
Getting frame width of UIPickerView

How do I get the frame width dimensions of a UIPickerView? I need to calc the total view width - the frame width on both the left and right sides of the UIPickerView. In other words, view.frame.size.width or view.bounds.size.width minus the widths of both the left and right sides of the picker. ...

add next and previous button in Uiactionsheet

Hi i have number of UItextfield and on focus of them i am create Uiactionsheet with Uipickerview on them.So my question is that on click next and previous button on actionsheet focus of textfield is change and according to that uipicker view is also change ...

UIPickerView with custom View and labels not scrolling

I'm using the following code to add a label and a view to a UIPickerView. - (UIView *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view { CustomPickerView *customView = [[CustomPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 180, 32)];...

UIPickerView with Date only rotating in one direction

I got a strange behavior with an UIPickerView: I try to show an Date Picker within an action sheet. Everything works well, except that the wheels are only rotating in one direction at first! If you start rotating up and change the direction to down - it works. But when you try to start rotating down, the picker won't move. Here is my ...

Problem with reloadComponent

I have a UIPickerView with 2 components. And I have 2 Core Data entities, where one has a relationship one-to-many to the second one. I've implemented this 4 delegate functions: - numberOfComponentsInPicker - numberOfRowsInComponent - titleForRow:forComponent - didSelectRow:inComponent where the last one is as: - (void)pickerView:(U...

UIPickerView problems

Hi all, I have a very simple application that use a 2 component UIPickerView that causes me a crash every time I click over it. I dragged it into my view by IB, then hooked up dataSource and delegate to File's Owner. In the .h file: @interface SettingsViewController : UIViewController <UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate> { W...

iPhone UIPickerview reloadAllComponents does not work

Hi, I have UIPickerView component that receive data from its datasource (NSMutableArray) which is populated from sqlite. When user click on button new data row is added to databse. Now I need to reload UIPickerView to display fresh data from datbase. I know that I need to use method [storedDataPicker reloadAllComponents]; somehow but I ...

Display a unit on pickerview selection indicator?

I have a pickerview with 2 components allowing the user to select hours and minutes. I have seen many apps displaying a "hours" and "minutes" label on the selection indicator. How do i do this.? ...

Chaining Height of UIPiekcer Selection View

Is it possible to change the height of UIPicker "Selection View"? ...

Most effective way to populate a picker view with range of integers?

I have a simple UI picker view in an iOS app (iPhone) and I'm looking to pre-populate it with a range of numbers on launch. What would be the most pragmatic/quickest/optimized way to populate it? I'm new to iOS development, so I'm just starting to test the waters. The documentation is pretty decent but I'd like to get some insight fro...

Shrink and Crop a UIPickerView in iOS4

How do you shrink a UIPickerView in iOS4? Nothing works for me: - Changing the frame value in the .xib as text - Setting the frame I can shrink using a transform, but I want to hide the background and see only 3 or 1 rows. Yes, this question has been asked before .. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3209895/catransition-how-to-clip-to...

UIPickerView - How to make certain rows unselectable and grayed out.

I am creating my own UIPickerview for dates as I need only Months and Days and do not want years, so I cannot use UIDatePicker. When different months are selected I cannot seem to replicate the way UIDatepicker gray's out the unavailable days. For example: when November is selected days 1-30 are selectable but 31 is not when using the U...