
How to Show detail view of table cell inside of table view?

Hello! I've a problem. I want to create a table view in which each cell is a name of a place and when the user clicks on the cell, the cell next to it should shift down to accomodate a new view after the clicked cell. The new view will display the address of the place the clicked cell displayed. for example: If cell2 contains XYZ Park....

UIImagePickerController.frame is not full screen

Hi! I'm initializing an UIImagePickerController like this: self.cameraController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; self.cameraController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; self.cameraController.showsCameraControls = NO; self.cameraController.navigationBarHidden = YES; self.cameraContro...

Detecting and Creating UIScreens for TVOut on older devices?

For older devices (i.e. anything not an iPhone 4 and iPad) running iOS4, [UIScreens screens] will only return a single screen even when a TV-Out is plugged in. Is there any way to detect that an external screen is connected and somehow create a window for that display? ...

Writing classes that work in both iOS and Mac OS.

What is a good way to write classes that can be used in both iOS and Mac OS applications? I'm not trying to get a full cross-platform UI solution here, just a way to use several model classes from my iPhone app in a support application running on the Mac. Some of those classes require a few minor changes to get them compiling under Mac O...

Chanign color of UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark and UITextField

Hi, I want to change the color of UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark and UITextField background color where we type. I found this is not straight forward. Please help me. Thank you. ...

Increasing thr UIPageControl Size in iOS

Hi I want to incease the size of UIPAgeControl on iOS... on google i've found this http://www.onidev.com/2009/12/02/customisable-uipagecontrol/ was wondering is there any other way....? ...

How do I popViewControllerAnimated after a delay?

I have a UITableViewController that is presented with a list of choices. After the user taps one, I'd like to return to the previous view. The return seems too quick with the code I'm using though. I'd like to pause for 0.2 seconds or so to give the user time to see their selection become checked. Here's the code I'm using now: - (void)...

Cocoa View does not apply changed font for label

Hi, I'm trying to change the font of a lable in a UIView for my iPhone App. The change of the 'Font' in the Attribute Inspector does not have any effect on the font. Any idea? Thanks, Stefan ...

Why does my animation in my cell disappear when the cell is selected?

I have an animation as my image in one of my tableview's cells. When it is clicked, it turns the default blue and the image disappears! The navigation loads the new view, and when it I go back to the first view, hoping my animation returns, alas, there is no image :(. I don't do anything in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath function besides ...

Creating UIView with layer from Application Delegate

Starting off with a default "View based" application I create a new view (ViewToDisplay, class that inherits from UIView) and inside this view I create a layer (LayerToDisplay). The view draws something around the perimeter of the frame, and so does the layer but this time with dotted lines. This is to show / prove that the layer covers ...

Custom UITableView reorder

I'm wondering if anyone has a link to a good tutorial or can point me in the right direction to recreate the 'drag to reorder' cells in a UITableView like Epic Win App. The basic idea is you tap and hold on a list item and then you drag to where you want the item to be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

UIBarButtonItem Highlighted Color

I have set a custom tint color for a UINavigationBar (within a UINavigationController) which, in turn, sets an appropriate matching color for the UIBarButtonItems which are inserted into the UINavigationBar. However, when I select a UIBarButtonItem the button turns into (presumably) the highlighted state and presents a different color, w...

Form design in IPhone - What control(s) to use?

Hi all - I am interested in creating a form in an iphone application similar to this one. Mine would probably have a textbox as well but I was wondering what kind of control(s) should I use? Is this a grouped UITableView where the cells are hardcoded? If that's the case what about events on the textboxes? will they still fire on the tabl...

detecting long tap on iPhone.

Hi I am working on an iPhone app which requires me to check if the button has been tapped & held pressed for 6 seconds & then fire an action which is playing some sort of sound. How should I detect this 6 second tap ...? On the other hand the user can also keep on tapping button for 6 seconds & then the same action should fire. Wha...

What is actually animatable in UILabel?

Hello stackoverflow, I am trying to animate backgroundColor property of UILabel class and being unsuccessful so far. Here the snippet of my code -(void) blink { UIColor* originalColor = lblDescription.backgroundColor; lblDescription.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView ...

Is it possible to create a stub for UIImagePickerController?

I am trying to write unit tests for a class that manages a UIImagePickerController. Yet, I still would like to link against UIKit to pull in other symbols I don't care about stubbing. Usually, I use OCMock for mocking out instance methods. With UIImagePickerController I'm interested in mocking out class methods which OCMock can't do. I'...

images in tableview cells

Ive added a uiimageview as a subview to my cell.and then put a label on top of it so that it would seem like a button.But whwn the table is scrolled up or down the image seems to get painted again.This turns extremely ugly as my image has transparency effect which is lost as soon as it goes out of view and comes back.??? ...

Setting contentOffset of UITableView in UIViewController viewDidLoad method doesn't take effect...

UITableView setting contentOffset in UIViewController viewDidLoad doesn't take effect... - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller. // self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; self.tableView.con...

iphone - How to tell which view is currently loaded in a tabBar app?

Here is my scenario. I have 3 out of 4 tab views that contain UIWebViews and UIImageViews. I have the UIImageView on top of the webView to provide a loading image and I remove the imageView when the delegate method webViewDidFinishLoad: is called. This works just fine. The problem I am running into is trying to handle the method web...

How to get table target cell inside tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:?

Hey community, I am trying to get variable-height table cells implemented and what I thought would be an elegant solution turned out into a recursion/stack overflow: - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { MyCustomCell *cell = (MyCustomCell *)[aTableView cellForRowAtIndexPa...