
Integrate TortoiseSVN with Redmine

I'm trying to integrate Redmine with TortoiseSVN, but I was not able to do that because TSVN always gives me this error" "There are no issue-tracker providers available." I have made these steps : On my project folder properties I have added "bugtraq:url -> http://myweb/../issues/show/%BUGID%" On Redmine settings I have added t...

SVN Remove File from Repository without deleting local copy.

How can I "delete" a file which is already in the SVN repository without deleting it from my file system? Tortoise or Command Line instructions welcome. Thank you. ...

TortoiseSVN: What causes the grey checkmark?

Let me start by explaining our set-up: I am working with some contractors. They are using Visual Source Safe for source control and our company is using Subversion. Every few days they preform a checkin to our repository by doing the following steps: Checkout from our repository (they're the only ones working on it so this doesn't a...

Tortoise SVN Command Problem

I am trying to use the Tortoise SVN command line utility TortoiseProc.exe. The docs suggest that a command line like this: "TortoiseProc.exe" /command:diff afile.cpp` should do a diff and display the results in the configured diff viewer (in my case Tortoise's own one), but instead nothing happens - the viewer is not launched & no err...

Weird Apache2.2 SVN error, "Expected repository format '3' or '5'; found format '9'"

I've had a repo that I would access, using TortoiseSVN, from only the same computer on which the Subversion win32 service was running, and it's been working for a while now. I decided to try to set up mod_dav_svn to be able to get at it from elsewhere. When I try to access it, I get this error in the browser: <D:error> <C:error/> <m:h...

Is there anyway to get TortoiseSVN to act more like TortoiseCVS?

I work in a mixed source control environment. We are still mostly on CVS, but newer projects are in SVN. However, I am finding it hard to get buy-in for SVN because TortoiseSVN doesn't work like TortoiseCVS. The 3 way merge has a lot of cognitive dissonance and while TortoiseCVS seems to always get the merges right, TortoiseSVN almo...

SVN Error - 501 Not Implemented Commit Failed

I have a folder in a repository that cannot commit and even parent folders cannot commit. This happened several weeks ago, then worked, then on the blink again. I have cleared my authentication cache and no help. I can still work with other trunks but not this one and the error message does not help me where to go. I have done Clean Up. ...

Force user to lock file in SVN before editing

We have some files in our project that can't be merged and hence the files must be locked by the users before editing them. Is there a way to force the user to lock a file before editing? We are using Subversion and Tortoise/visualSVN ...

What's the least painful way to transfer local Subversion changes to another machine?

I'm working on a change on my laptop. It's not ready to be submitted to repository yet but I'd like to keep working on my desktop too. My change set is quite big and not only it contains modifications, it also contains new files and deleted files as well. I could copy the complete local working copy to another machine and get the change...

What is a working copy and what does "switching" do for me in Tortoise SVN?

Alright, lets get back to SVN 101. I have a software app and I've hit an important milestone, version 2.0. I decided I want to tag this version as "Version-2.0" so I have this named snapshot. I also create a "Version-2.0" branch in case I need to fix anything and merge it back into my trunk. After reading through the Tortoise SVN hel...

svn externals not adding all files

We have an external app_code folder shared among multiple projects. I have noticed that when I do an svn update using tortoise svn that not all the files within the folder get added to my app_code working folder. If I delete the whole folder and do an update all files are added. This happens on all folders that are external. Any help on ...

SVN Merge Branch from one Repo into Trunk of other Repo

I have two repositories which live on separate servers, call them repo-1 and repo-2. To start both "trunks" were equal: repo-1/trunk == repo-2/trunk Meanwhile changes were being commited to repo-1/trunk and I was working on and commiting changes to repo-2/trunk. Now I need to merge changes from repo-1/trunk into repo-2/trunk. I thou...

TortoiseHG and TortoiseSVN play well together?

I had TSVN installed first and been using for a long time. Then I install T-HG and when I right click I dont see any TortoiseHG. Does anyone have this same problem? All the T-SVN overlays are still there. ...

What Visual Studio files should be ignored by subversion to eliminate or conflicts?

I am supporting a number of .Net developers who are using Subversion to version control their work, but we have been running into a number of issues that seem to revolve around the additional files that Visual Studio uses to manage projects, do debuging, etc. Specifically, it seems that these files are causing conflicts due to the fact t...

TortoiseSVN Error

Hi all. I have some problems with SVN. Can anybody help me? When I tray to merge branch to trunk i get flowing error: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS Same error get when tray to create new tag or branch. I have Read/write permisions. I use VisualSVN and TortoiseSVN. Thanks ...

TortoiseSVN Merging

Hi. I don't have any experience with SVN and TortoiseSVN. In some stage of development we have received request to localize application for new customer. This is big task, and we decide to make branch for localization and continue development application without localization. Currently, localization is finished and we need merge this...

Why is my SVN command line checkout giving different file/folder permissions than TortoiseSVN?

When I checkout my SVN repository using the command line TortoiseProc /command:checkout /path:"C:/Sandbox/SPB" /url:"" /closeonend:3 I can access all the files within it just fine. However, this prompts me for the checkout, which I don't want. Per the manual page on automation: Remember that ...

Same working copy of the code with 2 SVN servers.

Is it possible to use same working copy and to put the same into two different SVN servers(commit, update,...)? ...

Version problems running Subclipse and TortoiseSVN

I have Subclipse installed for Java and just installed TortoiseSVN for #develop, as suggested by someone answering another question of mine. When I try to edit a C# class, it says "client is too old to work with working copy" - but the Subversion version of TortoiseSVN (1.5) seems to be newer than that of Subclipse (1.4?). What is going...

How do I roll back all or part of a commit to svn?

How do I revert all or part of an SVN commit using TortoiseSVN? ...