
mySQL - Table locking vs Row locking

Application Description I have a table which stores id's which represent area's on a map. Each map contains 1000 areas. A territory is any number of area's of a map that are touching. Users fight for ownership of different areas of the map. Database Design Currently I have a table of maps, a table of territories and a table of areas....

mySQL - Set isolation level using PHP's mysqli

How do I set the isolation level of a transaction to 'SERIALIZABLE' in PHP using mysqli? I have looked everywhere and I can't find any information on it. Here is an explanation of the isolation levels. ...

Cannot rollback ransaction with Entity Framework

I have to do queries on uncommitted changes and I tried to use transactions, but I found that it do not work if there are exceptions. I made a simple example to reproduce the problem. I have a database with only one table called "Tabella" and the table has two fields: "ID" is a autogenerated integer, and "Valore" is an integer with a Un...

diff between application transacation scope and sql server transaction

Hi, I want to know 1. diff between application transacation scope and sql server transaction. 2. where to use application transaction 3. where to use sql server transaction Regards Dhanraj.S ...

SQL Server - transactions roll back on error?

We have client app that is running some SQL on a SQL Server 2005 such as the following: BEGIN TRAN; INSERT INTO myTable (myColumns ...) VALUES (myValues ...); INSERT INTO myTable (myColumns ...) VALUES (myValues ...); INSERT INTO myTable (myColumns ...) VALUES (myValues ...); COMMIT TRAN; It is sent by one long string command. If one...

question about pl/sql exception

hi all. the following text is an excerpt of oracle documentation Oracle® Database PL/SQL Language Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1) : Unhandled exceptions can also affect subprograms. If you exit a subprogram successfully, PL/SQL assigns values to OUT parameters. However, if you exit with an unhandled exception, PL/SQL does n...

100% foolproof c# ftp file transfer code (with transactions if possible)

hey guys i want to write a small c# ftp client class library which basically needs to transfer files to a ftp location what i want is a 100% foolproof code where i can get some sort of acknowledgement that the ftp file transfer has been either 100% successful or failed no resume support is required good to have (but secondary): some ...

biztalk server ftp file transfer success / failure acknowledgement

hey guys i am a newbie when it comes to biztalk how do i enable a file by file ftp transfer job on biztalk where biztalk acknowledges for every file transfer whether it was a success or failure i also need to update my db with boolean values for each file (1 for success, 0 for failure) so how can i enable some sort of transaction with...

SQLite Transaction not committing

For an application we are developing we need to read n rows from a table and then selectively update those rows based on domain specific criteria. During this operation all other users of the database need to be locked out to avoid bad reads. I begin a transaction, read the rows, and while iterating on the recordset build up a string...

Examples or Uses Cases to explain EJB Transaction Attributes

There are some good explanations of EJB Transaction Attributes (and annotations) out there, for example, OpenEJB's. But sometimes when I try to cover this with someone who hasn't worked with many transactional resources, I see their eyes start to glaze over. So my question - how would you explain EJB Transaction Attributes to your gr...

Flush NHibernate whilst still allowing transaction rollback

I am trying to use NHibernate with legacy entities that are not mapped with NHibernate. On occaisson this means that I need to manually flush NHibernate data to the database so that I don't receive foreign key exceptions when I try to connect the legacy entities with NHibernate-mapped entities. A problem occurs when this takes place wit...

When do I use save!, create! and update_attributes! in Rails?

I'm trying to figure out when to use the bang! versions for saving and updating records? I've read and heard that you don't need them if you're just saving one record or updating a single attribute, if you're confident nothing should go wrong, or to always use them outside of a controller. I guess I'm paranoid about having multiple thing...

How to restart transactions on deadlock/lock-timeout in Spring?

Hi, What is the best practice on implementing a transaction restart upon deadlock or lock timeout exceptions when using Spring (specifically the Spring recommended approach: declarative transactions) ? Thanks, Asaf ...

Understanding MSDTC in Windows.

To use transaction construct(as follows) in Subsonic, MSDTC needs to be running on Windows machine. Right? using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (SharedDbConnectionScope sharedConnectionScope = new SharedDbConnectionScope()) { // update table 1 ...

Passing generated id from table 1 (primary key) to table 2 (foreign key)??

Hi I am using (evaluating :)) Subsonic ActiveRecord mode for accessing sqLite. Need transaction to work. Regular stuff... Of ocurse! Following snippet explains the desired logic. I couldn't find the right example in docs. using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (SharedDbConnectionScope ...

WCF Transaction Flow Question

I would like to configure WCF service operations to accept a transaction if my client sends one, but not to create one if none is sent. I think this would be similar to the Supported transaction attribute in COM+. Does anyone know whether this can be accomplished with WCF transactions? I am trying to accomplish this all by using the...

What's a good way to handle "async" commits?

I have a WCF service that uses ODP.NET to read data from an Oracle database. The service also writes to the database, but indirectly, as all updates and inserts are achieved through an older layer of business logic that I access via COM+, which I wrap in a TransactionScope. The older layer connects to Oracle via ODBC, not ODP.NET. The p...

MySQL Transaction across many PHP Requests

I would like to create an interface for manipulating invoices in a transaction-like manner. The database consists of an invoices table, which holds billing information, and an invoice_lines table, which holds line items for the invoices. The website is a set of scripts which allow the addition, modification, and removal of invoices and...

Instantiating TransactionScope returns null

I have some VB.NET code that creates a TransactionScope instance: LoggingUtility.LogDebug("UpdateCallTable", "SatComCallDataImporter", "About to associate call data with contracts") Using ts = New TransactionScope() LoggingUtility.LogDebug("UpdateCallTable", "SatComCallDataImporter", "Getting all unimported SatCom calls") My appli...

How To Maintain Transaction in N-Tier Architecture

I am developing application in N-Tier Architecture. as we all know that we need to implement transactions while insert/update/delete operation. please tell me how to use transaction in in N-Tier architecture. my architecture is like this Applicationform->middle_Layre->Factory->DataAccessLayre->StoredProcedure->Table in application...