
Try/Catch block not catching Exception

I have a statement inside a try/catch block, but the exception is not getting caught. Can anyone explain? Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source Error: Line 139: try Line 140: { Line 141: return (int)Sess...

Can anyone help with my 2 Java issues I have. 1 is try catch 2 is where to put a piece of code.

I have a piece of coding I am working on for an assignment for uni and in truth I'm not that great with Java, but I have tried. I'm trying to get my try catch to work but it never seems to do what it is suppoes to. I think I have the exception wrong but I'm not sure which exception to use for the problem as I am trying to stop letters b...

Segmentation fault when catching exceptions in a libpthread linked app ( linux, C++ )

Hi I have this piece of code here: These are functions used to create and stop a pthread: void WatchdogController::conscious_process_handler_start() { if ( debug ) cout << "WatchdogController: starting conscious process thread" << endl; cn_pr_thread_active = true; if ( pthread_create( &cn_pr_thread, NULL, conscious_proc...

In the try catch block is it bad to return inside the catch? which is good practice

In the try catch block is it bad practice to return values from the catch block in C++? try { //Some code... return 1; } catch(...) { return 0; } Which method of using try/catch is good practice? ...

Java: Exceptions

Hi, Why is this code correct: try { } catch(ArrayOutOfBoundsException e) { } and this wrong: try { } catch(IOException e) { } This code is wrong because in the try-body never an IOException is thrown, but in the first body there is also never throw a ArrayOutOfBoundsException. And the first code-piece is correct. Why?? Can I ...

Can I put try / catch around an OS API that crashes?

I use a Windows OS library to manipulate image files. Sometimes it crashes deep inside it for no apparent reason—all the inputs are reasonable and its not a threading issue. The crash is memory A/V. So, what are the down sides to something like this: try { pFoo = OsAPIThatCrashes(); } catch { pFoo = NULL; } Will that even work?...

Java: How would I write a try-catch-repeat block?

I am aware of a counter approach to do this. I was wondering if there is a nice and compact way to do this. ...

Having problem with Try-Catch block in a Java I/O program.

I have created the output for a program that allows a user to input their employee name and number and then their hourly wage and their total number of regular hours and overtime hours. This is my first time working with this type of program in java and I'm having an issue with the Try-Catch block where it gets the text input from the us...

How to catch Exception and continue program? C#

I need to do a check to see if the file exists that they input, How can I do this, I tried using try & catch and it has no effect if (startarg.Contains("-del") == true) { //Searches "Uninstallers" folder for uninstaller containing the name that they type after "-del" and runs it string uninsta...

Database constraint violation ignored during SubSonic Save()?

In the following code, if one of the values assigned violates a database constraint, the Save() updates the record with the other good values. However, the database constraint does not appear to bubble up and and be caught by SubSonic. Does SubSonic provide a way to catch constraint violations like this? try { OutboundShipmentControlle...

How can I catch an rtmp url the same way I do with http?

Hello I'd like to monitorize rtmp connections the same way I do with http In firefox for example Thank You!!!! ...

Java: Try-Catch-Continue?

Let's say I can a set of statements: try { String a = getProperty("a"); String b = getProperty("b"); String c = getProperty("c"); } catch(Exception e) { } Now, lets say property b was not found and the function throws an exception. In this case, how would I just continue or perhaps set b to null without having to write a try-ca...

try catch not working in sql server 2005

Hey.. if i try to run following code in sql server 2005 i get error BEGIN TRY SELECT 1/0; END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERR...

nested try catch with reponse.redirect in

Hey... i have nested try catch blocks try { statements try { } catch(SqlException sqlex) { Response.Redirect(@"~/Error.aspx?err=" + Server.UrlEncode (sqlex.Message) + "&src=" + Server.UrlEncode(...

How to catch the null pointer exception ?

try { int* p = 0; *p = 1; } catch (...) { cout << "null pointer." << endl; } I tried to catch the exception like this but it doesn't work,any help? ...

How to catch divide-by-zero error in Visual Studio 2008 C++?

How can I catch a divide-by-zero error (and not other errors; and to be able to access exception information) in Visual Studio 2008 C++? I tried this: try { int j=0; int i= 1/j;//actually, we call a DLL here, which has divide-by-zero } catch(std::exception& e){ printf("%s %s\n", e.what()); } catch(...){ printf("generic except...

The right time to handle all exceptions

I've done a few projects so far, and i've noticed that every single one i've written entirely without any exception handling, then at the end I do a lot of tests and handle them all. is it right? i get thousands of exceptions while testing (which I fix right away) that if i've handled it i wouldn't see exactly where it is(when not usi...

iPhone Crash Catching Options on Published Apps

I am wondering about embedding the CrashCatcher framework ( in a production app. I have written some code that will upload a crash report directly to a server. And, my intent on this was to have quicker access to crash reports and not need to go through Apple/iTunes to get them. Does anyone know ...

Does an exception inside a TRY block break its execution?

I'm importing several fields, and that is, about 25 lines of code each importing one field (in my case, there's really no other way). It's in a try-catch block, but there are some times, that this field doesn't exist in the source, but I have to get the rest. from 20. I get 10 the 11th one doesn't exist (exception) I still need from 12 ...

Additional try statement in catch statement - code smell?

Situation: My application need to process the first step in the business rules (the initial try-catch statement). If an certain error occurs when the process calls the helper method during the step, I need to switch to a second process in the catch statement. The back up process uses the same helper method. If an same error occurs du...