
ASP.NET MVC ModelState with GET/POST methods and try-catch blocks

Hey everyone, I am having some problems getting the MVC modelstate working with a login process on a website. I have a typical login screen with fields for a username and password. The Account Controller has 2 methods to handle logins. The first is a Get method called "LogOn()" that just returns the login view (which is the username/pw)...

How to stop DispatcherTimer from inside Try - Catch?

Please, help me to understand how I could stop attempts of executing MethodOne() inside a dispatcherTimer.Tick event handler of WPF DispatcherTimer after first unsuccessful attempt of doing it. TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5); DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); dispatcherTimer.Tick += ne...

How do I catch a connection failure to a nonexistant Rose::DB database?

My Perl application uses Rose::DB, Rose::DB::Object (ORM) and Tk on Windows XP. I need to check whether the database connection information (host, port, database name, user, password) leads to a valid connection. If I call $db->connect and use e.g. a nonexistant host for testing, Rose::DB says: DBI connect('dbname=my_db;host=

Limiting try block scope. Does it matter?

Is there any performance benefit (particularly in C++ or Java) in keeping the size of try block small [aside from it being more informative to the reader as to which statement can throw]. Given the following method where i do not want to throw out of the method. void function() throws Exception { statement1 statement2 state...

Try Catch blocks inside or outside of functions and error handing

This is more a general purpose programming question than language specific. I've seen several appraoches to try and catches. One is you do whatever preprocessing on data you need, call a function with the appropriate arguments and wrap it into a try/catch block. The other is to simply call a function pass the data and rely on try catch...

How to deal with accidental input of a double when using .nextInt() in Java?

So I am trying to deal with the possible exception of a user entering a double when my scanner is expecting integral input: boolean go = true; do { System.out.print("Please enter one grade from 0 - 100. To end input, enter a negative integral value.\n"); try { int myInt = scanner.nextInt(); ...

Which subclass of Throwable should be caught and which shouldn't?

API doc says never catch Throwable subclass Error which signifies abnormal behavior. Does it implies that the segregation between Error and Exception is to tell programmers that which subclass should be caught and which shouldn't ? Or there is more to it ? ...

unreported exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

I have the following simple code: package test; import javax.swing.*; class KeyEventDemo { static void main(String[] args) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); } } It generates the following error message: unreported exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; must...

c# - is it ok to embed a "try/catch" within a "using" statement for a web request? Is my code correct?

Hi Is it ok to embed a "try/catch" within a "using" statement for a web request? Is my code correct? That is my requirements are: Want to use the "using" statement to make sure resources are released in any case for HttpWebResponse But still want to do some custom stuff if there is an exception re HttpWebResponse and "response = (...

powershell 2.0 try catch how to access the exception

This is try catch in powershell 2.0 $urls = "", "", "" $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient foreach($url in $urls) { try { $url $result=$wc.DownloadString($url) } catch [System.Net.WebException] { [void]$fails.Add("url webfailed $url") ...

using catch(...) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis

Someone in a different question suggested using catch(...) to capture all otherwise unhandled - unexpected/unforseen exceptions by surrounding the whole main() with the try{}catch(...){} block. It sounds like an interesting idea that could save a lot of time debugging the program and leave at least a hint of what happened. The essence ...

can I use breakpoints with try catch statements with qt creator?

if an exception is thrown inside a try/catch, can i put a breakpoint there to get into debu mode before the program exits? ...

perror equivalent function in python

I'm using try except block in python, while the try block fails , how to print meaningful error message. I'm looking for something like perror() in C ...

Why is this SocketException not caught by a generic catch routine?

Our company provides a network component (DLL) for a GUI application. It uses a Timer that checks for disconnections. If it wants to reconnect, it calls: internal void timClock_TimerCallback(object state) { lock (someLock) { // ... try { DoConnect(); } catch (Exception e) { // Log e.Message ...

SQL 2005 try/catch block never reaches 'catch' despte bogus data tests.

Hi. OK, I am not that experienced with SQL 2005 error handling and am learning my way around try/catch statements. I have written the below procedure but no matter what I pass to it, there is never any data in my ErrorLog table. I have passed all INT values, all datetime values, or data strings that are not in the DB and get '0 rows ... Try Finally (no catch)

Quiz question: What is the output of running the following program: Sub Main() Try CallToMethodThatThrowsException() Catch ex As ArgumentException Console.WriteLine("Argument exception caught") Finally Console.WriteLine("Outer finally block") End Try End Sub Public Sub CallToMet...

PowerBuilder crashes in debug mode by errors inside try/catch blocks

When in debug mode, powerbuilder (ver 10.5) throws application execution error and terminates the application, for errors raised by statements put inside try/catch blocks? For example line 3 below throws, an "array boundary exceeded" error and the application is terminated. How can I overcome this (handled) error and debug the rest of t...

Get a Try statement to loop around until correct value obtained

Hello, I am trying to get a user to enter a number between 1 and 4. I have code to check if the number is correct but I want the code to loop around several times until the numbers is correct. Does anyone know how to do this? The code is below: def Release(): try: print 'Please select one of the following?\nCompletion = 0...

In Android, how do I view the error that was received in the try/catch block?

public static void parseit(String thexml){ SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser saxParser; try { saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() { public void startElement(String uri, String localName, St...

How to catch SqlException caused by deadlock?

From a .NET 3.5 / C# app, I would like to catch SqlException but only if it is caused by deadlocks on a SQL Server 2008 instance. Typical error message is Transaction (Process ID 58) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Yet, it does not seem to be a do...