
Most efficient way to subclass UIView to create an animated UIImageView

I need to play frame based animations. I tried the UIImageView with animationImages but it doesn't give me any control over my animation. I can't pause it, I can't mask it, I can't know the current frame etc. So I subclassed UIView and created something I called AnimationView which takes the array of images and does the animation using ...

iphone: Text around an image

Is it possible to have text go around an image ? like in the picture? ...

UIButtons over a UIImageView Zooming

hey guys, this is my first time post here, and im pretty new to iphone programming. i just started about a month ago and have only been tinkering with small tutorial type applications but anyways, heres my question i currently have a UIScrollView thats scrollable and zoomable, that loads a UIImageView subview, and i want to add in some ...

sequencing UIImageView frame(s) animation & CGTransform animation

I'd like help on some strategies to sequence some animations. I subclassed UIImageView so that I could write some custom animation actions on an image. I implemented a few methods to be used as actions that I could call on my image example: -(void)rotateAnim; //rotates the image by a few degrees using a CGAffine Transform -(void)num...

Strange bug caused by an assignment of an image to UIImageView

I'm working on a simple iPhone App and in some cases it has a very weird behavior which I just cannot understand... The App has an UIImageView and a few controls like a switch, label, progresbar etc. These control are initially in certain states, like the switch is off, the label contains some initial text, the progresbar is hidden. Th...

How do I incrementally rotate a UIImageView?

Hi, I need to rotate in image multiple times in 90 degrees I am using following code, CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(PI/2); shape.transform = transform; here shape being my UIImageview. The problem is every time i click on rotate button it rotates it from its original position, which is not what I want...

Drawing UIImage at multiple locations in UIImageView

I'm kind of lost in between UIImage, UIImageView, CG, layers... I want to draw the same UIImage multiple times in the same UIImageView. I don't want to have a separate subview for each of those objects. It's enough to have a flat image. How do I do that? ...

Can a subclass of UIViewController directly control a UIImageView

Is it bad form to point the view property of my UIViewController subclass directly at a UIImageView? Or should my UIImageView be embedded in a UIView? I can't think of any problems with it, and it seems to work alright, but I thought I'd ask the hive-mind if there are any negative consequences to doing this. ...

Pointer to Pointer to UIImage created by NSURLConnection

Hey all, here's the deal... I've got a UIImage that is being loaded in the background via an NSURLConnection within a subclassed UIImageView. Until the data finishes downloading, a placeholder image is shown. The UIImage needs to be used by another, separate UIImageView, as well. The problem I'm having is that if I set the second UIIm...

Simple Animations [iPhone]

I have a few UIButtons that I'd like to trigger short 5-10 frame animations when pressed in the middle of the screen along with other nonrelated stuffs. Can I just drop one UIImageView in IB and update it, somehow, programmatically? It doesn't need to be overly complex, I don't even mind if it's hard coded, for now since it's such a smal...

how to move an UIImageView image with swap like feature?

I want to build a simple application where there is a image presnt in uiimageview and when user swap the image to left ,right ,up or down with finger it will move to that corresponding direction . Any solution?? ...

Change UIView Dynamically

Working on cs193p (stanford online videos of iphone programming), I am working on Presence1 exercise I am trying to change a UIView which is a subview of another view dynamically. For those of you who are not aware of the assignment posted on the course, Basically the architecture of the app is as follows: Nav Controller -> (Root) View ...

UITableViewCell and UIImageView

I'm currently trying to fix the performance of my UITableView. Basically all it is is a custom UITableViewCell with a UIImageView. At the moment, this image is loaded in the tableView:willDisplayCell: method, however the performance is pretty bad so I decided to try and load the image asynchronously using an NSThread, but this results ...

UIImage view questions

I have a UIImageview in my application and I was wondering how I can show an image in it pragmatically and change it whenever I want to! I think my major problem is exactly WHERE to put it! If you could show me what code and where that would be very usefull! thanks! EDIT: Also if you can pragmatically change the background into an image...

Adding UIImage with the same image multiple times and removing it all in one code.

Hi. Im having a bit of trouble right now adding the same image multiple times and removing it all at one time after the gamelooop. I manage to add the image by creating 1 UIImageview for every image but i know thats its not the practical way memory wise since im allocating a lot of uiimageview with the same image. I use this code to load...

iPhone UIImage overlap render bug.

I've come across a strange render bug on iPhone OS 3.0... I have two images. One is a non-transparent PNG that is predominately black with a white gradient fading upward. The second is a transparent PNG with translucent clouds. When I overlay the two using UIImageView, the intersection of the clouds and white gradient triggers a rende...

Unable to assign images to an imageView from an Array, but can assign images to an imageView from a UIImage variable

Hi all, I have a problem with arrays and passing images between views that I would like some help on! So the background is that I have: • RootViewController (which handles my table view) • CommunicationViewController which handles the detail of the selected element from the table • SelectSlideViewController which displays an image cli...

Setting the image of a UIImageView in Interface Builder

When ever I set an image for a UIImageView in IB and simulate the interface the buttons and stuff show up but the image view doesn't. ...

UIImageView loads file on simulator but not on device?

This loads the image on the simulator but not on the device: UIImageView *splashImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"SplashPH.png"]]; [self.view addSubview:splashImage]; Any help appreciated // :) ...

UIImageView drifting on viewDidLoad

I am programmatically adding a UIImageView and a UILabel to multiple screens in a program I'm working on. As such, I've written a UIViewController that contains the code to load up the UIImageView and UILabel in viewDidLoad, along with a timer to update the contents. I use this view controller as a superclass for any views that need th...