
Are triggers executed with the current transaction isolation level?

Consider a table with 3 columns: ID (unique, taken from an Oracle sequence), CATEGORY and CODE (no constraints on these last two). Each category has multiple codes attached to it, but the codes must be unique within that category. Example: ID CATEGORY CODE 1 1 X 2 1 Y 3 1 Y //wrong The ...

TransactionScope in .NET application

Hi All, I have written a code block to do database transaction in SQL Server database. I am using TransactionScope class to rollback all the changes if any failures during the execution. If I run the application in a system which running SQL SERVER, I have no problem. If I run the application in a system and the SQL SERVER is running i...

NHibernate ITransaction and pure domain model

I'm trying to write my Domain Model as persistence-ignorant as possible. The only thing I'm doing right now is marking every property and method virtual, as NHibernate requires that for lazy-loading. In my domain model assembly I define some repository interfaces: public interface IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : EntityBase { T...

NHibernate.NonUniqueObjectException within a transaction (using CSLA.Net)

I am pretty new to both NHibernate and CSLA.NET, and I'm running into an issue where I'm essentially needing to save the same row in the database twice, within the same transaction (and therefore, session). I've read the other questions on SO w.r.t. the NonUniqueObjectException, as well as done a lot of googling, but I can't seem to make...

Store Kit transaction failing

Hello, I'm attempting to test a Store Kit transaction with the iPhone 3.0 SDK. I am basing my code off the sample code in the Store Kit Programming Guide, but I keep getting failed transactions (status: SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed). However, the transaction's error property is nil, so that doesn't shed any light on the situation. ...

How to define Transaction Timeout during debugging application.

I am testing whether option from app.config listed below Is applied to all transactions in the application. <system.transactions> <defaultSettings timeout="00:05:00" /> </system.transactions> Transaction are defined using transaction scope in following way using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(Transactio...

Max number of transactions in MSMQ

We are planning to use MSMQ transaction in one of our application. I am not sure what is the maximum number of transaction we can have for MSMQ? ...

How to use SubSonic Transaction with Parent Child Tables

I have 2 tables (For simplicity many field where removed) tblOrder - OrderId - OrderDate - UserId tblOrderDetail - OrderDetailId - OrderId - ProductId - Qantity I go ahead and create my object and I want to save everything in memory in one transaction because if something fail in the order details, I don't want the order to be saved....

Make transactionless EJB call inside a transaction

I'll try to describe the situation. We have a web service; on each request web service starts a JTA transaction. It performs several database calls through XA datasource within that and calls some other web services (out of transaction context) and also makes a couple of remote EJB calls on other server. The problem is that container s...

Unable to send .NET transaction to DB2 server in window 2003

Hello, I am working on a project which need to use .NET Transaction with DB2 server on window server 2003. The point is when I tried to send the transaction from Vista platform to DB2 server, it show some error like this: SQL0998N Error occurred during transaction or heuristic processing. Reason Code = "16". Subcode = "2-80004005" ...

Get JTA transaction timeout value in WebLogic

Is there a way to get JTA transaction timeout value? UserTransaction interface has only setTransactionTimeout method. Is there a specific way of getting its value in WebLogic? ...

Transaction in REST WCF service

We are having a REST WCF service. we want the save operation on this REST service to be in transaction. Is there a way to pass Transaction object over the wire to REST WCF service? ...

With NHibernate and Transaction do I rollback on commit failure or does it auto rollback on single commit?

I've built the following Dispose method for my Unit Of Work which essentially wraps the active NH session & transaction (transaction set as variable after opening session as to not be replaced if NH session gets new transaction after error) public void Dispose() { Func<ITransaction,bool> transactionStateOkayFunc = ...

What are the effects of disabling the redo logs in Oracle on Hibernate transactions?

If we disable the 'redo logs' of a tablespace in Oracle, will they impact Hibernate's transactions? These are the options present in the Oracle EM on a tablespace level: Enable logging Yes Generate redo logs for creation of tables, indexes and partitions, and for subsequent inserts. Recoverable No Redo log entries are smaller, the a...

How do I run a migration without starting a transaction in Rails?

I'm running some bizarre Postgres migration code from OpenCongress and I'm getting this error: RuntimeError: ERROR C25001 MVACUUM cannot run inside a transaction block Fxact.c L2649 RPreventTransactionChain: VACUUM FULL ANALYZE; So I'd like to try running it without getting wrapped by a transaction. ...

is there any database transaction mechanism in MFC/C++?

I want to make sure that if any error occurs during the database processing phase, program will know it need to roll back the whole process. any good ORM in MFC/C++ for doing this ? ...

Java Transaction service

Hi all, I want to use Java Transaction service for distributed transaction management in my Java application. I have 3 different databases to which I have to connect using 3 different Connection objects. I want to insert certain data in each of the 3 databases. My requirement is that atomicity should be maintained. So either data should...

BeginTransaction not calling BEGIN TRANSACTION

I've got a simple bit of code that uses BeginTransaction(). The resulting transaction is assigned to the connection that I'm using for some sql commands. When I profile the resulting sql, I don't see a BEGIN TRANSACTION at any point. What might be happening that would prevent the transaction from being used? ...

Can Hibernate's @Version consider changes in related entities?

Hi! I have 2 entities: Parent and Child in a one-to-many relationship. The Parent is versioned, i.e. has a @Version field. My goal is to synchronize changes to both Parent and Child entities on the Parent's version. E.g. one thread updates the Parent and another one updates one of it's Childs, this should cause an OptimisticLockExcepti...

Un-committed database transactions and auto-increment columns

I encountered some curious behavior today and was wondering if it is expected or standard. We are using Hibernate against MySQL5. During the course of coding I forgot to close a transaction, I presume others can relate. When I finally closed the transaction, ran the code and checked the table, I noticed the following. All the times I...