
How to add an imageView on top of a tableViewController?

I have a ViewController consists of a ImageView on top at (0, 0, 320, 100). I need to have a tableViewController below it, say from (0, 100, 320, 380). How do I do that? please help I tried many methods but it didn't work out. I need your help. ...

Center content of UIScrollView when smaller

I have an UIImageView inside a UIScrollView which I use for zooming and scrolling. If the image/content of the scroll view if bigger than the scroll view everything works fine. However, when the image becomes smaller than the scroll view, it sticks to the top left corner of the scroll view. I would like to keep it centered, like the Phot...

UIImageView not showing images with using for loop

hi I need to create around 50 uiimageview so that i am using a for loop for that and also assigning images for that view. its working fine with simulator but when i am running my application with device(iphone 3.0) it is not showing some images and some time its showing all the images, so that i am not able to find why its behaving such ...

Using a variable in a statement to reference the image stored in a UIImageView

UPDATED Scroll down to see the question re-asked more clearly.... If I had the name of a particular UIImageView (IBOutlet) stored in a variable, how can I use it to change the image that is displayed. I tried this, but it does not work. I'm still new to iphone programming, so any help would be appreciated. NSString *TmpImage = @"0.p...

How to draw a shape on top of a UIImage while respecting the image's alpha mask

I need a UIImageView that can draw itself in color or b/w according to a flag: BOOL isGrey; I'm trying to do it by drawing a black rectangle on top of the original image with the Quartz blendmode set to Color. This works except it doesn't respect the image's alpha mask. See illustration: Searching Google and SO, I found and tried...

Which is faster? Using Quartz & CGRects vs an array UIImageViews

Just wondering weather its faster, if you have lots (~several hundred to a thousand) 2D images, to use Quartz or an array of UIImageViews. Cheers! ...

How do you "ping pong" a UIView image sequence animation

Hi, I have a UIImageView which has a png image sequence loaded into it. My question is - Do you know of any way I can "ping pong" the animation sequence? So that it plays forward from 1-24 then plays backwards from 24-1 and loops. (technically it should be : 1-24 then 23-1 then 2-24 then 23-1...etc) - (void) loadAnim01 { mon01 = [[U...

UIImageView showing 'old' image

I have an app that shows a series of UIImageViews on a ScrollView. The app starts by loading a 'splash page' then transitioning to the first image to be shown. The image for the splash page is actually loaded into the UIImageView nib in Interface Builder. The problem I am having is that I am trying to reuse this app for a different set ...

Affecting Z Order for UIImageView

Hi, Anyone know how to programmatically set the z order of UIImageViews? The order of instancing them will bring the last one instanced closest to the screen front, but how can it be changed at runtime? Thanks // :) ...

Setting up multiple UIImageView instances

I would like to create a 4 x 6 grid of UIImageViews that each contain a slightly different image. I would also like to be able to randomly select one of the instances and change it's image. My question is what's the best way to set up the UIImageViews in a grid formation, perform a few actions between each setup, and randomly pick 1 of ...

How to display a base64 image within a UIImageView?

Hey, I got this Base64 gif image: R0lGODlhDAAMALMBAP8AAP///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAACH5BAUKAAEALAAAAAAMAAwAQAQZMMhJK7iY4p3nlZ8XgmNlnibXdVqolmhcRQA7 Now I want to display this Base64 String within my IPhone App. I could get this working by using the WebView: aUIWebView.scalesPageToFit = NO; aUIWebView...

UIImageView resize

I've made a UIImageView with the correct size in the interface builder and connected the outlet up in the class file. How can I stop a large jpg from filling the entire screen? I want the image to resize to fit in the frame I made in IB. (void)viewDidLoad { NSString filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"wine" ofType:@"jpg...

image alignment problem in imageView - iPhone

I have following code in my application: // to set tip - photo in photo frame NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:pathOfThumbNail]]; UIImage *cellThumbImg; if([data length]>0){ cellThumbImg = [UIImage imageWithData:data]; } else { cellThumbImg = [UIImage imageNamed:@"130X90.gif"]; } UI...

iPhone UIImage - Image Randomizer Crashes If It Comes Across the Same Image Twice

I am building a game that pulls images randomly. After doing some testing I have realized if the same image is called twice, it crashes. I learned this by after completing the first game, I returned to the games main menu and selected to play again. I ended up getting an image which was already displayed to me in my previous game and ...

Easiest/fastest way to apply a blend mode between two UIViews

I am trying to quickly invert the colors of an existing UIView (turn into a negative, as in a photographic negative). Or to take the colors and turn down the saturation. I think easier than manipulating the bitmap is to take another UIView that is all white(or shades), and to use blendmodes to achieve my goals. I don't see a way to di...

UIButton Game character selection to UIImageView animation

Hi guys, I am almost at the end of coding my kids educational application, woohoo!. But... Im stuck on something. When app loads i have my main view. It has 4 buttons for flipviews(each with ten views of content) and 4 buttons for character selection(an image that will follow you through every screen of content). Problem is im unsure...

Auto rotation of UIImageView subviews

Hi, Root view is a UIImage View, it has subviews, those have subviews. My root view will open in landscape i have set both project properties in the project's .plist and have integrated application.statusBarOreintation in applicationDidFinishLaunching and verified that it works. But all of my subviews are appearing in portrait. How do ...

Add a UIImageView as a subview of a UIViewController without using IB

In my UIViewController's viewDidLoad method I instance a UIImageView instance called stage: stage = [Stage viewWithParent:self]; and that calls this: - (id)initWithParent:(UIView *)parent { self = [self initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; if (!self) return nil; [parent addSubview:self]; return self; } + (id) viewWith...

Navigation Bar Title Image Problem.

Hello, I put the image to navigation bar title with the code below, but the image can't fill the all title view. There remains few pixels in right and left sides. I want to display my image in whole title view area. Resizing the image doesn't work. Any ideas? [self.navController.navigationBar.topItem setTitleView:imageView]; ...

How to remove a subview from memory and display right away?

How do I remove a UIImageView's subview (a View Controller in this case) from memory and display immediately? [myGroovySubview release]; isn't doing it. Any help appreciated! Thanks // :) ...