
How do I start Thinking Sphinx delayed delta rake task from deploy script?

Hi I have Thinking Sphinx setup and working however I am having a problem getting the Delayed Job rake tasks to start during deployment. I have the following task in deploy.rb which appears to execute, however the delayed jobs are not processed - they stack up until I run rake ts:dd from the server command line: namespace :thinkingsp...

Thinking Sphinx - Foreign key with different type - Association problem

Hello, I have two tables on mysql: users, and management. The users table has a numeric id, and the management table has a varchar foreign key which is the primary key of the other table. The types are not the same, and this seems to be the main problem when I build an index from the User model, and try to include one column from the ma...

MVA attributes in Sphinx

Can anybody help me understand the expected format of data for creating MVA (multi-value) attributes in Sphinx? I have a MySQL function which returns a row of comma-separated integers, collated with GROUP_CONCAT, as a blob. I have two further MVA attributes which collate the results of a JOIN statement, with GROUP_CONCAT, as a blob (as ...

Unique keys for Sphinx along three vectors instead of two

I'm trying to implement thinking-sphinx across multiple 'sites' hosted under a single rails application. I'm working with the developer of thinking-sphinx to sort through the finer details and am making good progress, but I need help with a maths problem: Usually the formula for making a unique ID in a thinking-sphinx search index is to...

Prioritize fields which start with search term using Sphinx (Thinking Sphinx) - or another full-text search engine.

I'm using sphinx and thinking sphinx to search a customer database. The customer metadata (emails, tels etc) are spread across multiple tables and sphinx indexes all notes on customers etc etc. The problem I'm having is that I want text fields which START with the search term to be displayed first in searches. i.e. a search for "hods" sh...

Thinking Sphinx Not Recognizing "set_property :min_prefix_len"?

I've been trying to get Thinking Sphinx for Ruby to handle prefixes and/or star, and every time i generate a new configuration file, it seems to ignore it. Here's the line I added: define_index do [... Stuff ...] set_property :min_prefix_len => 1 end And then I run: rake ts:config rake ts:in rake ts:run And nothing new. I ...

Rails, Thinking_sphinx, Delta Index

Hi, I'm using thinking_sphinx and am delta indexing a model. The delta index works but there is small bug. When I create a new product it is index. However, when I update that product it is not getting index right away. I have to update or create a new product before that old updated product is indexed. Not quite sure where to start. ...

Thinking Sphinx not indexing newly added records

I am using sphinx to search on 2 models along with their associations. I am using delta indexing. Things work fine on my dev box in dev mode (Ubuntu). However, on staging box production env, when I create new records, I need to build the index again in order to make the newly created records searchable. Even weird is that when I create r...

Problem to run Sphinx on Ruby on Rails 2.3.2

Hi, Yesterday I was trying to install Sphinx for full-text search on Windows 7. So, I followed their website's installation steps. Once I installed its windows service, I ran the indexer and then the test search against my app database and it worked great. Then, I wanted to make it work on Ruby on Rails 2.3.2, so I downloaded and insta...

Spanish accents in Sphinx searches

Hi, I've just included thinking-sphinx on Ruby-on-rails and I wanted to know how and where I must config the chartset_table so if I search some word with an accent, it returns results as if the word didn't have the accent. EDIT: This is my Sphinx.yml config file. Please let me know if there's something wrong with it: development: ...

How to add conditions to thinking-sphinx search?

Hi, I've recently installed thinking-sphinx on my ruby on rails app. As first sight, everything works great, I can search words and it will find them. Now, when I try to add some filters(such as, for example, provinces, categories, etc) using: 'hello' :conditions => 'category_id=1' for example, it will throw me the foll...

Sphinx - When to use 'has' and 'indexes' for fields

Hi, I installed Sphinx and Thinking-Sphinx some days ago on my ruby on rails 2.3.2, and basic searching works great. This means, without any conditions. Now, I want to filter the search with some conditions. I have the Announcement model, and the index looks as follows: define_index do indexes title, :as => :title, :sortable => ...

Need help with a SQL join in Rails

I have a table Blog belongs to User through user_id. I'm using thinking sphinx to index the blog, but I only want it to index blogs where the user is currently active (user.status = User::ACTIVE). I have the code below for creating the index, but I know the 'where' clause is wrong. What should it be? define_index do indexes title ...

Sphinx on Webfaction for Rails

I'm looking to install Sphinx and thinking_sphinx on my basic shared hosting plan at webfaction so I can properly deploy my rails app. I'm positive webfaction supports this under my plan. I'm not anything near a linux guru in terms of skill level, but I know the basics. How can I install Sphinx on my shared host without having sudo priv...

Thinking Sphinx and acts_as_taggable_on plugin

Hi, I installed Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx for ruby on rails 2.3.2. When I search without conditions search works ok. Now, what I'd like to do is filter by tags, so, as I'm using the acts_as_taggable_on plugin, my Announcement model looks like this: class Announcement < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :tags,:category defi...

Thinking Sphinx - Search filter not working

Hi, I installed Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx on ruby-on-rails 2.3.2 and on Windows 7 pc. First of all, if I run rake ts:start, it won't start at all. It keep saying "Starting..." and it never starts. Even though, the simple search(with no filtering nor conditions) works fine. When I try to add a filter, it won't return any record. My mo...

Index a boolean field as a string in sphinx

I have a Ruby on Rails site that uses thinking sphinx for searching a postgres database. One of the fields in a table I am searching on is a boolean. I'd like to be able to match on that boolean when a certain keyword is used in the search query. To fully explain with an example: My site is for people who develop their own black and wh...

Ignoring apostrophes in sphinx indexes

In my sphinx config file, I have the following: ignore_chars: "U+0027" charset_table: "0..9, a..z, _, A..Z->a..z, U+00C0->a, U+00C1->a, U+00C2->a, U+00C3->a, U+00C4->a, U+00C5->a, U+00C7->c, U+00C8->e, U+00C9->e, U+00CA->e, U+00CB->e, U+00CC->i, U+00CD->i, U+00CE->i [SNIP]" (The charset_table entry is from here:

What am I doing wrong for Sphinx to fail to start during cap deploy?

Hello All, I'm struggling to get Sphinx back up and running after deploying a rails app to my VPS. Specifically, I'm thrown this error: ** [out ::] => Mixing in Lockdown version: 1.6.4 ** [out ::] ** [out ::] Failed to start searchd daemon. Check /var/www/myapp/releases/20100227224936/log/searchd.log. ** ...

Thinking sphinx/mysql for non text search

Hi Where I have a search which has a category (foreign key) and optional text, should I use thinking sphinx to "search" where a search string has not been submitted, solely the category? ...