
Passing string to twitter fails after ampersand

Good morning, I am trying to pass a string to twitter, using the following code // The message you want to send $message = "" .$link_id . " " ."Android Software" . " " .$link_name . " " . $metadesc; // The twitter API address $url = 'http://twitter....

post star rating in twitter

Hi , Is there any way to post star rating in twitter , Regards ...

How do I convert a Twitter API Pull into an Array in Ruby On Rails?

I am trying to create a stream that includes Twitter data + my app's but I'm having trouble with this because Twitter's data isn't properly coming out as an array. This is my code: answers = Answer.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id => @user_id }, :limit => 20) tweets =[:username]) @feed = (answers + tweets)...

twitter msg automatically post to facebook

Hi , Am not sure there is a feature like , automatically update twitter tweet in to facebook , May i know is there any like automatic update , For Should i use API or CURL , or anything else , Thanks just i find one thread from google link text Is there any thing else then this thread... ...

iPhone SDK Simple Twitter Question

Hi Everyone, I'm just playing around with the iPhone SDK and wanted to make a really simple Twitter app but I'm not sure how to do this. I just need to fetch the last 5 updates from a user just through their username. For instance, if I type in "mashable", I should get mashable's 5 latest updates. How would I do that? Thanks so much ah...

I can't post to Twitter using cURL and PHP

I am unable to tweet continuously in twitter - every three tweets I get: Error posting to Twitter. Retry How do I fix this? My code is as follows: $host = "".urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($message))); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_...

How do you convert a Date in the form of a String to a ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone?

I am trying to create a stream that includes Twitter data + my app's but I'm having trouble sorting them because their time stamps are formatted in different ways. This is my code: answers = Answer.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id => @user_id }, :limit => 20) tweets =[:username]).to_a @feed = (answers + tw...

Issue using Twitter REST API

Hi, I have a list of screen names on Twitter and I wish to get meta data about their twitter profile. I am using Twitter's REST API for the same. The users/show method is apt for my task. The API documentation clearly states that it requires no authentication. Here's the code I wrote for my task: package Twitter; import

Bookmarklet + iFrame + Twitter Sign-In

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarklet for a web project we're working on, the bookmarklet loads an iframe with a sign-in page offering twitter sign-in, everything is working as expected so far, however i'm facing problems in the case when the user isn't already signed in with twitter, he'll be then redirected to twitter sign-in page which is t...

Unable to post status message on Twitter using TwitterHelper

Hi, I want to let the users to my website post some messages to their Twitter Account. For this, I am using TwitterHelper, a JS Twitter API Wrapper. But I am unable to post any status messages. Can anyone give me some pointers on this? Code snippet : <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="TwitterHelper.js"></script> // fun...

Get current user's info from Twitter API

Hi all, I am building a Twitter app (with oAuth) and I cannot find any info on how I can get the current user's info. By current user, I mean the user which granted my app permissions and for whom the app is making the requests to the API. Any suggestions? Thanks ...

Understanding Twitter Streaming API geo information

On streaming API results there are three location responses; coordinates,place and geo. I am assuming that if tweet is sent by e.g. iphone then coordinates are there. If it's sent from web, twitter doesn't know the exact coordinates, so it gives a Place bounding box. I couldn't understand the difference between top level geo & coordina...

OAuth (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) on Rails

I would like to connect to those applications which provided OAuth API (such as fb, twitter). Is there a relatively easier way to integrate those APIs? I have successfully used linkedin gem which can connect to LinkedIn OAuth API. But I really don't want to install a gem for dealing with a single application, where those applications p...

Anyone ever tried to use Twitter to replace comments sections on web apps?

Here's the scenario I'm imagining. Simple blog, users typically post comments in a comments form at the bottom of each blog article. Instead of that, using the Twitter API, pull tweets based on a hashtag. Base the hashtag on the article id (i.e. #site10201) where site is a prefix and the number is the article id. Then provide a link to...

Bulletproof Twitter followers count with PHP?

Hi, I'm trying to display a number of Twitter followers using PHP given a username. My code looks like this: function tweet_count() { $name = get_option('ws_twit'); $twit = file_get_contents(''.$name.'.xml'); $begin = '<followers_count>'; $end = '</followers_count>'; $page = $twit; $par...

Twitter API: merge retweeted_by_me into user_timeline

Hi guys, I can access both methods using the twitteroauth php library. Just thinking of how to merge the two feeds together in a smart way. Any ideas? ...

change the profile picture in twitter for every tweet

Hi, Is it possible to change the profile picture for every tweet via twitter api and it wouldnt change the profile pictures on the previous tweets? for example: i am going to tweet something good so i would want my profile picture to be something happy. and then on my next tweet which seems to be something not good, i would like to ch...

Is Twitter implemeting OAuth off spec? (C#)

Hi all, I've been battling with OAuth and Twitter for 2 weeks now trying to implement it. After many rewrites of my code I've finally got a library which performs the request as it should be based on the 1.0 spec. I've verified it by using this verifier on Google Code, and this verifier from Hueniverse. My version, the Google version an...

Twitter trends CURL php

Hey Guys How do I extract current top 10 twitter trends using CURL. All the php tutorials I found seem to use the old twitter urls which have since changed.. Here is a new url I'm struggling with, the new date at the top seems to throw it Any ideas how to echo the values? e.g. output is ...

How do you use the twitter api?

I've just started trying to dive into the api. Right now I only know html and css as my background, and it seems the api uses a few languages I have no idea how to operate. I've made a working version of abraham's php-oauth. So I can log in and get some data back. But there seems to be no source saying do X to get Y result. I look at the...