
Try-Catch or Check Length? C# XNA

I was just wondering which would be cheaper, using a try catch block for index out of bounds or checking the length of a multi dimensional array and comparing values? I have a feeling it's the length, since I can store the length in a variable and then just do if's which are relatively cheap. I'm just not sure how expensive try-catch is...

Is checking for exceptions in code or using try-catch a better practice in Java?

I had someone mention to me that catching all exceptions is not necessarily good practice (for example, NullPointerException). I am looking for an explanation of when this is a good thing, when it is not, and why it is as such :D Thanks!! badPanda ...

Wrong line number on stack trace

Hi! I have this code try { //AN EXCEPTION IS GENERATED HERE!!! } catch { SqlService.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } Code above is called in this code try { //HERE IS CALLED THE METHOD THAT CONTAINS THE CODE ABOVE } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } The exception passed as parameter to the method "HandleE...

TRY CATCH with Linked Server in SQL Server 2005 Not Working

Hello, I am trying to catch sql error raised when I execute a stored procedure on a linked server. Both Servers are running SQL Server 2005. To prove the issue I have created a stored procedure on the linked server called Raise error that executes the following code: RAISERROR('An error', 16, 1); If I execute the stored procedure dir...

Catch Multiple Custom Exceptions? - C++

Hi all, I'm a student in my first C++ programming class, and I'm working on a project where we have to create multiple custom exception classes, and then in one of our event handlers, use a try/catch block to handle them appropriately. My question is: How do I catch my multiple custom exceptions in my try/catch block? GetMessage() is a ...

Exception from within a finally block

Consider the following code where LockDevice() could possibly fail and throw an exception on ist own. What happens in C# if an exception is raised from within a finally block? UnlockDevice(); try { DoSomethingWithDevice(); } finally { LockDevice(); // can fail with an exception } ...

unexpected T_TRY, expecting T_FUNCTION error message, not sure why ?

I am getting unexpected T_TRY, expecting T_FUNCTION error message and am not sure as too why am getting that, can't we use try and catch block inside class like this: class Processor { protected $dao; protected $fin; try { public function __construct($file) { //Open File for parsing. ...

jQuery Find element else do nothing ?

Hi Guys, I am trying to use jQuery to basically wrap a bunch of CSS modifications via jQuery but on pages where the #IDs or Classes dont exist I get errors ? Like jQuery(".class").css(random_stuff) is not a function Any ideas what I can do to either "find" the elements and do nothing or ? ...

Delphi Exception handling problem with multiple Exception handling blocks

I'm using Delphi Pro 6 on Windows XP with FastMM 4.92 and the JEDI JVCL 3.0. Given the code below, I'm having the following problem: only the first exception handling block gets a valid instance of E. The other blocks match properly with the class of the Exception being raised, but E is unassigned (nil). For example, given the curre...

Check whether a string is parsable into Long without try-catch?

Hello, Long.parseLong( string ) throws an error if string is not parsable into long. Is there a way to validate the string faster than using try-catch? Thanks ...

Check if Database raises a particular exception

using Nhibernate; I'm trying to insert several values a on table which has an unique index on some columns. I'd like to know if a particular insert raises an exception for having violated the unique constraint. So, which particular exception type should i catch? I only want to catch this particular one and let all others go up. Thank...

R: How to tell lapply to ignore an error and process the next thing in the list?

I have an example function below that reads in a date as a string and returns it as a date object. If it reads a string that it cannot convert to a date, it returns an error. testFunction <- function (date_in) { return(as.Date(date_in)) } testFunction("2010-04-06") # this works fine testFunction("foo") # this returns an erro...

What does try do in java?

What does try do in java? ...

Assigning a default value to a final variable in case of an exception in Java

Why won't Java let me assign a value to a final variable in a catch block after setting the value in the try block, even if it is not possible for the final value to be written in case of an exception. Here is an example that demonstrates the problem: public class FooBar { private final int foo; private FooBar() { try...

Try Catch - Finally in If statement, how to go on after ?

how can I do that ? void x() {.... if (...) {try {} catch (ComException com) { throw com} finally // in any case, executed fine! {...instructions.......} } ... instructions...// not executed in case of exception because the finall...

Understanding try..catch in Javascript

I have this try and catch problem. I am trying to redirect to a different page. But sometimes it does and some times it doesnt. I think the problem is in try and catch . can someone help me understand this. Thanks var pg = new Object(); var da = document.all; var wo = window.opener; pg.changeHideReasonID = function(){ if(pg.hideReason...

How do I close a file after catching an IOException in java?

All, I am trying to ensure that a file I have open with BufferedReader is closed when I catch an IOException, but it appears as if my BufferedReader object is out of scope in the catch block. public static ArrayList readFiletoArrayList(String fileName, ArrayList fileArrayList) { fileArrayList.removeAll(fileArrayList); try { ...

Try & Catch — How do you use them effectively?

I've been trying to teach myself JavaScript, and one thing I was reading on is the try/catch structure. Unfortunately, the tutorial doesn't provide much explanation on how it would be useful, just how to set it up. Can anyone offer some insight? ...

How to make a try-catch block that iterates through all objects of a list and keeps on calling a method on each of them until there are no more exceptions to catch?

Basically iterating through a list and, - Invoke method on first object - Catch first exception (if any); if there are no more exceptions to catch, return normally. Otherwise, keep on invoking method until all exceptions are caught. - Move on to next object. I can iterate through each object, invoke the method, and catch one exception b...

Approaches for simplifying try / catch in Java

I'm looking for ways to simplify lots of ugly try catch code all over the place. For instance I'm seeing: try { objectA.setFieldX(objectB.getFieldY()); } catch(NullPointerException e) { ...stuff } catch(OtherException e) { ...stuff } This kind of thing is repeated all over the place for the various fields, some are slightly dif...