
WPF Popup event handling - How to get triggered when Popup opens

Hi, I created a WPF Popup which contains a grid with border. There is some animation associated with the border which I want to be triggered every time the Popup opens. Currently the code is like this <Popup x:Name="myPopUp" > <Border x:Name="myBorder" > <Border.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Popup.Loaded"> ...

(PLSQL) What is the simplest expression to test for a changed value in an Oracle on-update trigger?

Here is a boolean expression that does the trick: nvl(:new.location != :old.location, (:new.location is null) != (:old.location is null)) But I would like to think there was a simpler expression. Any ideas? ...

jQuery .click() not triggering on links dynamically created with .wrapInner()

I'm having an issue with this script and for the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong with it. Quick run through what I have: The HTML: <ul> <li id="wildcard_1"> <div> <a href="#">test</a> </div> </li> </ul> <a href="#" class="reset">reset</a> The jQuery: // Main function $("[id^=wildcard_]"...

pass an object through jquery trigger

I'm trying to do something rather simple but I'm getting a strange result. I have an event trigger that I'm using to pass a json object but when it gets through to the other side it's a function... I alert the result and it shows this: example of alert sting: alert('value of lattitude? ' +; result: value o...

Cancel insertion inside a trigger without a rollback.

For a certain assignment, I'm tasked with creating a very simple Q/A site, complete with tagged questions and commented answers. One of the requirements is to have a trigger to detect the insertion of duplicate tags and, if such is the case, increment the already-existing tag's usage counter. Problem is, I can't cancel the trigger with...

Postgresql Application Insertion and Trigger Performance

I'm working on designing an application with a SQL backend (Postgresql) and I've got a some design questions. In short, the DB will serve to store network events as they occur on the fly, so insertion speed and performance is critical due 'real-time' actions depending on these events. The data is dumped into a speedy default format acros...

Simple oracle triggers

Hi there, Simple one. I´m a bit of a newvbie with PLSql and oracle's error messages are never too helpful. I want to do a simple trigger to update a column with the current date i.e. 'modified date' column of a table. Getting an odd error though. The idea is simple create table test1 (tcol varchar2(255), tcol2 varchar2(255)) CREATE ...

How to pick a default value to the column in the trigger?

We implement some triggers which perform some operations with insert data before committing them to the database and when some conditions fail the trigger should pick up the default value for corresponding column. How to perform it inside the trigger? Thank you. PS. we work with postgersql, but other implementation with othee dbs may g...

Is it possible to use variables to access columns of records in postgresql trigger

I have a trigger to update my timestamps for each table. I use the following function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_timstamp_table0() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW IS DISTINCT FROM OLD THEN NEW.table0_timestamp_column = extract( 'epoch' from NOW() ) RETURN NEW; ELSE RETURN NULL; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; Sinc...

Move Data from one table to another using on update trigger

Hi All, I New in DB development. Please help me create trigger for moving data from one table to another. I have two tables one is containing "Transaction Status" from where I want to move records on transaction status change into another table having completed transactions. so the value in one table will get deleted and will get insert...

Force binding update in XAML

I have a View with a Listbox and several textboxes bound to properties of the objects displayed in the listbox. On opening, the listbox is populated with data, and I have the following in the style to ensure than when there are items and nothing is selected, to select the 1st item. <Style.Triggers> <MultiTrigger> ...

WPF Trigger Binding: What's the best way to bind an enum value to visiblity?

I have a user control (NameField). Within it I have a stackpanel containing 3 Grids: StandardView, FluidView, OtherView. Within the code-behind I have a DependencyProperty called View of type NameFieldView (enum). The enum contains STANDARD, FLUID, OTHER. I think I have to create a converter, but I'm not sure if that's necessary. I basi...

GitHub, Gerrit, Hudson workflow

I'm just getting started using GitHub, Gerrit, and Hudson together. And I need some thoughts on workflow. We'd like to use GitHub as our main remote repo. We'd like to use Gerrit primarily for code reviews, but also for build triggers in Hudson. At the moment, though, I'm having some trouble thinking through the workflow for this and w...

Force action to queue from $.each loop

I am animating html elements (cards) using jquery. I need to animate a dealing action ('one you for you, one for me, one you you, one for me...') so want the cards to fully animate (move position) before the next one starts. I am creating the cards in a $.each function and calling the animation from there (to avoid looping again unnecess...

SQL Stored Proc: Help converting to trigger

Hi all, I'd like to convert a stored proc into a trigger. The stored proc is supposed to be run after inserts/updates, but users forget to execute it more often than not! The stored proc inserts recalculated values for some rows: --Delete rows where RowCode=111 DELETE FROM dbo.TableA WHERE [year]>=1998 AND RowCode=111 --Insert new va...

Trigger for update multi line

Hi, I'm having a problem with this trigger: ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_B_U_Login] ON [dbo].[Login] FOR UPDATE AS BEGIN IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 RETURN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @Campos nvarchar(500); DECLARE @Old...

jQuery: Attaching event, calling event

In one section of code I have this: $("#searchbar").trigger("onOptionsApplied"); In another section of code, I have this: $("#searchbar").bind("onOptionsApplied", function () { alert("fdafds"); }); The bind() is executed before the trigger(), but when I view the page, I never get an alert(). Why not? What am I doing wrong with...

How to run a shell script in PHP?

I am trying to trigger the running of a shell script using PHP. Essentially, when a user completes an action on our website programmed in PHP, we want to trigger a shell script which itself calls a Java file. Thanks in advance! ...

introduction to triggers in sql server

if you create a new trigger in sql server, it gives you this template: --==================================== -- Create database trigger template --==================================== USE <database_name, sysname, AdventureWorks> GO IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHERE name = N'<trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop...

Constraining item heights in WPF ListBox, with indicator

I have a ListBox control in WPF which contains items of variable height (predominantly a large text block, so it's also affected by word wrapping). Since scrolling behaves badly when the height of an individual item gets too high (especially when close to the height of the ListBox itself), I want to constrain the max height of the indiv...