
Status Bar doesnot display when adding UIImagePickerController

Hi All, I wants to show Camera view in between Navigation bar & Tab bar, So I added the UIImagePickerController object as follows. picker = [[Camera3DViewController alloc] init]; picker.allowsImageEditing = NO; picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; picker.showsCameraControls = NO; ...

UISegementedControl dynamic position (center)

Hi, How to apply horizontal alignment for a UISegmentedControl that contains dynamic segments ? Thanks. Stan ...

How to make a UITextView not take the focus when initializing?

I'm using code to create a detailed view pushed when you press a row of an UITableView, but theres a problem. The detailed view contain an UITextView and when a detailedView is called (only first time) this make the UITableView row pressed to lose its pressed state. It shouldn't ! It should lose the pressed state only when returning fro...

Why do I have to reposition this UIView by an arbitrary amount?

I am building an application that must add an overlay view once a scrollview is done zooming. I was having problems adding the overlay to the scrollview itself and keeping the position consistent, due to what I assume is the scrollview not being done zooming...no biggie...so I decided to add the overlay to the sharedApplication's keyWin...

UIButtons don't appear in UIView consistently

I am having an issue where I add a transport control bar to a UIView to provide control for an audio player, and the buttons don't show up all the time. If I tap them (or rather, tap where they should be), they suddenly appear. To complicate matters, most of the time they show up fine...this is kind of sporadic. Could this be a memo...

Is it Possible to implement a tabbar inside a detail view?

Well thats my question.My design demands it,but i cant figure out a logic.Since its a detail view,I will already have a navigation bar a the top.But the way tabbar controller works it seems it takes care of its own navigation.Has somebody encountered this before? ...

Strange UIKit crash

Hi people, my app sometimes crashes when I try to open new view controller, it's looks like if uikit could't load nib file, but in most cases this controller loads fine. I can't determine cause of this problem. Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00090b2c __kill + 8 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00090b1a kill...

Observing the editing property of a UITableViewController

Why can't I observe the editing property of an instance of UITableViewController? I'm using the following code: [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"editing" options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:NULL]; And have implemented the method: - (void)observeValueForKeyPath...

UI freeze with animated removal of UIScrollView subview

In my iPhone app I have a UIScrollView with custom content views. At some points, a custom popup view is dynamically added to the content with a zoom animation on appear and disappear. I'm using block-based animations with a completion handler that calls [self removeFromSuperView] as follows: - (void)dismissPopup { CGRect rect = sel...

UIControl for a Needle Gauge aka Google O Meter

For those times when a UISlider just isn't fun enough I was thinking I'd work up a custom UIControl to do something similar to a Google O Meter from the google chart API on iOS. Here's an example of what I'm talking about visually. My goal would be to enable touch manipulation of the needle and easy customization of the range labels and...

UIMenuController with a set of colored button

I have a requirement - in an application i'm currently developing - to show a list of colors upon clicking on a button so the user can select a single color out of the list. I strongly believe the best way to this would be to have a UIMenuController popup - just like you'd see the copy/cut/paste menu in iphone - and show the list of colo...

Why does UIWebView has problems with & characters in URL (wants &)

I have a problem with a UIWebView, that I use in my iPhone app. The source code shown in the UIWebView, contains the following markup besides many other things: <object width="150" height="121"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SOMEVIDEO&amp;hl=de&amp;fs=1"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"...

[Cocos2d] Pros and cons of using CCUIViewWrapper versus a ported functionality

I'm trying to understand the pros and cons of using something CCUIViewWrapper in Cocos2d versus a ported functionality. For instance, would it be better to use a UITableView in a CCUIViewWrapper, or to use the CCTableViewSuite. At first glance, I would assume the wrapper is the better approach since presumably it allows me to do everyt...

Drag UIView between UIViews.

I have a UIView object X that is contained in an UIView object A. I want to be able to touch X and remove it from object A and move it into object B (another UIView). Both Object A & B are inside of the same super UIView. A B _____ _____ | | | | | X | -> | | |___| |___| This is what I have so far. @implementat...

UIPopoverController without arrows?

Hi, I would like to know to make an UIPopoverController without arrows In fact I would like to simulate something like this: See that There is no arrows There is a title that is somehow inside of a expanded top border of the UIPopoverController and not inside of it like in the normal UIPopoverController. I assume this is not reall...

how to make UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert button call insertNewObject

... i am sure this is a basic question, so thank you in advance. i add a cell to the end of a section when in editing mode and i give it UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert. how do i set what function that button calls? ...

Iphone: stop execution of code when alert is shown in a viewWillAppear implementation

I have a working application before the first view is loaded, i put an alert in the viewWillAppear method: - (void)viewWillAppear { UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"MyAppp" message:@"Application will connect to Internet. Continue?" delegate:self cancelButto...

iOS - In-App Purchase & applicationDidBecomeActive

Hey there, I'm working on an app for 4.0 using the background methods. I'm updating the user defaults with a number that is incremented each time the app is launched. Looks like in 4.0 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions doesn't fire each time the app is launched, only the first time it's launched if it's not already in the background. So ...

Force NSFetchedResultsController update when association count changes

I have an NSFetchedResultsController which displays a list of items in a table view, including a count of an associated entity. When an object is added for this association (using addXXXObject), no callbacks are called to notify my controller of the update. How can I receive a notification of an object being added to the parent entity's...

Pull Menu in CocoaTouch

Hi Everyone: I am attempting to make a UIView/UIControl that people can drag up and reveal a text box, and then drag down to hide it. However, I have yet to find a method to make this "fluid" - it always seems to stop at random places and doesn't allow any more movement. At the moment I am using a UIView for the top part of the view a...