
How do I make a human-readable string out of a struct tm?

Hello, I am getting a struct tm and I want to convert it into a string with this specific output: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm where everything is a number except for the month (mm), such as: 14-Oct-2010 10:35 This is my current code: struct stat sb; if (lstat(path, &sb) == 0) { struct tm *pmytm = gmtime(&sb.st_mtime); sprintf(arra...

How to Display the time elapsed onto UI Screen of the Android

I am writing a app for which i need to display the Time elapsed when user presses a button in UI screen . So please guide me in writing the code in Android. I need to display the time in seconds, mins and hours. Thanks in anticipation. Darshan ...

javascipt utility that increments/decrements to the next 15 minute interval

Can anyone find any bugs or performance improvements here? <a href='#' id='from_arrow_down' onclick="timeOffset(-1,'from_time');">Click me</a> function timeOffset(offset,time_id) { // javascipt utility that increments/decrements to the next 15 minute interval. // When user pushes a button, program will get time from input box, ...

AJAX load time - Host and Server issue?

I'm having an issue with slow AJAX calls. This is a common question, but I've done everything suggested in all the research I can find. I'm hoping to get a consensus form people who read this. Basically, I make an ajax request to a php page, which gets info from a database. here is the page: http://bit.ly/bQDyjj I've timed all of my ...

Compare Round Robin and Multilevel Feedback Queue in terms of waiting time, response time, turnaround time

I want to make a comparison between RR and MLFQ in terms of waiting time, response time, turnaround time in 3 cases: a) More CPU-bounded jobs than I/O jobs b) More I/O-bounded jobs than CPU bounded jobs c) When only a few jobs need to schedule. Could you help me to clarify or give me some sources for reference. Thanks ...

C Programming: limited time to search

I'm creating a C program to play Gomoku. It uses Minimax search to decide on the best move. However, it can only search for the best move for 10 seconds. How to I determine when my search function has spent 10 seconds searching. If you could provide me with either an example or a link to the documentation that would be much appreciated. ...

Maximum time() | PHP

It's kind of a silly question, but what would be the maximum INT value of a time() and it's future date, e.g. 1st January 2999 Would time() ever get to that value? Going for a large time() value would return this: Thu 1st Jan 1970 1:00AM A normal int date 1287320788 - outputs today's date: Sun 17th Oct 2010 2:06PM But ...

How can i draw a graph with Date Axis using c++ and zedgraph

I have successfully used the c++ example project to draw graphs from my c++ project using zedgraph. However there is no example with Date axis for c++. The following code is taken from the c# example found here http://zedgraph.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tutorial:Date_Axis_Chart_Demo. Please see my comments with the text //JEM// to see wh...

Python: How to get current System time of a machine on the network

I understand that I can query system time of my machine like this: from datetime import datetime datetime.now() Is there a way to query the system time of another machine on the windows network? eg of \mynetworkpc ...

In Python, how to display current time in readable format

How can I display the current time as: 12:18PM EST on Oct 18, 2010 in Python. Thanks. ...

how does I t-pain? (real time audio on iOS)

I was hoping to make an application that did real time voice manipulation like the the T-Pain App. But AVAudioRecorder only enables a post processing from of audio manipulation. Is there another API that will enable real-time audio processing? thanks! ...

Ruby/Rails - How to convert seconds to time?

I need to perform the following conversion: 0 -> 12.00AM 1800 -> 12.30AM 3600 -> 01.00AM ... 82800 -> 11.00PM 84600 -> 11.30PM I came up with this: (0..84600).step(1800){|n| puts "#{n.to_s} #{Time.at(n).strftime("%I:%M%p")}"} which gives me the wrong time, because Time.at(n) expects n to be number of seconds from epoch: 0 ...

input time mask using jquery

I am using meioMask – a jQuery mask plugin to put time mask in a textbox. Here is the JsFiddle. Its working good. But I also need to to put hh:mm in the textbox, to let user know what to enter in the textbox. How to do this. EDIT: I also need to put am/pm in the mask. and I need 12 hrs time format. ...

Variable ora (time) with blank

The following assignment: set ora=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%%time:~9,2% returns the value " 9194234" when the time is 9.19.42,34. How can be squeezed the value or better to have the value "09194234"? ...

Current est time in java with daylight saving

Hi, All I stumbled upon this piece of code to get current time in EST with daylight saving. It seems to work fine, when checked on the internet by the time displayed in sites providing current time in EST with daylight saving. SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(Ti...

C# how to implement a loop with time step

I need to implement a function that contains a loop of instructions that should run every .01 second is there a way to implement a loop(e.g for each time step) that can do that thanks in advance ...

Android: Time calculations, how to add a specified amount of minutes

I'd like to add 15 minutes to Time Object, so that 09:46 would become 10:01. Time time = new Time(); time.hours = 9; time.minutes = 46; time.minute += 15; This doesn't work... :-/ ...

What is this time format?

I am being returned this time format from an API: 1287498792000 Can anyone advise what format that is and how I would parse it in PHP? ...

Is python time module reliable enough to use to measure response time?

Hi, My question was not specific enough last time, and so this is second question about this topic. I'm running some experiments and I need to precisely measure participants' response time to questions in millisecond unit. I know how to do this with the time module, but I was wondering if this is reliable enough or I should be carefu...

Incrementing time (minutes and seconds) in bash / shell script

I need to increment minutes and seconds (in relation to time) in a variable. First, I'm not sure whether declaring a 'time' variable is written as time="00:00:00" or time=$(date +00:00:00)? From there, I want to increment this variable by 10 minutes and seconds resulting in 01:00:00 increased to 01:10:10 to 01:20:20 etc (all t...