
iphone - pushing view controller onto the stack hides bar button items in the nav bar

I have a nav bar with bar button items on the left and right of the title. When I push a new view controller onto the stack, the bar buttons on the left get replaced by a "back" button, and the bar buttons on the right disappear altogether. How can you override this behavior and keep the bar buttons from going away? ...

iphone sdk tabbased application?

i have two questions: 1>can anyone suggest me a good tutorial for: ViewTransitions (transitions between 2 views) - all variations (curl, flip etc) 2> i am making a tabbased application where i have navigation in each tab, i hide it but now i have to put a png of back button where previously navbar was present .. how can i put that cus...

"Back" button not displaying in navigationItem

I came across a very subtle issue. Usually things are okay, but occasionally the current UIviewController has no title. When I call another viewcontroller called via [[fruitDB navigationController] pushViewController:fruitc animated:YES]; there is no "back" button. The area on the top left of the navigation bar is still active thoug...

Animating UINavigationBar

I want to slide the right button and the title in and out (instead of having things just appear and disappear). How can I go about doing this? ...

iphone - more than one button in leftBarButtonItem of a navigation controller

When I push a new view controller onto the navigation stack, the leftbarbuttonitem changes into the Title of the previous view controller, as expected. But I need to add an additional button to the nav bar, just to the right of the back button. I still want the back button to work as normal. Any suggestions on how to do this? ...

Subclassing UINavigationBar in Xcode

Hi, I am wanting to apply a custom alpha value to the title of the UINavigationBar. The UINavigationBar is part of the UINavigationController and the UINavigationController is part of a UITabBarController. Edit: Here is a picture of what I created using a UIToolbar and a UILabel. I want to do the same using the title in the UINavigatio...

Add custom picker sort of controller on UINavigationBar

Please have a look on this application http://itunes.apple.com/app/yowza-mobile-coupons/id312021877?mt=8 I just want to add custom picker sort of controller on UINavigationBar Please suggest me any sample or ideas Thanks ...

Why isn't UINavigationController popping UITableViewController when I touch the back button?

The navigationBar goes back, but the view stays the same. What gives? ...

Strange Behavior with touches near a UINavigationBar

I've recently come across a weird bug with UINavigationBars. For some reason, the UINavigationBar "absorbs" any touches that land around 8 pixels below the bar. A good description of this behavior can be seen here: http://dinhviethoa.wordpress.com/2009/02/14/uinavigationbar-and-touch-events-strange-behavior/ None of the touches will r...

Changing the navigationBar on pushViewController:

In my tabBar based app I have subclassed the UINavigationBar. Let's say I have three of them: BlueNavBar, BlackNavBar and RedNavBar. It looks something like this: //BlueNavBar.m - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { self.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:65.0f/255.0f green:(156.0f/255.0f) blue:(215.0f/255.0f) alpha...

on iOS, how can I shift navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem horizontally right?

A cusomized UINavigationBar requires me to present a customized "back" button, I use navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = myCustomizedButton, but its position is fixed. Would anyone be so kind to share how can I shift this button 40pixels to right? ...

How do I make NavigationItem UIBarButtonItems visually acknowledge a touch?

I have a UINavigationController where I initialize the NavigationBar as such (using MonoTouch): NavigationBar.BarStyle = UIBarStyle.Black; NavigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.Black; On a UIViewController that I subsequently push onto the navigation controller, I add a button as such: NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonI...

JSP mechanism for nav bar template/module

I have a navigation bar and, for some pages, a sub-navigation bar as well. I'd like to make this a module so I can easily import the navigation bars on each page. Easy enough to simply put the code in a JSP file and call: <%@include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/includes/sub_nav_bar.jsp"%> the only issue is the links and their labels change de...

UISearchBar frame making x hard to press

I have a UISearchBar in my UINavigationBar that also has a button in it. When you click the search field the button gets a bit larger to accommodate text and the search field gets smaller to make space for it. Although this looks perfect as far as visual UI is concerned the x to clear the search field is almost unclickable. I am settin...

hide modal tab bar controller - from within a view controller IN the tab bar controller

Hi there I have a first view which has a funky menu thing. Then when you select a menu item it does [self presentModalViewController:tbc animated:YES]; (tbc being a tab bar controller with 5 navigation controllers within it). In each of the navigation controllers I have a Home icon in the navigation bar. I want to be able to link this...

UIImageView display in front of navigation bar?

Hi there... Is there any way to display an image infront of the navigation bar? I know this is a little bit messy - but its just an asthetic thing. The imageview takes up more height than the view and therefore needs to overlap the navigation bar a little bit. Is this possible at all? It must be. :) Thank you ...

Detecting what view is currently being displayed

I have a problem. I am using three20 and am using TTYoutubeView, this problem does not necessarily require knowledge of three20 to fix I think. My issue is, i have a custom drawMethod on my navigationBar, however, when i load a youtube video, i need to tell it to ignore my custom draw method (this isn't a problem, i have a global BOOL t...

UINavigationBar - Set title programatically? iPhone SDK 4

Hello, I have a tab bar application with a different view on each tab. Each view has a UINavigationBar with title set on Interface Builder. I am wanting to change the title based on a clause in the ViewDidLoad method, so if x { change the title }. I have tried self.title = @"title" , which I read here on Stackoverflow - but this chang...

UINavigationBar refuses to show in Modal View Controller

Hi All I am loading a Modal view controller using the following code in my RootViewController: [self.navigationController presentModalViewController:accountViewController animated:YES]; In the accountViewController xib file, I have set a navigation bar. My MainWindow.xib and RootViewController.xib also have the navigation bar setup c...

Custom UINavigationbar for different views - iPhone SDK

Hi all, I have implemented a custom UINavigationbar using this code (placed in the top of my AppDelegate.m file): @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"NavigationBar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.he...