
Create UiImage from NSData

Below is code I copied (from this site) and modified only slightly since the original code would not compile. I want to manipulate the byte array for edge detection and eventually simple changes to colors, but first I wanted to get the basic code working. Currently, the system compiles and runs. It displays a badly drawn elephant on scre...

Problem with iphone UIImageView in a UIScrollView with rotate, flip and zoom options

Hi, I have a list of images shown in a horizontal scroll view with "flip between" option. This scroll view is inside an tab bar. My requirement is like, when i tap on that image it should rotate 90 degree to horizontal and be shown in fullscreen with animation. This is similar to what we have in default "Photos" application in iphone, ...

iPhone - Center UIImage in UIImageView

I have a UIImageView. I get a UIImage from a URL. The image displays in the UIImageView, but I can't get it to center correctly. The UIImage is 80 x 68 pixels. The UIImaveView's size is 90 x 90. When I display the UIImage in the UIImageView the UIImage is shrunken so that it fits, although it is already smaller than the UIImageView....

Streching and shrinking Image when pinching on the image

Hi, In my app i want to drag a image any where in the view and want to resize the image by pinching,gestures. I am able to drag the image any where by using - (void) touchesBeganNSSet*)touches withEventUIEvent*)event and - (void) touchesMovedNSSet*)touches withEventUIEvent*)event . But am not able to resize the image can any please he...

Is there a more performant way of animating an image sequence?

I fear this is evil code: CGRect iRect = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 400.0f); UIImageView *imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:iRect]; imgView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"b0001.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"b0002.png"], // 150 more [UIImage imageNamed:@"b0152....

Center UIImageView inside UIScrollView without contentInset?

I have been unable to find the answer for this issue I am having. I have a UIImageView inside a UIScrollView, and I would like the center its content vertically. Right now, the only way I have been able to do this is by setting the scroll view's contentInset based on the height of the UIImageView size, but this is not a perfect soluti...

Error with UIImageView

I have a compiler error and I just can't work out what is wrong. I am new to this so stuggling to decipher the error. In my .h I have... @interface LongViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIImageView *loadImageInto; IBOutlet UIImageView *loadedInto; } -(void)fadeIt:(UIImageView*)imgNamed; And in my .m... -(voi...

Objective C UIViewImage animation

Hi, Right now I'm able to do a simple animation using the code below. However, the below solution needs me to predefine the image names. How can I do something like NSArray.push("image1.png"); for example? Then assign the dynamic array as the animationImages? Thank you, Tee UIImageView* animationView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFra...

Does anyone know how I can get the "real" size of the UIImageView instead of creating a frame

Well my title kind of says it all I guess ..( at least I hope) I was hoping there was some sort of function that could take the real size of my picture CGRect myImageRect = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0, 210.0f); // 234 UIImageView *myImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:myImageRect]; [myImage setImage:[UIImage ima...

Overlapping animations help!

Hi, Here is my code for making a bat flap its wings and respond to touches. - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSArray * imageArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat2.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"Bat3.png"], ...

after rotating my imageview application behaves strange?

when i rotate my imageview using this method my application behaves very strange..also when i save the image it saves in old transformation -(IBAction)rotateClicked { CGFloat Angle=(0.5*M_PI); EditImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(Angle); } here is an image before rotation and after rotation but after rotai...

Overlaying 2D paths on UIImage without scaling artifacts

I need to draw a path along the shape of an image in a way that it is always matching its position on the image independent of the image scale. Think of this like the hybrid view of Google Maps where streets names and roads are superimposed on top of the aerial pictures. Furthermore, this path will be drawn by the user's finger movement...

UIButton with image losing its newly set image

I've got a UIButton (custom, with image) set up in IB which is an IBOutlet in my code. In my viewDidLoad method in the viewController, I am trying to change the existing image of the UIButton UIImage *newbuttonimage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"newbuttonimage.png"]; testbutton.imageView.image = newbuttonimage; OK, that works when starting...

how to do image morphing on uiimageview?

i want to create an app.some features i want to add and some effects i want do are like these. suppose i shoot a picture of a person male or female from camera.then only cut the body from the image.and then add some background to body.and further get some another clothes for the body.so that we can see how the person looks like with new...

iphone sdk- UIAlertView button with image

hello, can you please tell me if it is possible to use an uiimage view as uialertview button "text"? i was unable to find the answer googling.. thanks a lot ...

Problems with Programatically Adding UIImageView on iPhone

I'm trying to programatically add dots to a radar screen. The code runs without complaint, but I can't seem to get the dots to show up on screen. I do have a background UIImageView that covers the entire screen, but based on the documentation I expect my new UIImageView to be added to the front (not to mention I've tried bringSubViewToF...

Adding image to navigation bar

I'd like an image to take up all of a navigation bar. This is the navigation that comes with a navigation based app. It appears on the RootViewController with the accompanying UITableView. I've seen some examples of how this might work. Set navigation bar title: UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"TableviewCellLightBlue.png"]; U...

Showing an image programmatically in tableview cell

I'm doing this to load an image into a tableview cell: UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"myimage.png"]; UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image]; imageView.frame = CGRectMake( 0, 0, cell.frame.size.width, cell.frame.size.height ); imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleToFill; [cell addSubview:image...


I have a grid of images/buttons, and I want the user to be able to drag their finger over the images/buttons such that when their finger touches each image/button an event is called. How do I do this??? The best example I can think of now is the Contacts app, how you drag your finger down the list of letters (on the right) and as you t...

Mask a whole animation happening in a UIImageView

I need to mask a whole animation that takes place in a UIImageView. I tried subclassing the UIImageView and doing the masking in its drawRect call but that doesn't get called on every frame of the animation as I expected (it doesn't get called at all actually) even though the animation plays fine. Anyone has any experience on this? ...