
Avoid Video Compression when Selecting Movie with UIImagePickerController?

I'm using UIImagePickerController to allow my user to select a video from the asset library. When the user selects the "Choose" button on the second screen, the view displays a progress bar and a "Compressing Video..." message. Why is this happening? Is there some way I can avoid this compression operation? ...

Picking a HD video from library in iOS4 shows 'compressing video', results in horribly compressed video

Why is it that if I pick a video from the library in my application I'm given this horribly pixelated/compressed video but if I take the video with the camera in my application I'm given a nice video file, this is on the iphone 4. Sample of video taken w/in the app: http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/912709066_Kcc8p-1280.mp4 Sample of vi...

UIImagePickerController does not dismiss after memory warning

Hi there, I have a UIImagePickerController as a synthesized property of my view controller. In general it works fine (takeing/picking photos, calling back, etc). However, when I receive a memory warning (didReceiveMemoryWarning is called on the view controller), although the app seems to handle it gracefully (viewDidLoad gets called fo...

UIImagePickerController image properties metadata

Hi all. I was able, in iPhone os 3, to get EXIF dictionary with PLCameraController and with -(void)cameraController:(id)sender tookPicture:(UIImage*)picture withPreview:(UIImage*)preview jpegData:(NSData*)rawData imageProperties:(id)imageProperties { but now in os 4 my app doesn't call this function, and I can not get i...

Showing a new view over the camera view

Hi All I am using UIImagePickerController to allow the user to take a picture. I have hidden the default camera controls and added my own buttons. All good so far. When one of these buttons is pressed I want it to load a setting view over the top where the user can change some settings and then return back to taking a picture. My butt...

dismissModalViewController not working as expected.

Hello All, I have a problem that I'm helping someone can shed some light on. I'm sure it is something very simple, but I just can't see it and could really use an extra set of eyes to help find this bug. The app I'm working on uses UIImagePickerController to present a camera preview with the stock camera UI hidden. This preview im...

picking and uploading the video for iphone 3g ios 4 .

Hi all , I want to upload a video from iPhone to a server somewhere. I have found this useful question here for uploading a video on the server from iPhone. The only problem here is picking the video. The code is using uiimagepickercontroller to pick up the video and I have a 3g phone which has not video in its photos app. I can't e...

When using the UIImagePickerController in iOS4 to pick from the photo library can you start w/newest first?

Is there a way to show the UIImagePickerController photo library interface such that when it comes up it starts at the bottom of the library which is where the newest images are in iOS4? Apparently this is how it worked in 3.x. Thanks ...

iPhone 4.0 Simulator: didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo is missing UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage?

I've got a simple UIImagePickerController which tries to grab the original selected image: if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary]) { if(defaultpicker == nil){ defaultpicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; } defaultpicker.delegate = self; ...

How to use accelerometer to delay taking picture while phone is moving?

I'd like to help my users take a clearer picture by delaying the "snap" while the phone is moving. I've been able to implement this with a cameraOverlayView so a tap on the image takes the picture, but I would like to use the standard camera button. What is the best way to hook in to the standard button? I've seen one answer to put a ...

[iPhone] Using UIImagePickerController with UINavigationController

So I have a UINavigationController that pushes a UITableViewController from the rootViewController. From the UITableViewController, I want a UIImagePickerController to be pushed when I click a certain cell. How would I get the navigation controller to display the image picker? ...

How to use image picker in iPad ?

I know how to use image picker in iPhone , although know need to use new class UIPopoverController in iPad, but still can not figure out one way to use image pickr in iPad, any one has the same problem ? thanks ...

iphone save multiple views screenshot

Hi, I have an UIImagePickerController to which I add some subviews that contain images. I need to save the whole content as an image, but fail to do this. For saving the content of the context i use the following code UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(self.view.frame.size); [self.view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UI...

setting limitations (maximum dimensions, rotation) with uiimagepickercontroller

I've come across posts mentioning that you can set the maximum dimensions of a photo returned by the UIImagePickerController camera capture (UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera), but can't figure out exactly how to do it. Can anyone provide some actual code? I am trying to return an image with maximum width of 768px, and I also want...

How to extend UIImagePickerController with a custom view controller?

Because the default cropping frame of an UIImagePickerController (when using the setting setAllowsEditing:YES) isn't the right size for me I've created a custom view controller, like suggested here. When a thumbnail is selected from the UIImagePickerController I open this custom view controller (navigationController) from - (void)imageP...

Rear iPhone 4 camera too high quality for UIImageView?

When using the iPhone 4, I'm having memory issues when using the rear-facing camera. It's causing memory errors and won't assign the picture to a UIView. Here's the code. -(IBAction)getCameraPicture:(id)sender { UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.delegate = self; picker.allowsEditing = NO;...

UIImagePickerController returned image woes

I have a UIImagePickerController that lets the user pick an image from their library, edit it, and then save the product out to disk. Before it saves, however, I need to update a UIImageView to hold the edited photo. But when I go to set the UIImageView's image property, the program crashes. It still can save to disk. The UIImageView is...

How do I allow an iPhone user to "Move and Scale" a photo that has already been selected.

I am trying to replicate the functionality that users see when they go into edit mode for a contact for which they have already selected a photo, and then click that contact's photo. An action sheet slides up, with options including "Take Photo", "Choose Photo", and "Edit Photo". When you select "Edit Photo", a view comes up that shows...

loadView is called when get a message like "Received memory warning level 1"

hi, all: I am developing an App for iphone. Now i create a ViewController subClass which is named WriteViewController, and i create the view of WriteViewController by override loadView() function. The view of WriteViewController is an instance of WriteView. In WriteView, I have a instance of UIImage which holds an image object. I set t...

Change the toolbar title in UIImagePicker

Hello, I created an iPhone application which can take photo and allow the user to edit them (moving and scaling), by setting the property "allowsEditing" to YES. My problem is that while editing, the bar at the bottom has a too long title (in french). http://uppix.net/d/8/8/12ee1d66af14d3f99ea65d7b6091b.png So do you have any idea o...