
UIBarButton does not have a 'press' animation

I have a UIView that I am loading and it has a navigation bar with a 'Done' barButton. When I leave the navigation bar the default color, everything is fine. When I make it have a black tint, the 'Done' button works fine but it does not have the pressing animation that buttons usually have. It doesn't look as thought the button is bei...

UIBarButtonItem doesn't highlight when tapped if in a Toolbar?

I need two buttons on the left side of a nav bar. The only way I've figured out how to do that is by first putting them into a UIToolbar and then setting the leftBarButtonItem to that. If I do this it works as normal (you can see it highlight when tapped): UIBarButtonItem* myBtn = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Button" style:...

Replace UITabBar with UIToolBar

I have an application with UITabBarController with a UINavigationController subview, which holds a table view. I want to be able to switch out the UITabBarController with a UIToolbar for a specific view controller when a cell is selected. Here's an example from some other application, which reacts the same way: And when you select a ...

[iPhone] Why there is no separate line under Navigation bar?

Hi all, I have a concern about the separate line under navigation bar. Please take a look at below screenshot At the "Overview Settings" screen, I implement UITableViewController, and I see the separate line appear natively. But at "Overview" screen, I implement UIViewController and this line is not appear. How do I make it appear on ...

How can I get a full-sized UINavigationBar titleView

I am trying to add a custom control as the titleView in a UINavigationBar. When I do so, despite setting the frame and the properties that would normally assume full width, I get this: The bright blue can be ignored as it is where I am hiding my custom control. The issue is the narrow strips of navbar at the ends of the bar. How can ...

handling events before back button is clicked

hi, Is there a way to find out whether the back button (Navigation bar) is clicked for a particular view ? if yes how ? ...

NavigationBar don't have to scroll with UITable

I'm developing an iPhone app. I'm using a UITable subclassing UITableViewController. I added a NavigationBar to the view: UINavigationBar *navBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 48.0f)];[self.tableView addSubview:navBar];, now the problem is that the navigation bar scroll down with the table and ...

Adding UIToolbar with two UIBarButtonItem to a UINavigationBar: poor UIToolbar and what about iPhone 4

I'm following the second tip from here. In this tip two UIBarButtonItems are put together in a UIToolbar. Finally, the UIToolbar is added to the UINavigationBar. Now to my problems: 1) A white line is on top of the UIToolbar. If I increase the size of the UIToolbar, the gradient is wrong. I'm using the following size for the UIToolbar: ...

Setting the tintColor for 2 buttons in an iPhone app Nav-Bar

I've created a UINavigationBar in IB. But don't see any way to set the button colors... so I do this with code: for(id subView in navBar.subviews) if( [subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]] ) { UIBarButtonItem *b = (UIBarButtonItem *)subView; if( [b.title isEqualToString:@"Cancel"] ) [b setTintColor:[UICo...

UIButton as UINavigationbar button

I have a Tab bar application. and in one of the tab bars I have a navigation contorller. Im trying to set a UIButton with an image as the right button the navigation bar. UIButton *refreshButton = [[UIButton alloc] init]; [refreshButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"refresh_icon.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [refres...

how should I draw Custom button on Navigation Bar.

Hi all. I want to draw custom button on Navigation bar. Can anybody help me. ...

how to set custom method with rightnavagation Button in NavBar.

Hi all. I want set my custom method "Home" with RightNavagation button how should I? My code UIBarButtonItem *barButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"DontWorryAboutThis" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(home:)]; [barButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"home_btn.png"]]; [self.navigationItem s...

how to centre my text label to centre of navigation bar

how to find length of the navigation bar.... i want to display a label centre of the navigation bar programmatically.. so that i can write formula ,so it should work if i rotate my device ... ...


I am very new to iPhone Programming, so this question may seem a little silly... I am developing an app which is a UIViewController Based application. so when you run the app a Main View will be shown which is a Full Screen View and is actually my Main Menu Window. i have a few menus inside. when i click any of these menus, i will load ...

UINavigationBar topItem/items seems to double-pop on back

I am managing my own UINavigationBar. I need to do this due to extensive skinning. The documentation for UINavigationController warns that there are limitations to skinning the UINavigationBar when used with a UINavigationController. I have put in extensive logging and from everything I can tell, pushing the "Back" button in the UINavig...

Adding a refresh UIBarButtonItem to a UINavigationController loaded from a NIB

Hi all, I'm a complete iphone/obj-c noob, and this site has proven invaluable for finding my way around the platform. I have a UINavigationController loading in the first tab of a UITabBarController. I'd like add a refresh button on the right side of the UINavigationItem. My dim understanding is that one has to set properties like tit...

UINavigationBar root view doesn't rotate into landscape.

I have an application with a main menu screen consisting of a few buttons on link to other view controllers using a navigation bar which are consist of web views. In each of my view controllers including the root I have the following method to auto-rotate: (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)x { retur...

tintColor of UISegmentedControl doesnt react

Come oon! I am almost looking a day at this! I want to set my tint color of my UISegmentedControl but it doesnt react... NSArray *segControlItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"L", @"H", @"A", nil]; UISegmentedControl *segControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:segControlItems]; segContr...

Show a UINavigationBar back button without pushing a view controller

In the iPad's Photos app, when you tap an album the stack of pictures expands to fill the screen - you're in the same view, it's just rearranged the grid a little. But at the top, a left-arrow-style Back button appears, as if pushViewController had been used - except it fades in neatly, rather than sliding in. When you tap that, it fades...

UIBarButtonItem Highlighted Color

I have set a custom tint color for a UINavigationBar (within a UINavigationController) which, in turn, sets an appropriate matching color for the UIBarButtonItems which are inserted into the UINavigationBar. However, when I select a UIBarButtonItem the button turns into (presumably) the highlighted state and presents a different color, w...