
Twisted Python getPage

I tried to get support on this but I am TOTALLY confused. Here's my code: from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web.client import getPage from twisted.web.error import Error from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList from sys import argv class GrabPage: def __init__(self, page): = page def start(self,...

Multiple, Simultaneous Factories and Protocols in Twisted: Same Service, Different Ports

Greetings, Forum. I'm working on a program in Python that uses Twisted to manage networking. The basis of this program is a TCP service that is to listen for connections on multiple ports. However, instead of using one Twisted factory to handle a protocol object for each port, I am trying to use a separate factory for each port. The ...

Twisted: how-to bind a server to a specified IP address?

I want to have a twisted service (started via twistd) which listens to TCP/POST request on a specified port on a specified IP address. By now I have a twisted application which listens to port 8040 on localhost. It is running fine, but I want it to only listen to a certain IP address, say How-to manage that? This is a snippet...

Writing a blocking wrapper around twisted's IRC client

I'm trying to write a dead-simple interface for an IRC library, like so: import simpleirc connection = simpleirc.Connect('', 6667) channel = connection.join('foo') find_command = re.compile(r'google ([a-z]+)').findall for msg in channel: for t in find_command(msg): channel.say("

Database for Python Twisted

There's an API for Twisted apps to talk to a database in a scalable way: twisted.enterprise.dbapi The confusing thing is, which database to pick? The database will have a Twisted app that is mostly making inserts and updates and relatively few selects, and then other strictly-read-only clients that are accessing the database directly m...

Making an asynchronous interface appear synchronous to mod_python users

I have a Python-driven web interface powered by Apache 2.2 with mod_python and Python 2.4. I need to make an asynchronous process appear synchronous to users of this web interface. When users access one module on this website: An external SOAP interface will be contacted with a unique identifier and will respond with a number N The e...

Use Twisted's getPage as urlopen?

Hi folks, I would like to use Twisted non-blocking getPage method within a webapp, but it feels quite complicated to use such function compared to urlopen. This is an example of what I'm trying to achive: def web_request(request): response = urllib.urlopen('') return HttpResponse(len( I...

chatbot using twisted and wokkel

I am writing a chatbot using Twisted and wokkel and everything seems to be working except that bot periodically logs off. To temporarily fix that I set presence to available on every connection initialized. Does anyone know how to prevent going offline? (I assume if i keep sending available presence every minute or so bot wont go offline...

Has Twisted changed its dependencies?

Hi all, I'm currently working on a Python/Twisted project which is to be distributed and tested on Planetlab. For some reason my code was working on friday and now that I wanted to test a minor change it refuses to work at all: Traceback (most recent call last): File "acn_a4/src/", line 6, in <module> from twisted.internet...

twisted reactor stops too early

I'm doing a batch script to connect to a tcp server and then exiting. My problem is that I can't stop the reactor, for example: cmd = raw_input("Command: ") # custom factory, the protocol just send a line reactor.connectTCP(HOST,PORT, CommandClientFactory(cmd) d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(lambda x: reactor.stop()) reactor.c...

import problem with twisted.web server

I'm just getting started with twisted.web, and I'm having trouble importing a Python module into a .rpy script. in C:\py\twisted\, I have this: from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web import server class MySite(Resource): def render_GET(self, request): request.write("<!DOCTYPE html>") re...

How different protocols interact with eachother in Twisted

The scenario I want two different protocols interact with each other is as below: A and B is two different protocols. First A will interact with the server and retrieve some values. Only after A finishes retrieving the values , B will start to interact with the server. Now my problem is that is there an elegant way to initial B when A ...

threading.local equivalent for twisted.web?

In asynchronous environments, threading.local is not guaranteed to be context-local anymore, because several contexts may coexist within a single thread. Most asynchronous frameworks (gevent, eventlet) provide a get_current_context() functionality to identify the current context. Some offer a way to monkey-patch threading.local so it is ...

Queue remote calls to a Python Twisted perspective broker?

The strength of Twisted (for python) is its asynchronous framework (I think). I've written an image processing server that takes requests via Perspective Broker. It works great as long as I feed it less than a couple hundred images at a time. However, sometimes it gets spiked with hundreds of images at virtually the same time. Because it...

Twisted Matrix and telnet server implementation

I have a project which is essentially a game server where users connect and send text commands via telnet. The code is in C and really old and unmodular and has several bugs and missing features. The main function alone is half the code. I came to the conclusion that rewriting it in Python, with Twisted, could actually result in faster...

Twisted dns client

Hey, I"m using twisted framework to do some async reverse DNS resolving. I want to be able to test it against number of nameservers. As i thought from reading the API docs when i create a Resolver object like this: nameservers = [('', 53), ('', 53)] r = client.createResolver(servers=nameservers) It will query both n...

Creating collaborative whiteboard drawing application

I have my own drawing program in place, with a variety of "drawing tools" such as Pen, Eraser, Rectangle, Circle, Select, Text etc. It's made with Python and wxPython. Each tool mentioned above is a class, which all have polymorphic methods, such as left_down(), mouse_motion(), hit_test() etc. The program manages a list of all drawn sha...

Twisted DTLS connection

How to implement dtls protocol using twisted with m2crypto (or pyopenssl)? ...

Redirecting before POST upload has been completed

I have form with file upload. The files to be uploaded actually are pictures and videos, so they can be quite big. I have logic which based on headers and first 1KB can determine if the rest will be processed or immediately rejected. In the later case I'd like to redirect client to error page without having to wait for upload to finish. ...

What is the point/purpose of Ruby EventMachine, Python Twisted, or JavaScript Node.js?

I don't understand what problem these frameworks solve. Are they replacements for a HTTP server like Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Mongrel, etc? Or are they more? Why might I use them... some real world examples? I've seen endless examples of chat rooms and broadcast services, but don't see how this is any different than, for instance, setti...