
lots of files tactics have directory traversal security problem?

If I choose lots of files tactics, then I become to have directory traversal security problem? I need to write login system, and lots of file tactics means make lots of id files and use scandir. so the directory would have aaa.txt (contents is aaa_pass) bbb.txt (contents is bbb_pass) ccc.txt (contents is ccc_pass) and when some...

Sorting modified preorder traversal mysql tree

Hey, I've implemented a tree in a mysql table using: This is the method where you have a table like: +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ | category_id | name | lft | rgt | +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ | 1 ...

Bash: how to traverse directory structure and execute commands?

I have split a large text file into a number of sets of smaller ones for performance testing that i'm doing. There are a number of directories like this: /home/brianly/output-02 (contains 2 files myfile.chunk.00 and myfile.chunk.01) /home/brianly/output-04 (contains 4 files...) /home/brianly/output-06 (contains 6 files...) It's import...

Big O help

If i had a function like this... void myfunction(node* root) { for(int i = 0; i<root->children.size();i++) { myfunction(root->children[i]); } } granted thats just the part of the function I have a question on, but would that be n^2 or just n, for big O? I guess the question is if you have a for loop and inside that for...

reconstructing a tree from its preorder and postorder lists.

Consider the situation where you have two lists of nodes of which all you know is that one is a representation of a preorder traversal of some tree and the other a representation of a postorder traversal of the same tree. I believe it is possible to reconstruct the tree exactly from these two lists, and I think I have an algorithm to d...

Traversing a Python object tree

I'm trying to implement dynamic reloading objects in Python, that reflect code changes live. Modules reloading is working, but I have to recreate every instance of the modules' classes for changes to become effective. The problem is that objects data (objects __dict__ content) is lost during the process. So I tried another approach: ...

Algorithm for BFS traveral of an acylic directed graph

I'm looking for an elegant Python program that does a BFS traveral of a DAG: Node A is connected to B (A->B) if A "depends on" B (think of python package Foo "depending upon" Bar: Foo->Bar). In a graph of about 7000 such nodes, I want to sort all nodes such that for all possible (i, j) where 1>=i<j<=7000 .. depends(Ni, Nj) is False. d...

Isometric projection in 2d coordinate system

What equation is needed to move a point on an isometric plane in a 2d space? I've looked several places on the tubes. Mostly here. and I haven't been able to decipher it. I'm not a math major, unfortunately. What I need to do is move a point from (0,0) to (1,0) or (0,1) on an isometric plane consisting of 10px blocks. In normal-ville ...

Slow implementation and runs out of heap space (even when vm args are set to 2g)

I'm writing a function which generates all paths in a tree as xpath statements and storing them in a bag below is a naive (sorry this is long) and below that is my attempt to optimize it: /** * Create the structural fingerprint of a tree. Defined as the multiset of * all paths and their multiplicities */ protected Multiset<String> cr...

Graph Searching algorithm

Here is the problem: I have to find a path from the starting point to the destination with following considerations. In the given graph a point could be either (1) A Checkpoint--> this point must be there in the final path calculated (2) A Mine--> this point should not be there in the final path calculated (3) A neutral point--> thi...

Post order traversal of binary tree without recursion

Hello fellow coders, Does anyone know the algorithm for doing a post order traversal of a binary tree WITHOUT using recursion. Any information would be greatly appreciated. ...

Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul>

Hello everyone, I am trying to get my data which is hierarchically set up with a tree traversal model into an < ul> in order to show on my site. Here is my code: function getCats($) { // retrieve all children of $parent $query = "SELECT max(rght) as max from t_categories"; $row = C_DB::fetchSingleRow($query); $max = $row["max...

How would I traverse elements between two known elements in the dom using jquery?

I want to allow the user to click a start point and then click an ending point and be able to manipulate various form elements between the two points that were selected. The page is a table with numerous rows and each row contains the relevant information to manipulate/save an answer to the question in that row. Each row has a hidden in...

How can I find a Binary tree from a given Traversal Method?

How can I find a binary tree from a given traversal method (inorder,post-order,pre-order)? ...

traversing div's of the same class

Hi, i have 5 div's of the same class but different id stacking on top of each other. how do I traverse them using javascript? they are named div1, div2, div3, etc... also, how do i change each div's attribute while traversing? thank you very much. tam. ...

What is the most efficient way to retrieve the column index for rows affected by "rowspan"?

Consider the following table: <table> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" /> <th scope="col">A</th> <th scope="col">B</th> <th scope="col">C</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row">1</th> <td>Apples</td> <td>Oranges<...

copying a bst to a treeSet

I have to write a method that returns a set of all elements in a bag with no duplicate entries allowed. The data is held in a BST, and I'm trying to do this by using a TreeSet, but I'm having trouble working out how to traverse the tree and add each node's data to the TreeSet. I can only manage the following: Set<E> uniqueSet() { No...

Jquery tranversing DOM to find consecutives values

Thanks for looking, all helpful answers are voted up. This is my markup. I'm trying to find 2 consecutive divs cmk1 and cmk2 with the content RIGHT and HERE in consecutive order. div id 1 shouldn't match because there's a right but not here. div id 3 shouldn't match because there's a here but no right. I'm trying to find something t...

jQuery: Given just an element ID name, how do it find its position in the dom relative to its parent?

This one has me stumped. <div id="container"> <div id="store"></div> <div id="contact"></div> </div> I'm looking for the contact divs position as child of "container". So just to be extra clear, if i'm looking for 'contact's position, i need jquery to return the number 1. any help is greatly appreciated! thanks! ...

jQuery: find next table-row

I have a table, containing rows, contaning cells - and some of them contain an img as follows: <img id="FormView1_btnSave_row1%1%new" style="border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer;" src="grafik/ok_16x16.gif" onclick="cleverStuff(this)"/> In the function cleverStuff I would like to operate on the line that follows the line in which the but...