
Get context from UIImageView

Hi, Can I get the context (CGContextRef) from exists UIImageView? Detail: I have a controller link to xib file. In IB I have added a UIImageView and reference its on: IBOutlet UIImageView *imageView; Now, in viewDidLoad How get the UIImageView context (CGContextRef)? Before this, If I use: CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurre...

Drawing onto an animated UIImageView in Cocoa touch

Probably a newbie question, but: I have a UIImageView that zooms and translates using multitouch. The built in animation feature is very handy, and works great. However, now I want to draw on top of it. The problem is that anything I draw goes beneath the UIImageView. If I switch to UIImage, and draw it myself, then the animation do...

changing image dynamically in iPhone application.

Hi, My problem is, I have table of names. And when I touch on each name, a new view should appear and image of corresponding name. For all the names only one view should be there and the image should change dynamically. Thank You. ...

pixel value in UIImageView's image

Hi, I'm trying to find the value of an pixel in the image displayed in an UIImageView. getting the pixel on the display is (relatively) simple. But when the image displayed is scaled (say the orgig. image is 1200*1600) it's much more complicated because of the scaling .. Any good advice ? ...

"Masking" an animation? iPhone SDK

I have been looking into ways of masking images on the iPhone. I came across this solution http://iphonedevelopertips.com/cocoa/how-to-mask-an-image.html which works great for still images. What I want to do is mask an animation in a UIImageView. From what I have read I don't think this is possible whilst also achieving a decent frame...

unwanted UIImageView resizing when in a UIView

I'm programatically creating a custom section header for a table that has a width set to 290. When I use a UIImageView containing a 290 x 29 PNG directly the image appears correctly. However, I'm refactoring to include a UILabel so I can do some custom text so I place the UIImageView and UILabel in a UIView. When I view this version, ...

How to get a copy of the image from UIImagePicker

Hi, I've got a very simple app where the user selects a UIImageView and presses a button to take a photo with the camera. The image is then returned and displayed in the UIImageView. However, since the UIImageViews are sharing the same delegate, when there's already an image in one of the UIImageViews, and I go to take a photo to be pl...

ImageIO initImageJPEG instances getting allocated and never released

Hi!! Im developing an app for an iPhone and I found that the following code is causing the memory allocation to increment. -(UIImage *)createRecipeCardImage:(Process *)objectTBD atIndex:(int)indx { [objectTBD retain]; // bringing the image for the background UIImage *rCard = [UIImage imageNamed:@"card_bg.png"]; CGRect frame = CG...

Flicking through pages / photos with UIImageViews (similar to Facebook photos app or home screen)

Hello, First of all, I'd like to point out that I'm not asking for code. I'm just asking for the sort of things I'd need to do to get this to work, as right now I've absolutely no idea. Here's what I want to do: Similar to viewing someone's photos in the Facebook app, I'd like to display an image (UIImageView) on the screen. When the u...

How to determine image coordinates for a large cropped image within a UIImageView?

With regards to the iPhone SDK: I have a 512 x 512 pixel .png image, and I want to display it within a 200 x 200 pixel UIImageView WITH cropping (at native resolution, without zooming, fitting, or rotation). Is there a way to determine the image's coordinates that are visible inside the UIImageView? For example, if the image in the e...

How to zoom in on UIScrollView for a 'flickr style' image

I want to programatically zoom in on an Image. I have created a simple UIVIew containing two subviews. A UIImageView and UIView ‘holder’ containing subviews that are basically graphical frames. The end result is a ‘flickr style’ image view. An image with visible box frames ‘on top’ of the image. For simplicity I have used a UIImage tha...

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView

Ok, I've got a UITableView with custom UITableViewCells that each contain a UIImageView whose images are being downloaded asynchronously via an NSURLConnection. All pretty standard stuff... The issue is, when the table scrolls, the new images are downloaded in the background correctly but not RENDERED until the table stops moving. How ...

Image loads in simulator but not device?

In Interface Builder, I have a UIImageView in a nib and have selected an image from the View Attributes pane. The image loads fine in the simulator but not on my device in debug mode. I don't get any errors. Just no image. I can see the particular image in my Target's Copy Bundle Resources folder. Any ideas why it isn't showing on t...

The antialias of rotated CGImage/CGlayer seems jaggy, UIImageView's is not

I need to mask a "texture" image with a rotated greyscale image. I found out, that I have to do it with CGImages or CGlayers (if there is a simplier way using UIImageViews only, please let me know about it). My problem is simple: The antialias of any rotation-transformed CG stuff is quiet jaggy... ... but the antialias of a r...

Why does UIImageView appear to be partially transparent

I have a simple app that just displays a UIImageView. For some reason the image appears that it is partially transparent as it is much lighter than if I view the same image in photoshop. Any suggestions...I though by default a UIView is opaque. ...

Get the identity of the image loaded at the centre of the screen currently?

I have a uiscrollview with contentsize 1280*1280 and 25 images of equal size loaded in it. When i scroll and meet an end, I want to know the identity of the image which is currently present at the screen centre. Given below is the code that i used to load the images into the scrollView. How can i figure it out? for (i = 0; i < 5; i...

Help with Open GL iPhone

I am trying to put an OpenGL View into my application but I want to make sure that before I do this that the view is transparent because I want to see and interact with the view behind it as well as the OpenGL View. Meaning I want to have something on an OpenGL View as well as the Image View behind it ...

How to make a circular UIView

I want to make a UIView or UIImageView that is a circle. Or a circle that i can change the size of using a slider, and the color of with a pickerview. ...

How to tell if a subview was tapped twice

I have a UIImageView that I allocated inside of a UIView. I want to double tap that subview using the TOUCHESENDED or TOUCHESBEGAN and send a callback or at least a log. I would appreciate anyone who can upload some code. ...

UIImageView slows down app (in a news application)

I have a news application that gets the content from a xml stream- to every news entry belongs a picture.. which one i display in a table cell.. it loads all the content, but it looks like the image in the cells slows the whole scrolling down .. any advice?? thanks in advance swisschris ...