
Better quality thumbnails

I have a script that successfully creates thumbnails but they're rendered low quality. Is there something that I can change in the script to make the thumbnails better quality? function createThumbnail($filename) { $final_width_of_image = 200; $path_to_image_directory = 'images/fullsized/'; $path_to_thumbs_directory = 'imag...

attachment_fu thumbnails rmagick

I have searched the forums up and down and haven't found the solution to the problem I'm facing. I have rmagick and attachment_fu going at it on my application. I can upload files just fine, but I can't generate any thumbnail images. When I look at the db, the width and height it shows null for the original file and thumbnail. When I ...

JQuery Content Fader with Thumbnails and auto-fade

Hey there, I'm searching for a special content fader with thumbnails and automatic-fade. By searching the web I found many things, but not that what I am looking for. Most times you can slide the content but not fade, if you can fade, you can only fade pictures. I try it with the easing-Plugin, but this can't fade, only slide. Then I tr...

Create ListView with VideoThumbs

Hi there, in my application I am using the GridView as a video gallery (videos are shown as thumbs). Now I would like to add a button to the options menu, with which you can switch to a ListView. In the ListView you should be able to see (smaller) thumbs as well as the video name. But I am a little stuck and don't really know how I can...

Wordpress not resizing thumbnails.

Hi. I am having an issue with Wordpress not resizing thumbnails correctly. The thumbnails are supposed to be cropped to width 590px & height 200px and keep its proportions rather than stretching the image. However, it is not doing so. See this page for reference: Here are the codes: add_theme_suppor...

How To Change Default Image Thumbnail Sizes in Wordpress

Hey.. quite embarrassed to ask this actually - I should be able to find this on Google, but because of all the new WP functionality as well as the older methods of doing this in older versions are riddled all over Google Results that I have resorted to leverage the knowledge of a good samaritan out there somewhere. I already know how t...

Creating thumbnails from remote location using SORL.

Hi. I have a following scenario: A user fills in a URL to an image in a form (plain text field). In the form's model I also have ThumbnailField but it's hidden in the form. image = ThumbnailField(editable=False, upload_to='media/images/products/', blank=True, null=True, size=(300, 300), extra_thumbnails={ 'icon': {'size': ...

Weird bugs with image thumbnails in PHP

On upload of images, the code creates several different thumbnails. In some cases, the thumbnail may be larger than the original image, in which case a padding is applied. In the case of JPEGs, the padding is white, and all is well. In the case of GIFs and PNGs, the padding should be transparent. And it is. Or not. Which is weird. If I ...

iPad detailedViewController displaying thumbnails

Hi, I am a newbie and I am developing an iPad application. I am developing an application that gives a list of cars in the Root View and when the user selects a car make, the thumbnail images of the models are displayed in the detailed view controller. I was able to have a table but I am stuck as to how to display the thumbnails. I am a...

jQuery script to scale up or down thumbnails on window resize

Hi I have a site with width 100% and height 100% and overflow hidden on the body. So its a fullscreen website using a jquery full screen background image plugin. On one page I have a list of thumbnails, each thumb is set to float left so it fills the entire window with thumb images. With overflow set to hidden, when too many thumbnail...

Django: South-friendly image with thumbnails field

Currently I'm using an old and patched version of sorl.thumbnail, which kind of works, but I'm afraid of touching it any further. I'm looking around for a proven, working with django 1.2, south-compatible, sorl.thumbnail-like-configurable (ie. multiple thumbnails for a single image) ImageWithThumbnailsField. Any recommendations? edit: b...

please help me with image.GetThumbnailImage (it create very low quality image)

i use this code to create thumbnails System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort abort = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(this.ThumbnailCallback); System.Drawing.Image image2 = image.GetThumbnailImage((int)Math.Round((double)wid / difference), (int)Math.Round((double)hei / difference), abort, IntPtr.Zero); image2.Save(str...

Simple jQuery gallery and sortable: one last missing piece...

Hey there, So, I've built-up a little gallery using a few plug-ins and some custom code. This is for a few photography website portfolios. So far, I've got the thumbnails in a UL on the left, and the larger image on the right. I've got some hover effects on the thumbnails, and onClick they fadeOut the larger image, swap SRC, load, then ...

Rmagick image resizing problem

Hi, I am using attachement_fu plugin with Rmagick image processor for uploading images. Even though I am able to upload images properly there is some problem with the thumbnails. Thumbs are created with same size as original image. Also the height and width of images are saved as null in database. Here is my model. has_attachment :sto...

Crop part of image in php and resize it

I have a source image (can be any image with and have different dimensions). I want to be able to tell php an area from the image to crop out and resize. For example: The source image is 800x800 pixels. PHP selects a 50x50 pixel region of the image with the selection area starting 80 pixels from the top edge of the source image, and 10...

how to make facebook recognize my webpage images

i developed a website ut when i share any page in facebook facebook should recognize my page and select images to select a thumbnail but this do not happen in my website as if facebook can not recognize my page or cannot read it and select images from it what should i do to let facebook recognize my page and load all images in the ...