won over to the idea that just as you can develop your code with TDD, you probably should be covering your databases with unit tests (at least) or even writing database tests before you make a change to the schema so you do database wo...