
iPhone: Move UINavigationBar down?

I'm trying to position the navigation bar below the top of the screen. I've tried the following in viewWillAppear: self.navigationController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 54.0, 320.0, 426.0); self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 44.0); The problem is it only seems to work the very first time the v...

Adding views over the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController

Hi! For "skinning" purposes, I'd have to add two views over the UINavigationBar of my UINavigationController. I did not tried anything yet, but I'd like to add a text with a background image and a toolbar over it that act as a more curtomized navigation bar (I need like previous, next, play, etc) I can't just modify the UINavigationBar...

Add a UINavigationBar to a UITableViewController without a UINavigationController

I have an existing UITableViewController that was previously being used in a UINavigationController. I need to convert it to be presented as a modal view. However, I still want to have a navigation bar at the top. I know this sounds strange- why not present it in the UINavigationController if I want a UINavBar? I want to present it with...

Custom UINavigationController UINavigationBar

Basically I want a custom UINavigationBar. I don't want it to be "translucent" or anything, like the pictures app. I basically want to completely remove it, but I still want to be able to add back buttons and such when navigation controllers are pushed, and I want the views (EG: UITableViewController) to be pushed down below it. Like t...

Hide the title from UINavigationBar?

Is there any way to hide the title view in a UINavigationBar? Thanks ...

hiding tabbar and navbar

hi, I have a uiwebview in a navigation bar which is in turn inside a tabbar item. I want to know how to hide the tabbar and navigation bar the moment the user takes off his finger from the screen just like hiding the toolbar in the default photos app in the iPhone. I should also be able to show the tabbar and the navigation bar when i ...

how to add items to the navigation bar...

Dear developers, I am new to iPhone development. source code UIBarButtonItem *saveButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"SAVE" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self a...

Tint all UIBarButtonItems in my App (MFMailComposer, etc)

I created a custom Navbar for my application using a protocoll: @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"navbar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)]; } @end this works fine. all toolbars in my app...