
How to define variable for Trac TicketQuery?

Using TRAC TicketQuery template for sprint to show what's going on. How would I type name of current sprint only ONCE, when template needs it in multiple location? For example "Sprint1" is needed is 6 places: = New items = [[TicketQuery(milestone=Sprint1,status=new,format=table,order=priority,col=id|summary|priority|component|owner|t...

Mylyn tasks - assigning tasks using TODO in the code?

Is there a way to assign tasks to developers using TODO: statements in Mylyn (with Trac integration) Basically I want to in the code - say / function GetNames put TODO: followed by the developer name and subject and have it result in a Trac task assigned to the developer. Thanks ...

Trac: "Waiting On" plugin?

Sometimes an issue can't be resolved until someone else does something, or until some event occurs. Is there an add-on for trac that adds a field for these situations? ...

Can I Copy All the Wikis From One Trac To Another?

We have an existing Trac installation for an old bunch of source code, and I'm creating a new Trac installation to support a new bunch of source code. Most of the info we've built up over time in the old Trac installation's wiki is equally relevant for the new Trac wiki. Is there a quick way to migrate the wiki data from the old Trac t...

What framework is trac based on?

I just downloaded this tracking system and curious what framework this great system uses? ...

Should I allow my clients to open tickets/access trac?

I just installed trac for this project I'm working on, since it's turned out to be a bit bigger than I anticipated. I've added a bunch of tickets with my clients requests which come in the form of emails, phone calls, and meetings. I've also added some stuff I know needs to be done/fixed but they haven't specifically requested. Should I ...

How to decouple trac from, or align trac with, apache authorization

I've had a trac server running for about a year now - chugging along just as expected. Today, I implemented basic authorization on the apache server that trac runs under. Trac now picks up the user as authenticated by Apache, and doesn't allow either logout or a login. I tried to create an apache user with the same name and passwor...

SVN Write Authentication using Trac Permission Groups

I'm starting up a small open source project and I have a repository and Trac instance running already. I installed the AccountManager plugin and I have the RegistrationModule, because I want users to be able to make accounts and submit tickets even without increased permissions (aka I want bug reports to be filed by anybody). I've set u...

How can I send e-mails to trac?

How would I send an e-mail message to a trac project? I like this feature in basecamp, where each project has its e-mail address, and received mails are added in the messages tab. In redmine I can even send e-mails to specific tickets. Is there something similar in trac, or maybe a plugin? ...

Open and close trac tickets with a single commit

I am looking for a way to add a post-commit or pre-commit hook to my VCS that will allow me to both create and close a trac ticket in one go. The use-case is for when a bug has been found, and corrected, but a single developer who wants to make sure the project manager can see the fix has been done, when it was done and what milestone t...

Running Trac 0.12 on Ubuntu 10.04 - Error

I've installed trac 0.12 on my ubuntu 10.04, running the tracd internal webserver. When i access the page at, I get the error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Trac-0.11.7-py2.6.egg/trac/web/", line 376, in send_error 'text/html') File "...

How can I connect to an external database using Trac/AccountManagerPlugin?

There seems to no question related to this one, so I'll start. I am writing an authentication egg for authenticating with Drupal. However, how can I connect to an external database using either AccountManagerPlugin or Trac's API? ...

How to exclude files on trac's diff output with Mercurial?

We'd like to exclude certain files and certain types of files from trac's diff output. We used to set file type to binary on SVN in order to do that however that's not explicitly possible with Mercurial. We're using TracMercurial plugin. ...

How can you determine all open tickets across multiple Trac instances?

We have multiple SVN repos and trac instances, one for each project. Can a user somehow see all their open tickets in one place? I know this isn't natively supported. What kind of strategy could be used to collate the ticket reports? ...

Integrate Trac+SVN with Doxygen

I am aware of the Trac Doxygen plugin. It allows linking to the Doxygen docs from the Trac wiki. I am looking for something that will help me automate the documentation. Since the project is huge, it is probably not possible to update the documentation on every commit especially since Doxygen doesn't do incremental documentation builds...

Is there any free, Project Managment CMS that can interact with SVN and has nice GUI (not Trac)?

Is there any free, Project Managment CMS that can interact with SVN and has nice GUI (not Trac)? ...

Use of the severity-property for Trac tickets

I use Trac regularly in a team at work, as well as for my own project for the university. In both cases I have never felt the need to use the severity property for a ticket. I feel that by using the type and priority properties gives all the information I need, and I cannot think of anything to do with the severity property that would no...

How to keep track of bug progress and feature request in web development projects?

Hiya, I am trying to find the best way to maintain a bug tracker and feature/upgrade requests for clients on web development projects. Ideally it would be an open source system we can have installed on a sub domain of our site. This will then allow each client to login and add bugs/features/upgrade which we can hopefully keep track of...

trac wiki: how do I display the current date

Hi, I want to create a fully printable document in the trac wiki markup. For this I need the current date as text on the page. suggestions? regards Ronny ...

Bitnami Trac 0.11.6 SVN Post commit hooks failing

Hi folks. Beating my head against a wall here for a day trying to get post commit hooks work so I can add refs/ close tickets in trac from an SVN commit. I used the bitnami trac stack to install and am fairly happy with the way its setup. Every commit though gives the error svn: MERGE of "/svn/Project": 200 OK ( ...