
Entity Framework transaction model

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to use another transaction system in EF that it is not System.Transaction. Could I use an abstraction of the system.transaction in it? Regards. ...

Manual Transactions with Seam POJO

What is best practice for using Database Transactions with Seam when not using EJBs - ie. when deploying Seam as a WAR? By default Seam JavaBeans support Transactions. I can annotate a method with @Transactional and that will ensure that a transaction is required. Or I can use @Transactional(NEVER) or @Transactional(MANDATORY). What I c...

Rails ActiveRecord Transaction does not finish

Hi everyone, I have a Transaction for a batch insert/update block and all of sudden it stopped working. The are no errors or exception risen and it seems like Rails stops just before the end of the Transaction blog so the methods does not return. I restarted both MySQL and the system but still. ...

ecommerce stock management with external payment gateway

this question is similar to this one but with a twist (so the answer accepted for the older question is not valid in the following scenario) i have a site for selling tickets (PHP/MYSQL). Suppose i have just one ticket left: buyer A puts the ticket in her cart and goes to the payment gateway page (ie. paypal) the ticket is locked for...

IS (Intentional Shared) lock

Hi, can anyone give a simple example of a db transaction using an Intentional Shared lock, and (if can) one using an intentional exclusive lock. I'm studying them and trying to understand. Thanks ...

How does transaction suspension work in MySQL?

Hi, In the Spring Framework manual they state that for a PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW the current transaction will be suspended. What does that "suspended transaction"? The timer for the timeout stops counting on the current transaction? What are the actual implication of such suspension? Thank you, Asaf ...

I get 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active when doing exec with PDO

I am doing a PDO::exec command on multiple updates: $MyPdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY,true); $MyPdo->exec("update t1 set f1=1;update t2 set f1=2"); I am doing it inside a transaction, and I keep getting: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active....

INSERT data ignoring current transaction

I have a table in my database which essentially serves as a logging destination. I use it with following code pattern in my SQL code: BEGIN TRY ... END TRY BEGIN CATCH INSERT INTO [dbo.errors] (...) VALUES ( ERROR_PROCEDURE(), ERROR_NUMBER(), ERROR_MESSAGE(), ... ) END CATCH To make long story short some of this code mus...

sqlite only supports 1 transaction?

While using ADO.NET (maybe i am wrong, i dont know what its called) i notice that i can only begin a transaction with a connection and a command seems to have command.Transaction which gets me the transaction data but doesnt start a transaction itself? Actually while looking i see this in System.Data.SQLite // Summary: // The tr...

TransactionScope Allows Partial Update Even Though Second Service Errors

I have had a good trawl through related questions and implemented suggestions found, but I still have a problem with .NET TransactionScope. I am calling two WCF services from a method and even though the second service errors (deliberately in this case) the first service doesn't roll back. I have created a simple test application to dem...

Transaction : Delete related records from multiple tables using subsonic T4 templates?

Hi, Using templates, how can I delete related records from multiple tables in a transaction? Please advise. Thanks Pankaj ...

msdtc and isolation level

Hi, I need some clarification how MS-DTC will behave in scenario given below 1) I have more than one connection in within a transactionscope (Isolation level - ReadCommited),which will bring MS- DTC into action now : a) Will MS-DTC automatically change isolation level to SERIALIZABLE. b) (Imp) If above answer is yes and I have imple...

Transaction count exception in (SQL Exception)

I am getting below exception when i am going to enter record in a table through StoredProceduer of sqlserver i have a field which i need u update immediately after insert of new record in table. for that i created a sotredprocedure in which i wrote insert command first and after that i wrote a update command for same recored but it gave ...

begin try catch on sql server 2005, how to send the ERROR_stuff to the calling parent?

you have this procedure CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.test1 AS BEGIN begin transaction begin try exec dbo.test2 commit transaction end try begin catch SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS...

Can a SQL Server database answer during a transaction?

I'm using .Net 2.0, ADO.NET, a dataset and data adapters to manage my data, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as database manager. I have an application that generates a great number of results (500K+) and saves them in a database. If one result generation fails, I would like to not save any of the results. So I put all the database inserts...

performance penalty of message passing as opposed to shared data

There is a lot of buzz these days about not using locks and using Message passing approaches like Erlang. Or about using immutable datastructures like in Functional programming vs. C++/Java. But what I am concerned with is the following: AFAIK, Erlang does not guarantee Message delivery. Messages might be lost. Won't the algorithm and...

Download financial transactions

Is there a C# library or something I can use to download credit card/bank transactions to do processing like what Mint, MS Money, etc. does? ...

What is the point of "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION named_transaction"?

I've read through MSDN on ROLLBACK TRANSACTION and nesting transactions. While I see the point of ROLLBACK TRANSACTION savepointname, I do not understand ROLLBACK TRANSACTION transactionname. It only works when transactionname is the outermost transaction ROLLBACK always rolls back the entire transaction "stack", except in the case ...

Enabling global transactions on WAS for MQ + JDBC data sources

Can someone help me with the settings required for enabling global transactions on a queue listener and data source. I am able to achieve it with database, but my listeners stop working I am using following configuration for it: <tx:jta-transaction-manager/> <jms:listener-container connection-factory="jmsConnectionFactory" transaction-...

Is transactions over machine boundary (via tcp-ip) possible?

Hi, Theoretically, can one define a protocol where one machine does some remote calls on another machine (or more than one), and where in any part of the process, if any of the machines (or operations) fails, or the communication drops, everything is rolled back? (just like databases can) I ask this, since on the hardware level, one a...