
UiactionSheet with Uipickerview

Why Scroll is not smooth when used uiactionsheet with Uipickerview ...

Animating UIPickerView

Hi I am developing an iPhone app which uses pickerview, Upon shaking app selects one random choice. Everything works well but I was wondering is there any way to animate the UIPIckerView as Urban Spoon has done it. ...

iPhone generic string, text, choice editor controller

Each time I build an iphone application, I found myself writing the same code over and over again: generic string || text || choice editor controllers. Imagine a tableview showing some data that I want to edit. When I click a string field (short text), I open a generic string editor controller, with a tableview with 1 cell, and a keyboa...

How to infer sizes and avoid magic sizing numbers

Following on the heels of this question, I'd like to know how to remove the magic numbers in lines like: CGRect pickerFrame = CGRectMake(0, 40, 0, 0); closeButton.frame = CGRectMake(260, 7.0f, 50.0f, 30.0f); [actionSheet setBounds:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 485)]; or UIDatePicker *theDatePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] initWithFrame:CGRect...

how to set UIPickerView's current selection.

I have a picker View in one xib file, and a map View in another. The user selects a map view with the picker View, and the clicks a button, which loads the mapView. However, when I return to the picker View xib file, the picker View goes back to the default selection. How do I make the picker view automatically select the mapView that th...

UIPickerView, static data

In the Clock Application that comes with the iPhone/iPod touch, on the UIPickerView that has hours and minutes, how do we create our own picker views with the text "hours" or "mins" that is static within the UIPickerView? I didn't see any documentation on that if that was some sort of property or anything. Also, on that same App, the...

uipickerview slowly clicks to selection

I have a uipickerview in an iphone app. If you select one of the components in the view with just a tap (instead of a swipe) the component slowly ticks into the selection position. It behaves the same in the simulator, the iphone and an ipad so it seems like this is a specific behavior. Does anyone know if there's a setting that will mak...

UIPickerView reloadData

I'm changing components (in particular, the number and color of components), in a UIPickerView that I call pickerOne, so after making the changes, I call: [pickerOne reloadData]; and it appears to be working perfectly however, I'm getting a compile warning: warning: 'UIPickerView' may not respond to '-reloadData' Although this appe...

how to reload the UIpicker view data

Hello, I want to reload the data in the UIpicker view. actaully i have 2 picker on the view. and i want to fill the data in the second picker according to the previous selected picker value. is it possible? please suggest how i do this. ...

How to display a UIPickerView when selecting row in UITableView?

I have a UITableView with some rows in it. Is it possible to show a UIPickerView when tapping on a row in the table? I want the UIPickerView to change its data depending on which row it the UITableView that is selected. ...

UITextbox and UIPickerView

Hello, I have a the following piece of code: -(IBAction)routePicker { UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 264, 320, 216)]; UIPickerView *thePickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,216)]; thePickerView.dataSource = self; thePickerView.delegate = self; [myView ...

Can a UILabel be placed over UIPicker component and the text of the UILabel be updated after user picks a new value in the picker?

How are the user's touches detected if i were to use UILabels that are overlayed on each picker component? I understand how to detect the user's touches on the picker, but I need to update the text of the label after the user make changes a picker component value. My method is not being called after I change the values in the picker comp...

UIPickerView Shifts When Loaded

I have a UIPickerView that shifts vertical each time i load it. I have a feedback button on a toolbar on the bottom of this view as well. Of course, if i press this button i am taken to the email interface view to leave feedback. and, when i return to the UIPickerView, after leaving or cancelling feedback, the page shift is corrected. An...

didSelectRow UIPicker

Hello, I have a UIPicker (which loads as UIview when I click on a textbox control) I want the textbox to be populated with the values of the UIPicker as I scroll through them. Is this possible, I think the code should be placed in didSelectRow, but not quite sure how to do it. Regards, Stephen ...

Array disappears

I'm in a view that has a UIPickerView. Here is where I'm making my sortedArray. - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated]; NSMutableArray *studentNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (Student *student in course.students) [studentNames addObject:student.name]; sortedArray = [studen...

UIPickerView How to fill rows

Hi everyone, i am trying to fill the rows of my uipickerview with content and i'm trying to do it like this: - (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component { NSString *test; for (int i; i<5; i++) { if (row == i) { test = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%...

beginner with UIPickerVIew in iPhone

Hello, Can UIPickerView be re sized? Will you please provide me some example code of creating UIPickerView programmatically in iPhone.or let me know the basics to start with it. Thank You, ...

How to handle time control in iPhone programming

Hello, Any idea on how to customize the UIDatePicker with single column with list of events in it,and user should be able to select one among it ? Let me know some details about it. or example related to it. Thank You ...

How to save an image using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum after it is transformed

Ok i have searched all over and I can't not seem to find the answer I need. :-( Here is what I am doing and what I need to happen. I have a UIImageView that I am able to transfrom using UIPanGestureRecognizer, UIRotationGestureRecognizer, and UIPinchGestureRecognizer all that works great. The problem comes when it is time to save those ...

UIPickerView select a date and corresponding result shown in UITableView.

Hi! I am new to this field, presently i am on an application in which i'm parsing the data from xml file in my xml file there is a date (yyyy-mm-dd format), time (hh:mm format). i took some variable in application to store them like NSDate for date from xml and NSString for time purpose. i need that if i select some date from UIPickerVie...