
iPhone: UIImage as background of UITableCell

What is the best way to place an image as the background of an UITableCell? I was thinking of using the cell.contentView property, but it won't compile. Is there a preferred method of doing this? And maybe an example? ...

How to attach Image with message via iPhone application?

I want to send message with image data. So I used MFMessageComposeViewController. But that controller provide only SMS service. So I used UIPasteBoard attached an image data. But It doesn't work, either. There are no "Paste" button created when typing messages. Attaching image at UIPasteBoard was clearly success. I think using MFMessageC...

Why is an UIImage way heavier when saved to disk than the NSData used to create it ?

Hi guys, I'm facing a problem when saving an UIImage, instanciated from data received from an HTTP request, in a file : the file is HUGE, way heavier than the size of the data returned by the HTTP request. For example, when downloading an image from a given URL, the retrieved data length is around 1.2MB. I then instanciate my UIImage w...

How to Add 3 images to each row of a UITableView?

I have a collection of images that the number of them aren't determined and vary from 0 to 1000, anyone got an idea how can I present them to the user? I think I can add each three of them to a uitableviewcell but I don't know how. any help would greatly appreciated. :) ...

Help needed with UIImage manipulation

Hi All, I have two UIImage objects as follow: image1: image2: I wish to combine the two images via code so I can get the following image: My graphics skills in iPhone are really poor... so any sample code will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Josh ...

displaying an image from sqlite table

I was storing an image in a sqlite table as blob data and displaying it using the following code: self.myImage.image = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:recipe.image] autorelease]; I'm now using the image file name in the sqlite fields instead and storing the image on the filesystem. what would the code be to display it that way? I'm havi...

How to apply tint for an UIImageView basing on slider value in iPhone.

Hi, I need some help regarding applying the tint effect for an UIImageView basing on the slider value. I had used oepnGL for this logic. But i find some problem with open GL. So i taught to do without openGL.Can anyone help me in getting this logic. As if i'm new to this technology, i don't know how to sort this out. Thanks in advanc...

UIImage in the end of UILabel text

Hi there, how to find coordinate of the last character in UILabel if we have more then 1 line of text in it? I would like to add an image in the end of the text. ...

UIImage Faux-High-Res Effect using Interpolation Algorithms

Hello, I'm programming a few picture viewers for the iPad and the problem that I always have is that unless you use a really big resolution image source, when the user zooms, the image will get pixelated. I was thinking that maybe some kind of upscaling filter could be applied to the image when zoomed. Like the ones here http://en.wiki...

How to make rounded corners on image in uiimageview?

I have a uiimage in a uiimageview. the uiimage doesn't fill the entire uiimageview. I'm trying to have a border with rounded corners, but just around the uiimage, not the entire uiimageview. Can't figure out how to get it. I have homeButtonImage.layer.cornerRadius = 5; homeButtonImage.layer.masksToBounds = YES; homeButtonImage.laye...

How do you find the size/rect of a uiimage?

I have a UIImageView that has a UIImage (obviously), and I want to get the dimensions of the UIImage so that I can draw a border with rounded edges for just the UIImage (not the entire UIImageView). Thanks. ...

Image displayed using CGRect is obscuring UIButtons

I have an image displayed using CGRect (code below). the problem is that it's obscuring UIButtons I have in the nib file. CGRect myImageRect = CGRectMake(0.0f, 40.0f, 480.0f, 280.0f); UIImageView *myImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:myImageRect]; [myImage setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:recipe.image]]; [self.view addSubview:myIma...

Add a shadow to a masked image

Hi there, I'm currently creating irregular images and I'd like to add a shadow to it programmatically : 1) load image (png file) 2) load mask (png file) 3) mask image with mask : output is an UIImage 4) add shadow to the irregular image (not squared nor circle) ...?? how do i do point 4 : should I 1) copy the current image 2) th...

iPhone: Adding UIImage to UIImageView adds a second image

I have a UIImageView that I have already set an image to. This works fine, but later, I want to change that image. So, I set a new image for the image property, but when I view the app, that image is set as a second image over the first: UIImageView *image; image = (UIImageView *)[cell viewWithTag:0]; image.image = [UIImage imageNamed...

CGRect image sizing question

I'm using CGRect to display an image. I'd like the CGRect to use the width and height of the image without me specifying it. can this: CGRectMake(0.0f, 40.0f, 480.0f, 280.0f); become this: CGRectMake(0.0f, 40.0f, myImage.width, myImage.height); some images get distorted when I specify the parameters. here's the code: CGRect myIm...

mask image via another image

Alright what I am trying to do is: given an image where there is a circle within that image that is "blank". I want to take an existing image from user library and then mask it so that only a certain part of that image is shown on the "blank" image.. I have tried a few masking code but they all seem to work the other way around ... ...

Changing interfaceOrientation based on image dimensions

I'm looking to change the phone's rotation based on the size of an image. is there a way to detect if the image has 480px x 300px dimensions then use landscape rotation and vice versa? I have many photos some of which are best view landscape and other best viewed in portrait mode. thanks for any help. ...

Making UITableView with cell-sized images smooth scrolled

EVERYTHING WRITTEN HERE ACTUALLY WORKS RIGHT EXEPT FOR [UIImage imageNamed:] METHOD USAGE Implementation I am using model in witch you have a custom UITableViewCell with one custom UIView set up as Cell's backgroundView. Custom UIView contains two Cell-sized images (320x80 px), one of which is 100% transparent to half of the view....

Iphone Sdk Overlap 2 images into one

Hi I have 2 images.. How can i overlap them so i can get 1 UIImage? Setting the position of image 2 inside image 1 at X, Y Thanks! ...

How to scale up and crop a UIImage?

Here's the code I have but it's crashing ... any ideas? UIImage *tempImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData]; CGImageRef imgRef = [tempImage CGImage]; [tempImage release]; CGFloat width = CGImageGetWidth(imgRef); CGFloat height = CGImageGetHeight(imgRef); CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height); CGSize size = bou...