
How can I convert the characters in an NSString object to UILabel objects?

Hello. I'm trying to figure out how to take the individual characters in an NSString object and create UILabels from them, with the UILabel text set to the individual character. I'm new to Cocoa, but so far I have this... NSString *myString = @"This is a string object"; for(int i = 0; i < [myString length]; i++) { //Store the cha...

selectedBackgroundView on UITableViewCell gets applied to all views in cell

I have a table cell being displayed that shows a users image, name and some text. The user's image is 50x50, but I want a border around it so I set the view to center the image and set the frame to 52x52 and then set the background color of that view to my border color. That shows a 1 pixel border around the image. I also want to show...

How to sync animations with sound on iPad

I have a page on an iPad that is setup so there are a bunch of characters and background music. Tapping on a character will start an animation and the character will play along with the music. The problem is, the music and animations are getting out of sync and there's probably a better way. Here is how I'm doing it. • page loads • I ad...

How to create a Speech bubble in cocoa-Touch

Hi, How can I create a speech-bubble like context menu like in the Safari-Browser on the iPhone/iPad. I would like to create a kind of context help. Thanks in advance, Stefan ...

How can I programmatically set the background color of a UILabel?

Hello. I'm diving into iOS development and I'm programmatically creating some labels, but I can't seem to set their background color to black. From what I read, it seems simple enough, here's my code... UILabel *lbl = [[[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height] autorelease]; [[lbl layer] setBorderColor:[[UIColor bl...

How can I convert the coordinates of a touch event on a subview to the coordinates in its parent view?

Hello. I'm diving into iOS development and I'm playing with touch events. I have a class named UIPuzzlePiece that's a subclass of UIImageView and it represents the puzzle piece objects that you can move around on the screen. My goal is to be able to move the puzzle pieces around on the screen with my finger. Currently, I have the t...

iPhone Recalculate Scroller Content Height?

I am adding a bunch of boxes into a UIView inside of a UIScrollerView. The content of the UIView goes beyond the bottom of the device's screen and should cause the whole scene to scroll. However, this isn't happening. The content gets added but the scene will not scroll. I assume it has to do with UIKit not automatically resizing the UI...

Weird updates when using reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: in a table

I've got a table where the accessoryView button in the cell is replaced by a custom check mark icon. If the time interval for a pair of temperature settings is enabled, the cell row shows a check mark, along with a time, heating and cooling value. If the time is disabled, no check mark, and time displayed in the timefield.text is modifie...