I'm trying to get Thinking Sphinx to work in test mode in Rails. Basically this:
freezes and never comes back.
My test and devel configuration is the same for test and devel:
dry_setting: &dry_setting
adapter: mysql
host: localhost
encoding: utf8
username: rails
I can use the following to group results, but it only returns one result per group.
@results = Model.search params[:search_query],
:group_by => 'created_at',
:group_function => :day,
:page => params[:page],
:per_page =>...
Hello everyone:
How can I use sphinx to search french words which the entries in the db is actually english?
The situation is:
I have a ROR project with a table in the db called "categories", and the category names are in english, category has many "question" entries.
In localization file config/locals/fr.yml, these categories were t...
Hello everyone:
I have a ROR Project with db structure like this:
class Business
has_many :business_categories,
:include => :business,
:conditions => ["businesses.version = business_categories.version"]
has_many :categories, :through => :business_categories, :source => :category
class Category
has_many :business_cate...
According to the Thinking Sphinx docs...
Turning on delta indexing does not
remove the need for regularly running
a full re-index ...
So I set up this cron job...
50 10 * * * cd /var/www/my_app/current
&& /opt/ruby/bin/rake thinking_sphinx:index RAILS_ENV=production
>> /var/www/my_app/current/log/reindexing.log 2>&1
I have a note table with columns:
title :string
content :text
rating :integer
and a thinking_sphinx configuration:
define_index do
indexes :title, :sortable => true
indexes :content
Then I can search the notes and assign weights to title and content to define the order or the result:
Note.search "abc", :match_mode...
I generally use will_paginate for the pagination in my app, but have hit a stumbler on my search feature. I'm using Thinking Sphinx for doing my full-text search, which returns results paginated. The problem I'm having is that after I've received the results from Thinking Sphinx, I need to merge them with some other results and r...
I have 2 models User and Discussion. I have defined the indices for the models as below:
For the User model:
define_index do
indexes email
indexes first_name
indexes last_name, :sortable => true
indexes groups(:name), :as => :group_names
has "IF(email_confirmed = true and status = 'approved', true, false)", :as => :approved_user, :typ...
I'm using Sphinx through Thinking Sphinx in a Ruby on Rails project. When I create seed data and all the time, it's quite verbose, printing this:
using config file '/Users/pupeno/projectx/config/development.sphinx.conf'...
indexing index 'user_delta'...
collected 7 docs, 0.0 MB
collected 0 attr values
sorted 0.0 Mvalues, 100.0% done
Does someone know if there is a way to get the raw relevance or similarity score between a query and a result when using sphinx in general or thinking-sphinx as a wrapper? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm building an application where I have products and categories. Category has_many properties and each property has a list of possible values. After a category is set to the product all properties show up in the form and the user can set that property to one of the properties possible values.
My question is:
Is it possible for Th...
I have a "restaurants" table with a "name" column. I've defined the following index:
indexes "REPLACE(UPPER(restaurants.name), 'THE ', '')", :as => :restaurant_name, :sortable => true
... because I want to sort the restaurant names without respect to the prefix "The ".
My problem is that whenever one of these records is updated (in ...
I just installed Sphinx (distro: archlinux) downloading the source. Then I installed "Thinking Sphinx" plugin for Rails.
I followed the official page setup and this Screencast from Ryan Bates, but when I try to index the models it gives me this error:
$ rake thinking_sphinx:index
(in /home/benoror/Dropbox/Proyectos/cotizahoy)
Hi, anybody, please, help me with Thinking_sphinx configuration.
I have table profile1, which has_one profile2 and profile3.
So i just need to index them both, but i can't.
I tried
indexes name
indexes profile2(:name), :as => :profile2_name
indexes profile3(:name), :as => :profile3_name
has id
What i m doing wrong?
I want to sort by expression, then by some attribute ascending, then by another attribute ascending. Something like this: :order => "(a < some constant) desc, b asc, c asc". How to get it?
Extended sorting refuses to work because of <. Expr fails because of commas.
I have managed to produce sorting equivalent to :order => "(a < some co...
In my web app I need to perform 3 types of searching on items table with the following conditions:
items.is_public = 1 (use title field for indexing) - a lot of results can be retrieved(cardinality is much higher than in other cases)
items.category_id = {X} (use title + private_notes fields for indexing) - usually less than 100 results...
Note: I'm having a hard time explaining this, so please ask questions and I'll try to refine the problem as much as possible.
Assuming I have the following category structure:
- Planets
- Earth
- Mars
And the following items/categories (nevermind that some of them don't logically make sense):
- Item #1
- Category: Planet
I have a large central database of around 1 million heavy records. In my app, for every user I would have a subset of rows from central table, which would be very small (probably 100 records each).When a particular user has logged in , I would want to search on this data set only. Example:
Say I have a central database of all cars in t...
I am implementing a full text search API for my rails apps, and so far have been having great success with Thinking Sphinx.
I now want to implement a date range search, and keep getting the "bad value for range" error.
Here is a snippet of the controller code, and i'm a bit stuck on what to do next.
@search_options = { :page ...
Thinking sphinx documentation says that it automatically sorts the results based on relevance. What is its relevance metric ? How can we define our own relevance metric for the system ?
Example : I have a db in which one entry is Windows XP & it contains a reference to Microsoft. I also have an entry for Microsoft itself. So when I quer...