
XAML and local variable/auto property...

Hi all, I try to set a local property through XAML and a trigger. The idea is to "reproduce" the behaviour that exists in most of settings pages with an "Apply" button at the bottom. As soon as the user modify one the the control/settings in the page, I want to set a local variable ("FilterModified") to "true". I tried this, but somehow,...

Create mysql trigger via PHP?

I'm executing the following in PHP5.3: $sql = " CREATE TRIGGER `_photo_fulltext_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `photo` FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO `_photo_fulltext` SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=NEW.`id`; CREATE TRIGGER `_photo_fulltext_delete` AFTER DELETE ON `photo` FOR EACH ROW DELETE FROM `_photo_fulltext` WHERE `id`=OLD.`id`; DELIMITER |...

How can I get the 'External name' of a SQL CLR trigger?

I have created a SQL CLR trigger with the follow SQL: GO CREATE TRIGGER AuditAccountsTable ON [dbo].[Accounts] FOR INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE AS EXTERNAL NAME namespace.Triggers.AuditTrigger I am trying to query: select * from sys.triggers Is there a way to find the: EXTERNAL NAME namespace.Triggers.AuditTrigger on the trigger fro...

Call Stored Procedure within Create Trigger in SQL Server

Dear readers, I have a stored procedure named insert2Newsletter with parameters (@sex nvarchar(10), @f_name nvarchar(50), @l_name nvarchar(70), @email nvarchar(75), @ip_address nvarchar(50), @hotelID int, @maArt nchar(2)) I want call this stored procedure in an insert trigger. How do I retrieve the corresponding fields from inserted...

Oracle 8i: if data in view changes write into a table

Hello everybody, i do have a view (consolidating/decoding data from various table). Now I want to have a table which contains preferably to old and the changed data of the view record, including the date of the change. I'm using Oracle 8i... Thanks, Werner ... - Trigger not firing when scheduler runs inside a Windows Service

I've got a class library (c#, .net 4.0) implementing a wrapper class for a Scheduler and a bunch of Triggers and Jobs which I'd like to have executed. This wrapper class has a simple Start() and Stop() mathod to start or shutdown the Scheduler. When I instanciate my wrapper from a console application, it registers my Jobs + ...

Can an INSERT result in more than one row in a trigger "inserted" table?

I know that within a trigger - at least for SQL Server - one should never assume that the inserted table has just one row, which means SQL like this in a trigger is usually bad: select @UserID = ID from inserted But out of curiosity, can a set of INSERT statements ever result in an inserted table of more than one row? I know it's easy...

triggerHandler vs. trigger in jQuery

Out of curiosity -- what is the purpose of / use cases for jQuery's triggerHandler? As far as I can tell, the only "real" differences between trigger and triggerHandler is whether or not the native event fires, and event bubbling behavior (though triggerHandler's bubbling behavior doesn't seem hard to replicate with trigger in a few more...

How do I get Linq-to-SQL to ignore columns that are modified by INSERT triggers?

There's a column on one of my tables that's being updated by various INSERT/DELETE triggers in my database - the triggers perform some calculation based on the contents of linked tables and store the result in a column on the base table for easier querying, etc. Linq-to-SQL is throwing a ChangeConflictException when I try to update thes...

ADOQuery is bypassing instead of delete trigger

I´m using Delphi 5 with SQL Server 2000 here. I have created an ADOQuery on top of an updatable view with an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger. The updatable view is basically used for controlling soft deletes. It filters out records which are marked as deleted and it hides the controlling column as well. It all works fine when I´m issuing di...

Jquery: Trigger Embedded Object click by clicking a Div?

Hi there! I am trying to trigger an embedded object click by clicking on another div, this is the code ive tried: $('.action-upload').livequery(function() { $(this).click(function() { $('#button').trigger('click'); }); }); this is the code that comes up for the embedded object in firebug: <object width="114" height="29"...

How to workaround mysql bug: Trigger not executed following foreign key UPDATE/DELETE

MySQL Bug #11472 confirms that when rows of a tableB are updated/deleted indirectly as a result of a FK constraint (relating tableA), triggers on tableB are not executed. How can I workaround this bug? I found a messy workaround, but would like to hear the SO communities suggestions as well. In this example joins has a FK to users a...

Oracle - emulating a trigger on SELECT

(I had already written this question out when I figured out the answer, so I'll post it anyway since Google didn't give me any useful answers). I'm looking to create something much like a trigger which fires on an Oracle SELECT. The goal is remove specific rows from the result of the SELECT depending which user is doing the SELECT. Th...

how to send email by using triggers in mysql?

i am new in trigers to send email by using trigers in mysql? ...

In an UPDATE trigger - get the Primary Key without the column's name

I need to update the DateModified Column without knowing the name of the Primary Key Column. Basically, I've got a plain-jane UPDATE trigger like this: CREATE TRIGGER updated_SCHEMA_TABLE ON [SCHEMA].[TABLE] AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; UPDATE [SCHEMA].[TABLE] SET DateModified = getdate() ...

WPF Triggers - Pain Points

I have a very big control, which in-turn contains lots of small controls hosted in it. Previously, we were applying themes using VisualTree iteration. We planned to replace the logic with Triggers. Now, when we apply any theme it takes much time than the previous implementation. [For example, previously it took around 100ms now it varies...

Mimicking Validation Behaviour without Validation

We have several data objects in our application that wind up bound to grids. We have them implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface, so that by adding error messages to the properties, we see the rowheader change style and the DataGridCells gain a red border. All well and good. We now have an additional requirement that rather than...

How to get value of deleted test in trigger?

Hi I need to put a trigger on Delete on Table1. On delete of record from Table1, I need to update Table2 in trigger, but i need the value of deleted record in the trigger. Example:- IF OBJECT_ID ('UpdateLog','TR') IS NOT NULL DROP TRIGGER UpdateLog; GO CREATE TRIGGER UpdateLog ON Table_1 AFTER DELETE AS UPDATE Table_2 SET D...

a triggers question in oracle..

Hi, I am kind of new to triggers and cant figure it out how to resolve this. After insert a new row on a specicfic table it should influence other tables aswell. So if I add(insert) an order on a table which includes 3 quantity, I want to be 3 less In_stock in another table(column)... thanks in advance ...

How to capture the executed sql query in MySQL using a trigger?

I'm doing a bit of audit work with MySQL for the first time and wanted a way to capture the executed sql during the insert (as part of the trigger). But I can't seem to find a good example/blog post/etc Any help would be much appreciated ...