
Django Transaction Errors

I have a cronjob which processes emails and stores them in the system. It'd been working well for over a year but now all of a sudden it has started giving these weird transaction errors randomly every now and then. 2010-09-02-01:45:11 ERROR Exception occured during mail processing Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/exam...

Detach JPA objects with lazy initialized properties

There are two JPA entities: User and Order with one-to-many relationship. /** * User DTO */ @Entity @Table(name="user") public class User implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8372128484215085291L; private Long id; private Set<Order> orders; public User() {} @Id @GeneratedValue(s...

How to use transaction and select together, with sql2008

Hi, we have a ASP.NET site with a SQL2008 DB. I'm trying to implement transactions in our current system. We have a method that is inserting a new row to a table (Table_A), and it works fine with transaction. If an exception is throwed, it will do the rollback. My problem is, that another user can't do anything that invole with Table...

How do I only select rows that have been committed - sql2008.

How do I select all rows for a table, their isn't part of any transaction that hasn't committed yet? Example: Let's say, Table T has 10 rows. User A is doing a transaction with some queries: INSERT INTO T (...) SELECT ... FROM T // doing other queries Now, here comes the tricky part: What if User B, in the time between User A in...

Database deletes failed during inserts

Hi, I have two java apps: one of them inserts records to Table1. Second application reads first N items and removes them. When 1st application inserts data intensive, 2nd failed when I try to delete any rows with CannotSerializeTransactionException. I don't see any problems: inserted items are visible in select/delete only when insert ...

Do you need to open client firewall for WS-AT to work with WCF?

I am getting the following error trying to communicate from WCF -> WCF across the internet with a SSL certificate. I have 'No authentication required' checked in the WS-AT configuration on the server. After a few seconds I'm getting the following message on my client, and trying to figure out what is wrong in my configuration (or under...

Disable autocommit during hundreds of MySQL UPDATE statements in Django program

In a Django program, how to explicitly disable auto transaction management before hundreds of UPDATEs and enable it after the UPDATEs finish? I looked into but didn't find any clue. I tried to put the following code at the beginning settings.DISABLE_TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT = ...

How to log Spring transaction content

There have been various posts of logging the activity (start, commit & rollback) of Spring's transaction manager. However, I recently came across a deadlock issue for which logging just the activity isn't enough. The fundamental issue in our code is a messy usage of transaction propagations REQUIRED and REQUIRES_NEW. There are so many ...

Count All incomplete SQL Transactions running on database ?

Hello, I need T-SQL to count Count All incomplete SQL Transactions running on database in another way I need to count all current sql transactions runnging right now on sql server instance. I hope if I explained well what I need ? thanks. ...

Deadlock issue with SQL Server 2008 and ADO.NET

In our applications we don't use either ADO.NET transaction or SQL Server transactions in procedures and now we are getting the below error in our website when multiple people are using. Transaction (Process ID 73) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim...

Transactions not working unless inside DAO

I have a problem with transactions in that annotating a service that calls a DAO with @Transactional throws an exception stating that the Session is not open. The only way I can get it working is by annotating the DAO with @Transactional. What on earth can be happening? This is what I'd like to do but doesn't work: class CustomerServic...

Do NHibernate's transactions slow down other ADO.NET connections?

We're (slowly) moving an application (with a classic ADO.NET DAL) to NHibernate (following both "one-session-per-request pattern" and "repository pattern"). The application, right now, is in a hybrid state (I know, it's horrorful): some query are made by disposable DAO objects (that open a connection in their constructors and dispose ...

SQL Server transaction log, dbcc not really useful, ldf file not accessible, don't want to install 3rd party software

I'm trying to track down why a db query got screwed in SQL Server (just the one time). dbcc log(mydb,2) is not filterable by date(?). And the ldf file I can't access directly without going through 2 layers of bureaucracy Any suggestions? Other than installing some 3rd party proprietary log file viewer. ...

transactional remote method execution

Hello, I am developing a series of java web applications that will be deployed independently, possibly on separate application servers (with local network connectivity). Apart from servicing incoming user requests, these applications need to be able to talk to each other. The format of this communication will be as a published service...

can I use using(var scope = new TransactionScope()) with Postgres ?

I'm doing using(var scope = new TransactionScope()) { //lots of calls to sql server scope.Complete(); } and it works like a transaction I would like to know if it is going to work the same with postgres ? ...

Read uncommitted isolation level doesn't allow to read entries

Hello. I need to read dirty entries in Sql server but I don't understand why I can't. Hope you will help. I have two tabs in management studio with following code Tab 1: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED GO BEGIN TRAN UPDATE decision.tRequests SET IsComplete = 0 WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:25.000' COMMIT TRA...

Transaction Processing System

Howdy, where can I find software for transaction processing? It should support payment transactions as well as other type of transactions. System should be able to read SPDH and BIC ISO messages. Thank you! ...

django deleted row exists?

I am facing a very peculiar problem that even when I delete some rows, I can just get them back again in same transaction. I am running this under apache and mod_wsgi, database is mysql. Edit: I have created a sample app to test it out, so that I can be sure that none of my code is culprit. I created a testapp with following code mode...

Transactions in NHibernate - UPDATE then INSERT. What am I doing wrong?

In this sample console app I want to update a row in a table, and then insert another row in the same table. The table is like this CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Basket2]( [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UserId] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Basket] ON [dbo].[Basket2] ( [UserId] ASC ) So basi...

Are there any in-memory JDBC databases that support XA distributed transactions?

I want to use an in-memory database to test my application, but it needs to support XA distributed transactions. My first idea for an in-memory database was HSQLDB, but it appears not to support XA. Are there any? ...