
Copy a section of one UIImage to another

Hi there, I've got a large image (960 X 640) which I use for the level in an iphone game. At the moment, I export this from my level editor as one large image, one for each level. Obviously, this is quite wasteful! It would be much better if I had a tileset, and constructed the level images in game. I tried making a tile system, but i...

CABasicAnimation Problem

So, I have read in the docs, that use of blocks like beginAnimation commitAnimation is discouraged from os4.0. So I have tried to get my code to work by using CABasicAnimation. I want to achieve, that an image's frame is resized from its thumbnail size, somewhere within my view, to a full width position e.g. (0, 120, 320, 240) - on...

UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit iphone sdk gives poor quality image

Hopefully a quick one? I am creating a custom uitableviewcell and have added an imageview. I have some PNG images which are around 200x200 in size. I want to create a thumbnail to put in the tableview, but when I resize the image, it results in a poor quality image. I use UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit to resize it to a 50x50 frame. ...

Good way to calculate 'brightness' of UIImage?

I'm writing an app that will offer OCR of an image captured by the iPhone camera. I want to test the image before I perform the OCR analysis to see if there is sufficient lighting. Anyone have any ideas? ...

Save UIImage into a specific PhotoAlbum

Is it possible to create a folder into a photo album where i can save my UIImage? I use - UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum but i can't chose the specific Photo Album ...

UIImage reduce byte size

I am using following code to resize an image - it all works well and as expected... Resize UIImage the right way I use interpolation quality as kCGInterpolationLow and UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image,0.0) to get the NSData of that image. The problem is that the image size is still a bit high in size at around 100kb. My question is ca...

How to let the user select an image from a google images search on iOS

Is there any way that I can let the user select an image from a google images search and convert it into a UIImage? ...

UIImage not appearing when cached.

I've got a UITableView that's loading a bunch of RSS feeds, and the favicon for each feed is shown in the table cell. It works well most of the time, but sometimes the image does not appear. Looking through the debugger, the images that don't appear have the NAMED and CACHED flags set to TRUE, with all the other flags set to FALSE. Image...

universal application ipad/iphone image naming convention?

Hi In my application i need to get the correct image based on the device ipad/iphone4/iphone3 device. for example i have image name a.png(width 40,height 20) its for iphone3/ipod ,and if i give [email protected] (width 80,height 40) its for iphone4 , if i mentioned the code UIImage *myImage=[UIImage imageNamed:@"a.png"]; myImage contains...

[ObjC] Custom UIImageVIew with touchesEnded works only with the first view

Hi! Sorry for bad title :( I've a controller that has a scrollview where I display some other views, in this case an IngredientImage, that is a subclass of uiimageview: #import "IngredientImage.h" @implementation IngredientImage - (id) initWithImage:(UIImage *)image { if (self = [super initWithImage:image]) { } [self...

Use UIImage in another View

Hello community, I have implemented an CoverFlow with a button below. When i tap the button the App jump to the second view, and the picture that is active in the coverflow should be on the nex View: Here is the viewDidLoad of my CoverFlowViewController.m: - (IBAction)goToChart { [rootViewController switchViews]; } // Implement vi...

UIImage, releasing the decompression cache?

I have an array of UIImages that contains some .jpg images downloaded from the net when the app starts. I also have a table view that shows some of these images in its cells. The problem is that when I scroll the table, the app's memory consumption always increases up to the point where the app crashes due to low memory conditions. The t...

iPad to iPhone image size/layout confusion

I've written an application for the iPad that I'd now like to get working on the iPhone (a universal application). At the moment it runs in the iPhone simulator, but the UIKit elements are positioned using pixel positions - so a lot of them are offscreen. Additionally my UIImages are too big, and need to be scaled to fit the iPhone. How...