
iPad UINavigationController Custom Bar Background Image

Hi, I am trying to create a UINavigationController with a background Image... I have the following code at the top of the class where I implement the UINavigationController. @implementation UINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"header.jpg"]; [img drawInRect:CGRec...

The difference between UINavigationBar and UIToolbar rendering process

This is a basic question, but I realized that both of these bars have different rendering process. Why is that? If I use an image specifically designed for UIToolbar items, and try to use it on UINavigationBar items, it doesn't render in the same way. It seems to be not rendered at all in the UINavigationBar. So, I have to create a dif...

uisearchbar between navigation bar and table view

Hi all, I am developing an application, in that i have taken navigation bar and table view. I have taken a button on navigation bar. on clicking that button I want Search bar to pop up underneath navigation bar and table view should automatically slide down. After clicking cancel button in search bar it should disappear and table vie...

How do I display the UINavigationBar on a modally presented UITableViewController?

If you have a UINavigationController's UIViewController present a UITableViewController (TVC) modally, is there a way for the TVC to display the UINavigationBar of its parentViewController? Or, should I have it create a new UINavigationBar, item, buttons, etc. for the modal TVC? ...

Changing Three20 navigationBarTintColor Causes Gap at Top of Image Gallery ThumbView

I have implemented a Three20 Image Gallery into my App. I want to change the color of the Navigation Bar at the top of the Image Gallery Screen. I have gone into TTThumbsViewController.m and found the lines that read: self.statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDefault; self.navigationBarStyle = UIBarStyleDefault; If I change these values, ...

navigation bar background image

how can i set an image into the background of the navigation-bar, so that is also in the background of the back-button ? now i have an image with a with of 320 pixels, but it shrinks that image so, that the left back-button is the standard-button and on the right side there are 5 pixels in the standard-blue. i want that this image is ove...

UINavigationController Method Issue

Is there a way to customize the method that is called when someone touches the back button in my UINavigationController? I need to check which nib is being loaded so I can configure the UINavigationController properly (mainly set the navigation bar to hidden for one view). ...

Adding background Image in UINavigationBar

Hi all, Is there a way to add an image in the background of UINavigationBar. There is no direct option through interface builder but I have seen apps implemented this thing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

iPhone: Anchor UINavigationBar to bottom of screen

I am creating a UINavigationBar which works fine. But, it scrolls with my UITableView, which I don't want. How can I anchor the navbar at the bottom of the screen, so that it does NOT scroll? bottomNav = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, self.view.frame.size.height, self.view.frame.size.width, 44.0)]; bott...

how to create the object programmatically rather than using the UI library on iPhone?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the objective C on the iPhone. I am writing a program, but I want to create the UI objective programmatically rather than by using the UI elements in the UI library (Xcode). And I am interested in the tab bar and the navigation bar. Can anyone one give me some example code, tutorial website o...

iPhone -- adding a button to a navigation bar created when the user selects a tab in the moreNavigationController

My tab bar has ten tabs. Six of these are therefore shoved into the "More" tab. Several of them do not have UINavigationControllers. I.e, the tab is controlled by a UIViewController subclass that is not a navigation controller. When the user selects one of these, the appropriate view controller come sup, with a UINavigationBar at the...

refactoring similar code targeted at all view controllers's navigation bar

Hello I'm trying to find the best way to refactor this. Right now, each of the view controllers (about 20 of them) have a function that initializes the content of the toolbar / navigation bar like so ie, -(void)toolbarInit and on each of the controller's viewDidLoad, you will see that the function is being called ie, [self toolbarIni...

iPhone navigation bar height remains short in portrait orientation

My app's root view controller supports any orientation but user can navigate to another view controller that supports only landscape orientation. The basic problem is that regardless of the device's actual physical orientation, when the user pops back to root view controller, the navigation bar has a height that would be appropriate fo...

Modal View is displayed full screen as it should, but behind the navigation bar...

Hi all Here is my problem, Im trying to present a modal view in front of a view with a Navigation Bar. I managed it fine with my Login modal view, which was presented by the RootView of my application. But this time the modal view is presented by one of the views of a CustomTabBarController (like in the Tweety app, I created it myself t...

Navigation bar and top margin

Hi everyone I have an issue with a UINavigationBar and its y-offset. The bar is displayed without a UINavigationController as superview, yet that should not matter. In the viewController where the navigation bar appears the setup looks like this: // Add Basic View CGRect viewFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; ...

Odd behaviour of UIButton in an UINavigationBar when switching to landscape Mode and back

Hi, my problem seems to be difficult to describe. But anyways I´ll give it a try ;) OK, we have an HomeScreen in our universalapp as the first View (TTLauncherView from Three20). here we have a Banner at the bottom which will be later a place for adds by a local sponsor. This Banner is actually an UIButton which a ModalViewTransition. I...

UINavigationController change child view with another

Hi, I have the following structure in Navigation Controller RootViewController | |--FirstViewController | |--SecondViewController How can I jump directly from FirstViewController to SecondViewController without showing RootViewController. I would like to put a button to the FirstViewController's N...

How to switch page on UINavigationBar on iPhone

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the UI item on the UINavigationBar on the iPhone application. Im my program, there are a navigation bar and UITableView, like the following structure. UIView (DataRootViewController.m) | +- UINavigationBar | +- UITableView And, I want the it display the detail of the data when the user pr...

how to use the UINavigationController to switch the page

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the UINavigationController on iPhone application. I create a UINavigationController and 2 view controller (rootViewController.m and detailViewController.m) .In the rootViewController, it contains the UITableView, when the user click, it will call the detailViewController, but I don't know how...

How to hide/disable only the first uinavigationbar ?

I've been wandering how to hide / remove / disable only the main or first navigation bar in the navigation controller so that I could put an image as a whole background screen but I couldn't find any solution. Did try hide the titleview in viewdidLoad of the main navigation controller but didn't work. Tried using navigationBarHidden bu...