
Javascript: Get a reference from JSON object with traverse.

I need to get a reference from JSON object, the code just following: var Tree = { data: { 0: { pk: 1, }, 1: { pk: 2, }, 2: { pk: 3, children: { 0: { pk: 11, }, 1: { ...

Is there a tool to help me understand DOM traversal in jQuery?

Hello, I think I have a basic understanding of DOM traversal, but I doubt I'm doing it efficiently. For example: <textarea name="description"></textarea> <p class="notes"><small>100 characters or less <span class="remainder"></span></small></p> I have a keyup event listener on the textarea. I want the .remainder span to display so...

Traversing and inserting into a weird binary tree [SOLVED]

Ok, I ran into this tree question which LOOKED simple, but started driving me nuts. The tree given is LIKE a binary search tree, but with one difference: For a Node, leftNode.value < value <= rightNode.value. However, (by their omission of any further info, and by their example below) this ONLY applies to the immediate children, no...

Applying a Logarithm to Navigate a Tree

I had once known of a way to use logarithms to move from one leaf of a tree to the next "in-order" leaf of a tree. I think it involved taking a position value (rank?) of the "current" leaf and using it as a seed for a fresh traversal from the root down to the new target leaf - all the way using a log function test to determine whether t...

Is there a way to tell if I'm using recursion in Python?

I'm writing a function to traverse the user's file system and create a tree representing that directory (the tree is really a TreeView widget in Tkinter, but that's functionally a tree). The best way I can think of doing this is recursion. However, one of my cases in the function requires me to know if it is the "original" function call...

Python os.walk + follow symlinks

How do I get this piece to follow symlinks in python 2.6? def load_recursive(self, path): for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if file.endswith('.xml'): file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) try: do_stuff(file_path) exce...

n-Tree traversal from root node down to all childen

Hello I have a List with some tables from a database where each row contains a parent field refering to another row. Like this title, parent A, null B, A C, A D, C E, B F, null Here the A and F are root nodes, B and C is child to A, D is child to C and E is child to B in turn. What is the best way to produce a tree s...

Select element by and classname in javascript

I have an onChange event that needs to dynamically select an ID and then add a preset classname to pass to a function. onChange = "show(document.getElementById(this.value). {select a class here? } );" The equivalent in jquery $('#'+this.value+'.myclassname').function(); So how do I select an ID+classname in javascript? I know I'm ...

Python - Write a function that takes a string as an argument and displays the letters backward, one per line.

This is an exercise from "How to think like a Computer Scientist". I am learning Python/programming and I'm not sure how to do accomplish this task. Here is an example in the book that displays the letters forwards, I can't figure out how to get the opposite effect. Has to use a while-loop. fruit = 'banana' index = 0 while index > ...

Changing position of children in <body> tag using jQuery

I am trying to change to position of children of the body. I obviously do not understand how to do so, but I thought it would be novel if the following code would work: var temp = $('body').children()[0]; $('body').children()[0] = $('body').children()[1]; $('body').children()[1] = temp; Sadly for me, it does not. I have searched and...

Binary Search Tree Height

I was asked to build a binary search tree after adding about 20 values in a specific order and I finished and found the size to be 16 and the height to be 4. But part (c) of the question asks me to find the Height (after removal) I am unsure what this means and would be grateful if somebody could clarify what this means. ...

Select the parents of a DOM object, and Exclude the Children of the selected parents

I'd like to display a dialogue when a user clicks out of the DOM object that holds my app. I was thinking, I'd just put a one time click event on all parents and then trigger the dialogue with that. Because the DOM object that I'm getting the parent's for is included, it's triggering the dialogue even when the object it's self is click...

When two trees are equal?

If in-order traversal of two binrary trees (not binary search trees) are the same, does it guarantee that the two trees are the same? if answer is no, then what about both in-order and pre-order traversal are the same? ...