Hypothetically, I have a Room model that belongs to a Building model. Buildings has a has_many relationship with categories.
I'm trying to figure out how to index the Room model so that a search for category_id = 1 will return any room, in any building that happens to have that category assigned to it. Again, a building can have multi...
I'm encountering strange behaviour from thinking_sphinx/sphinx.
My define_index block is about 100 lines, so quite a lot of columns i'm indexing. For full-text searching I only need about 10 attributes, for sorting and filtering I have another approximately 50 columns, mostly floats and integers.
By filtering I mean using the "with" or...
I have tables boards, users, joins, and roles. The joins table defines the association a user has to a board, as well as the role that user has on that board. I'm trying to either get all of a user's boards at once with a way to differentiate what role a user has on each board, or make three separate calls to get boards that a user is a ...
I have a products model set up that I am trying to search with Thinking Sphinx. The model has an attribute called status which can be Active, Not active or Active during specified dates.
I would like to be able to restrict my search results to products that are active. I.e. has status of active or has status of active during dates and ...
I have a index set up so I can facet on category ids, as following:
has categorizings.category_id, :type => :multi, :facet => true
When I do a query like Listing.facets, I get the correct results in a hash, with each category_id pointing at its count. :)
The only problem is Thinking Sphinx runs a database qu...
I'm not exactly sure where the problem I'm running into is occurring. When I run the deploy task the rake thinking_sphinx:configure works fine, but then when it tries to index it this error occurs:
ERROR: index 'board_core': column 6 has no name.
ERROR: index 'board_delta': column 6 has no name.
...and so on for all of my indexes and ...
I created a config/sphinx.yml file with the line:
morphology: stem_en
After running rake ts:config, it doesn't seem to have changed development.sphinx.conf, and following a rebuild, searching for "dawg" doesn't match "dawgs".
How can I get this to work?
I'm using the sphinx search engine with the thinking sphinx plugin for rails.
I have a job model with a title attribute that is indexed by sphinx. I'd like to search across multiple jobs and capture any that match 1 or more keywords.
For instance...
Job.search("rails, django, symfony")
...and get an array of job objects with the f...
My socket file is located here:
When I do:
rake thinking_sphinx:start
I get:
rake aborted!
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
I want to tell thinking_sphinx where my socket file is. How is this possible? This issue appeared after performing a hard reboot of my sl...
I know a very, very similar question has been asked before. The hackish solution to that question doesn't work if I want to chain in more scopes, so I'm asking again here, with a bit more information as to where the issue is coming from.
# Relevant code only...
class Publication < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :issues
has_many :a...
I have a model:
class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
define_index do
indexes title, :sortable => true
indexes body
indexes tags(:name), :as => :tag_name
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :join_table => 'topic_tags', :order => 'tags.name asc'
When I run:
rake ts:rebuild
I get:
sql_range_query: Unknown column...
Im using the gem for thinking sphinx:
sudo gem install freelancing-god-thinking-sphinx \
--source http://gems.github.com
require 'vendor/plugins/thinking-sphinx/recipes/thinking_sphinx'
Which is prescribed on the website does not work.
How do I include the capistrano thinking sphinx tasks in my deploy.rb file when using th...
I am having many products with many categories which are associated with has_many using memberships.
I am trying to create a search box where any one can search products while also filter their search with a category dropdown (so only products with relevant categories can be retrieved).
The thinking_sphinx index is in Product model
I d...
With these associations only the magnification results returns the correct results, but when I try and search for the second association it will return 0 results.
has_one :magnification,
:class_name => 'ProductAttribute',
:foreign_key => 'product_id',
:conditions => {:key => 'Magnification'}
has_one :objective_lens,
:class_name ...
in the product i'm developing, i have a Message model.
Message can be restricted to groups, or not restricted (available to
If user belongs to one of Message's groups OR message is not
restricted, user can see the message.
here is the query selecting visible messages (in hope that it can
clarify what i mean)
(2,3,4,5,6,1) ...
Here's what I've determined:
Delta indexing works fine in development
Delta indexing does not work when I push to the production server, and no action is logged in searchd.log
I'm running Phusion Passenger, and, as recommended in the basic troubleshooting guide, have confirmed that:
www-data has permission to run indexing rake tasks (...
Memcached, Rails 2.2.2 + cache_money, Sphinx + thinking sphinx
The following yields stale results:
- add a record; mysql contains the correct data
- the record is probably cached in memory at this point
- re-index sphinx
- sphinx returns the proper result with the correct data
- edit the record
- the cache is invalidated p...
I'm working on setting up a production server using CentOS 5.3, Apache, and Phusion Passenger (mod_rails). I have an app that uses the Sphinx search engine and the Thinking Sphinx gem.
According to the Thinking Sphinx docs...
If you actually want to search against
the indexed data, then you’ll need
Sphinx’s searchd daemon to be ...
I've been reading up on the Sphinx search engine and the Thinking Sphinx gem. In the TS docs it says...
Sphinx has one major limitation when compared to a lot of other search services: you cannot update the fields [of] a single document in an index, but have to re-process all the data for that index.
If I understand correctly, that...
Every-time I create or update a model in my Rails app, the following output occurs from Sphinx:
Sphinx (r1533)
Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Andrew
using config file
indexing index 'ad_delta'... collected
17 docs, ...