
Binary search tree traversal that compares two pointers for equality

I'm reading the Cormen algorithms book (binary search tree chapter) and it says that there are two ways to traverse the tree without recursion: using stack and a more complicated but elegant solution that uses no stack but assumes that two pointers can be tested for equality I've implemented the first option (using stack), ...

How to do transform a tree using Scrap Your Boilerplate?

I am new to Haskell, so I am trying to figure out how to do tree traversals. Here is the Company example (with a slight change) that I have seen in several papers data Company = C [Dept] deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data) data Dept = D Name Manager [Unit] deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data) data ThinkTank= TK Name ...

jquery Tree Traversal prev() in TD's

Hello, I'm trying to check/unckeck a selectbox by jquery in a previous TD. I have tried for hours several combination with prev(), parent(), closest(), but still without result... Here is the example code: <table> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" class="resultcheck"></td> <td><label class="resultchecklabel">Text 1</label></td> </tr>...

How can I specify which relationship type to use as a function of the current node at every step of a traversal with neo4j?

I'd like to traverse my graph using the neo4j traversal API, but I need to be able to specify which relationship type to use at every step, and the relationship type to use needs to be a function of the current node. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to select certain child node in TreeView, C#

I am having a problem with selecting a certain child node. What I want to achieve: I you have this treeview for example (one parent with two child nodes): Parent -Child with a value 5 -Child with a value 2. I want to add these two values and assign them to Parent node: Parent result 7 -Child 5 -Child 2. Of course, a bigger treevi...

Building a Quadtree

I'm attempting to use a quadtree (a 4-ary tree) to hold the information in a given BMP. I'm struggling to figure out how to build the tree given any BMP. Basically the structure is such that every leaf represents a pixel. Each Node has 4 pointers each of which point to one of the four remaining quadrants in the image. Thus each node d...

How to write a recursive function that returns a linked list of nodes, when given a binary tree of nodes?

I was once asked of this in an interview: How to write a recursive function that returns a linked list of nodes, when given a binary tree of nodes? (flattening the data) (Update: how about, don't just traverse the tree and add the nodes to a global structure. Make the function totally recursive, and modifying the binary tree...

jQuery - How to select elements that do NOT have a class?

How do I get elements that do not have any class names? <td class="B A">A03<sub>reserved</sub></td> <td class="B R">R70</td> <td>105</td> <td class="M C">L220</td> Right now I'm doing this $('td').not('.A, .B, .C, .M, .R') There's gotta be a better way! ...

Using recursion to find paths in a 2D array

Hi, I'm working on a project for my A level. It involves finding the maximum flow of a network, and I'm using javascript. I have a 2D array, with values in the array representing a distance between the two points. An example of the array: 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 I think I need to use a recursive technique to find a path; belo...

jQuery - Not sure which method to use, closest() and parent() don't work.

Hello, again. :) God i feel like i'm spamming stackoverflow, this is my 3rd post for today. Sorry, heh. I even posted a question regarding this before, kind of, but i've changed the code a bit since so i thought it was better to post a new question. $('.pmlist ul li h4 .toggle').click(function() { $(this).closest('.meddel').toggle...

BST Level Traversal

Ok, so I'm trying to do a level order traversal of a binary search tree and its not working. The code below makes sense to me, but that is probably because I've been looking at it forever and I've convinced myself that it should work. void BST<T>::levelByLevel(ostream &out) { Queue<BinNodePointer> q; BinNodePointer subtreeRoot; i...

jQuery prevUntil() include start selector and end selecter

I would like to select the start and end selector for the prevUntil() or nextUntil() jQuery selector methods. If i implement these methods now, it grabs everything between the two selectors given. i.e. $('p').prevUntil('h1') will not include the p and h1 element, only those between them. How could I also select the p and h1 elements as ...

How to traverse a Btree?

I have a Btree and I'm trying to figure out how traverse it so that the keys are displayed ascending order. All I can figure out is that this can be done with a recursive function. What's the pseudo-code to do it? ...

Preoder traversal of a Btree

I'm trying to figure out how to do a preorder traversal of a Btree. I know that generally preorder traversal works like this: preorder(node) { print value in node preorder(left child) preorder(right child) } What's confusing to me is how to make this work with a Btree, since in each node there are multiple values and multiple child p...

JQuery List Traversal using selectors or methods help

Hey Guys, I'm basically having a bit of trouble with traversing through an unordered list and retreiving list items. foreach (MyTypeObject s in result) { oList.Clear(); { oList.AppendFormat("<ul id='OuteroListItems'>"); oList.AppendFormat("<li>"); oList.AppendFo...

When do you decide to use a visitors for your objects?

I always thought an object needs the data and the messages to act on it. When would you want a method that is extrinsic to the object? What rule of thumb do you follow to have a visitor? This is supposing that you have full control of the object graph. ...

Using jQuery to gather all text nodes from a wrapped set, separated by spaces

I'm looking for a way to gather all of the text in a jQuery wrapped set, but I need to create spaces between sibling nodes that have no text nodes between them. For example, consider this HTML: <div> <ul> <li>List item #1.</li><li>List item #2.</li><li>List item #3.</li> </ul> </div> If I simply use jQuery's text() method to ...

How can I store data in a table as a trie? (SQL Server)

Hi, To make things easier, the table contains all the words in the English dictionary. What I would like to do is be able to store the data as a trie. This way I can traverse the different branches of the trie and return the most relevant result. First, how do I store the data in the table as a trie? Second, how do I traverse the tr...

Dynamic Array traversal in PHP

I want to build a hierarchy from a one-dimensional array and can (almost) do so with a more or less hardcoded code. How can I make the code dynamic? Perhaps with while(isset($array[$key])) { ... }? Or, with an extra function? Like this: $out = my_extra_traverse_function($array,$key); function array_traverse($array,$key=NULL) { $out...

How do I iterate over Binary Tree?

Right now I have private static void iterateall(BinaryTree foo) { if(foo!= null){ System.out.println(foo.node); iterateall(foo.left); iterateall(foo.right); } } Can you change it to Iteration instead of a recursion? ...