
Why are my transactional ActiveMQ messages being dropped instead of moving to the DLQ?

I create my consumer (in C# using the NMS library) as so: ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(_mqServer); _con = factory.CreateConnection(); _con.Start(); _session = _con.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional); _queue = _session.GetQueue(_mqQueue); _consumer = _sess...

Is it possible to use .NET's TransactionScope with Sql Server 2005 without allowing promotion to DTC?

I'm dealing with some really pain in the ass servers, and I'd like them to just use transactions without DTC (for now so I can concentrate elsewhere). I use multiple databases within the scope, so the typical behavior is to promote, but I want to avoid it. What would the behavior be of an in-doubt transaction under this model, if it's ...

Hibernate session problem for transactions.

Hi all, I am new to hibernate and trying integrate hibernate with an existing spring based application. I configured session factory and transaction manager, transaction proxy template. I am also using Quartz scheduler in this application. When I run the application, I am getting the following exception. ERROR

What causes this MS DTC error to occur sporadically in .NET?

I receive this error sporadically throughout the day. According to the stack, it's thrown during enlistment. If it were getting this error every time I'd be able to troubleshoot and fix (typically a firewall or LMHOSTS issue). Since it's randomly happening, I can't for the life of me think about what would do this. Any ideas? System...

Too fast response

I have an ASP.NET-MVC application that: opens a db transaction updates a cart status and other things submits this cart to another web server via an HttpRequest register in database the transmission with its code status send a confirmation mail, that the command has been sent then if no error has occurs commit the transaction else roll...

Database transaction timeout problem

I have been experiencing an error that I believe is caused by the database timing out due to a large amount of data being processed and read to the database. I keep getting this error message: Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. I timed how long it takes t...

SQLiteDataReader and OdbcTransaction : how to limit Insert phrases ?

Hello, I'm looking for a workaround, my destination server (Rainingdata D3) is returning an error when my reader is returning to much lines. explications: 1 datareader reads from my sqlite database, 2 via a while reader-loop i'm inserting in the destination database (ODBC- D3 database) i don't have a other solution oder other dataprov...

How can I use Spring HibernateOperations for simple operations with a implicit transaction?

Hi all, I currently make heavy use of HibernateOperations in Spring for working with Hibernate. Some of the time I use a TransactionTemplate to demark a transaction explicitly. However sometimes I just want to save/update a single object. If I just call with no explicit transaction active then it sort of wo... transaction scope, NHibernate and multiple servers

Hi all, I am currently working on an enterprise solution, which hosts several applications and due to that I implemented NHibernate to work with several session factories. I created a custom section like: <hibernate-sessionFactories> <sessionFactories> <clear/> <add name="Server1" factoryConfigPath="~/SessionFactoryCo...

Transaction log has huge growth after backup

I am a programmer, with a side job as an involuntary DBA. I have a maintenance plan that does a full backup and a 'check database integrity' every night. I backup transaction logs every 10 minutes. The transaction log backup size spikes after the database backup - exponentially bigger. I used to rebuild indexes and statistics every n...

I Can't create an transaction in IronPython

Hi, I'm trying to create an transaction in IronPython in and I'm getting the following error "couldn't find member Rollback" I tried to see what's different in my ironpython transaction with a transaction but I can't see the differences or find the reason why one doesnt work and the other does. Pe...

Comparing rows from two tables and and ouputting the result

Hello guys I've been trying to compare two similar tables that have some different columns Table 1 has columns ID_A, X, Y, Z and Table 2 has columns ID_B, X, Y, Z If both values from columns X or Y or Z are = 1 the result of the query would output columns ID_A, ID_B, X, Y, Z I thought it would be an intersect statement in there, ...

Making joomla use innoDB and support transaction

I am new to joomla and have just discovered that it uses myISAM database engine by default. I already searched the joomla forum and extension directory, and even in google but got no useful result. Since joomla is such a big community, I am not sure why nobody seems to have an answer to it. I would like to know if there is any well-kno...

Need Help about ADO.Net Transaction

I develop C# window application with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sp3. My Application has ploblem while one of client save Order Document. Another client cannot select data from Order table util saving process is complete. I used Transaction and Isolation=ReadUncommit to save Order Document. My Application has 3 table is OrderHd, OrderLine ...

What's a nice way to verify within a unit test that an ActiveRecord transaction is being used?

I have a class which performs several database operations, and I want to write a unit test which verifies that these operations are all performed within a transaction. What's a nice clean way to do that? Here's some sample code illustrating the class I'm testing: class StructureUpdater def initialize(structure) @structure = struc...

Handle Transaction on differents EARs

Hello, what is the best practice to handle multiple EARs and the same transaction, as far as we know we need to apply XA concepts in order transaction works correctly. but apparently in currents project that we've been working on, this is not strictly necessary for creates and updates; however if we try to retrieve any collection from an...

SQL Server stops processing for 20 seconds

I can't figure this one out. On SQL Server I have a process that is run dozens of times per second (data being sent to the server). The process runs great, processing requests takes between 50ms and 200ms. Then, roughly (but sporadically) once every 1.5 minutes all requests suddenly take 15000ms to 22000ms (15 to 22 seconds). At the same...

java:not able to set auto commit mode with value false in java 1.4 api?

sql server 200 java 1.4 jboss 3 HI am getting exception message "You cannot set autocommit during a managed transaction" code is below try { try { connection = getConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConnectionException(e.getMessage()); } for(int i=0;i<recordIds.size();i++) { String cu...

Trying to learn MySQL and transactions

Over the last couple of days I have tried to write an Stored procedure in MySQL and I have some truble getting it to work. Hope someone here can give me some input :) The example I post is for asp.Net Membership provider to create a new user. I expect to send email and password to the DB and get an int return to verify that the userdeat...

Is it possible to select data while a transaction is occuring?

I am using transactionscope to ensure that data is being read to the database correctly. However, I may have a need to select some data (from another page) while the transaction is running. Would it be possible to do this? I'm very noob when it comes to databases. I am using LinqToSQL and SQL Server 2005(dev)/2008(prod). ...