
How to create a linked list of nodes that are contained in the max-Depth of a Binary Tree using Java

I've already created the Binary Tree and Linked list classes, I'm just in need of an algorithm that prints ONLY the nodes of the largest path. The height and size of the Binary Tree are already stored in the root node, but my problem is traversing only the largest path while adding each node to my linked list. ...

Traverse Matrix in Diagonal strips

I thought this problem had a trivial solution, couple of for loops and some fancy counters, but apparently it is rather more complicated. So my question is, how would you write (in C) a function traversal of a square matrix in diagonal strips. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Would have to be traversed in the following order: [1],[...

KD-Tree traversal (raytracing) - am I missing a case?

Hi! I'm trying to traverse a 3D KD-Tree in my raytracer. The Tree is correct, but there seems to be something wrong with my traversal algorithm since I'm getting some errors compared to using a brute-force approach (some small surface areas seem to get ignored). Note: none of the rays in question is parallel to any axis. This is my tra...

Using jQuery, how do I find all instances of a class that appear between another class

For example: <table> <tr class="highlight" id="click"> <td>Rusty</td> </tr> <tr class="indent"> <td>Dean</td> </tr> <tr class="indent"> <td>Hank</td> </tr> <tr class="highlight"> <td>Myra</td> </tr> </table> Say when I click on the hr with the id click how would I find all instances of class indent unti...

Clojure data structure traversal/searching.

I'd like to be able to do something like this: (search data list? (fn [x] (and (list? x) (= 4 (first x)))) (fn [x] (and (set? x) (contains x 3)))) And have it recursively search a nested data structure data: first for the shallowest lists (might be in a set of sets, for example). then within those lists for the shallowest li...

LINQ Querying Against DataSet

I Want to print out the number of tables in a Typed dataset along with the number of fields associated with each table and the key fields { primary,foreign}. How to get this information using LINQ? ...

Javascript: traversing 2 level deep array with "for" doesn't produce another array..

Hello, Sorry if my title is hard to understand. Let me explain. To use this example of my structure: Array ( [2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [category_id] => 2 [category_name] => women [project_id] => 1 [project_name] => Balloons ...

Traversing a binary tree in C

I'm trying to traverse a binary tree in C. My tree contains an AST node (abstract syntax tree node for compiler). ASTnode reserves nodetype which specifies given node's type (i.e INT OP or CHAR and TYPE we don't need to concern other types), the other members are left and right pointers, and finally we store. Here is code for traversing...

returning and using multiple tree structures in a recursive function

I have a function get_trees() that operates on a complex tree structure T and returns two component tree structures A and B. The only way I have been able tot get this to work is to create a new structure C with pointers to A and B, which is then passed as a parameter to the function and is also a return value: typedef struct Composite ...

NAT traversal with Java

Hi, I want to connect to computers, each one of them behind a NAT router. I read that STUN only works with one computer behind a NAT router. Is that true? If so, how can I solve that double-NAT problem? Thanks, Thomas ...

Algorithm question: print all the elements on a single given level of a binary tree

Hi, I am required to print out(visit) the nodes on a single level of a binary tree. I don't see how this can be done but then again I not very skilled with algorithms in general. I know that in Breadth-First traversal you use a queue and that you start by putting the root node in the queue then you dequeue it visit it and enqueue it's ch...

Construct a Tree

How can I construct a tree given its inorder and preorder traversal? I am just looking for an efficient algorithm. ...

Iterating over element attributes with jQuery

I know individual attributes can be retrieved with the attr() method, but I'm trying to iterate over all of the attributes for an element. For context, I'm using jQuery on some XML... <items> <item id="id123" name="Fizz" value="Buzz" type="xyz"> <subitem name="foo"> <subitem name="bar"> </item> <item id="id456" name="Bizz...

jQuery and JSON: getting an element by name

I have the following JSON: var json = { "system" : { "world" : { "actions" : { "hello" : { "src" : "hello world/hello world.js", "command" : "helloWorld" } } } } } I have the following javasc...

Need help in returning from a recursive method

Hi, I am trying to trace the path of a node in a binary tree (not a binary search tree). Given a node, I am trying to print the values of the path from the root. I have written the following program. package dsa.tree; import java.util.Stack; public class TracePath { private Node n1; public static void main(String args[])...

C# Opensource NAT and Firewall traversal library?

does any one know any stablele project/lib? I need code examples not theory! ...

Most appropriate way to select first occurrence of a child element in jQuery

I have a list like so: <ul id="topElement"> <li></li> <li> <ul> <li> <ul> <li> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <li> Using jQuery, what is the best aka most efficient way to reference the first occurrence of a ul from #topElement. That is to say, I do not want this... $("#topElem...

C++ TCL (tree container library): How to traverse a tree from a node straight to root

I am using this library to hold information about tree structure: Here is simplified version of my C++ code: #include "tcl/sequential_tree.h" // Node has some data which is not important now typedef sequential_tree<Node> gametree_t; typedef sequential_tree<Node>::i...

Linked list traversal, compiler's symbol table and duplicate identifier checks

My "textbook" goes: a) Obj p = curScope.locals, last = null; while (p != null) { if ( error(name + " declared twice"); last = p; p =; } if (last == null) curScope.locals = obj; else = obj; Should I refactor along these lines? b) if (curScope.locals == null) { curScope.locals = obj; } e...

Traversing and filtering a tree in haskell

I am pretty new to Haskell (still working on totally understanding monads). I have a problem where I have a tree like structure type Tree = [DataA] data DataA = DataA1 [DataB] | DataA2 String | DataA3 String [DataA] deriving Show data DataB = DataB1 [DataA] | DataB2 String ...