
Load CoreData objects' string property into UIPickerView

Hello Currently I have an entity named "Events" in a CoreData app. "Events" has one string property named "eventName". In the -(void)viewDidLoad I am trying to Fetch all the "Events" objects and load their "eventName" by alphabetical order into a UIPickerView. The ultimate end goal is through the use of a textField, buttons and the p...

UIPickerView without IB?

I have my pickerview set up and everything works fine, but right now I have that big pickerview taking up a lot of space in Interface Builder. It's annoying having to move it around when working in Interface Builder. How do I set the pickerview and it's location without using IB? ...

Two PickerViews in save View issue?

I'm trying to have 2 pickerviews in the same view. It works except for two things. If one pickerview has more rows than the other the app crashes when picking an item from the pickerview with more items. Also I created an NSLog for the pickerviews and the console shows that I'm picking two items at once when in fact i'm only dealing w...

Flipping View transition becomes clunky when using UIPickerViews with a large number of elements

I have a very simple app created with the Utility Application project template on XCode. My MainView has two UIPickerView components and two buttons. The FlipSideView has another UIPickerView. The pickers on the main view each have 4 segments and each segment has 8 rows. The picker on the flip side has just 1 segment with 8 rows. All ro...

How to change font size in a pickerview?

I'm fairly new to iPhone programming and am trying to implement a double-component PickerView. At this point the picker works fine in terms of taking user input, created with Interface Builder. However, I need to change the font size to accommodate the text length in each column. I very much would appreciate any link to a straightforward...

Adding a UIPickerView over a UITabBarController

I'm trying to have a UIPickerView slide from the bottom of the screen (over the top of a tab bar) but can't seem to get it to show up. The actual code for the animation is coming from one of Apple's example code projects (DateCell). I'm calling this code from the first view controller (FirstViewController.m) under the tab bar controller....

memory leak with picker? (iphone App)

I am working on a view that selects an image (chart) based on user input through a dependent picker which uses a plist file that contains three arrays containing about 40 strings each. About 50% of the time when I run the app, it just shuts down immediately, but the other times that it does run, it will work fine until I start scrollin...

How to detect changes on UIPickerView ?

I want to detect changes of UIPickerView value. If UIPickerView respond to addTarget i used a code like this: -(void) valueChange:(id)sender { change = YES; } UIPickerView *questionPicker = [[UIPickerView alloc] init]; [questionPicker addTarget:self action:@selector(valueChange:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; How...

Does anyone know how to populate the picker controller with core data

Hi guys, I'm trying to populate the UIPicker with Core Data instead of an array but can't for the life of me figure out how to do it... Please can someone point me in the right direction as to what I can do as I'm completely stuck... Thanx a lot Stef :-) ...

UIDatePickerView as Timer with more values

The UIDatePicker with it's mode set on "Timer", only has values from 0 to 23 hours. I'd like to have more hours (like, up to 48 hours). It also shows a nice "floating" text next to the number on the selected row. I can actually "imitate" the "floating" hours effect, by adding a label on top of the UIPickerView, but I'd lose the second c...

Customizing UIPickerView in xcode

Hi, I developed an application which consists of UIPickerView....It displays as default size in height of the UIPickerView.I want to display the UIPickerView as 320x480 size(iphone simulator size)..so the whole screen has the picker view without using transorm property,because it will stretched the whole view....its not looking good...ev...

UiDatePicker displays but not UIPickerView

If I drop a UIDatePicker onto a UIView in IB and run the app, the date picker displays. If I delete the date picker, drop a UIPickerView onto the same UIView and run the app, the UIPickerView doesn't display. What is the difference? ...

Display UIPickerView when UITextField is selected

Does anyone have a basic example to display a UIPickerView when a UITextField was selected. ...

Hiding/ Showing UIPickerView

I Have an a touchesEnded event that checks for when a UITextField is pressed. What I would like it to do is is hide/show a UIPickerView. How can this be done? - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{ UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject]; if (CGRectContainsPoint([self.textField frame], [touch locationI...

can I auto update my uitextview from the value of the row of my uipickerview without pressing any select buttons?

So I have a uipicker view, that I have managed to load some data from my db into. I would like to update a textview, which is right above the pickerview, with each changing of the row. Is that possible? If I don't have to, I would like to avoid pushing a button in order to show the respective text. Can I make it so that the value in th...

Picker view displaying and populated correctly but not interactive

Hi, I have created a Picker view in objective C and populated it with an NSArray and that all works fine, it compiles and shows on screen but the picker doesn't do anything. I'd like to turn as the user drags their finger across like you'd expect but it doesn't react in anyway. 'lil Help? The code I used for the picker comes from "Begi...

Custom UIPickerView

Hello fellow developers, I am trying to include a UIPickerView that looks like the one shown within Oanda's Currency Coverter, because I think it's nice and neat. Please refer to image below. I have read a few tutorials/samples including Apple's UICatalog but it doesn't seem to show us how to: reduce the number of rows displayed (Oa...

how can stop creating duplicates in camera roll while using UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum to save videos in camera roll?

I have a video in applications documents folder. I need it to be saved in camera roll. So, I used UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum method to save it in camera roll. It's working and I can see the video added to camera roll. But, the problem is every time I execute the application with same video(with same file name), it is added an...

UIPickerView in UIAlertView?

Is it possible to put UIPickerView into UIAlertView?If yes, can you give an example? ...

iPad and UIPickerView (or UIDatePickerView)

Hey all, Has anyone had any luck using a UIPicker in the 3.2 SDK? I'm in the middle of porting an iPhone application over to an iPad and that's the one thing I can't seem to get to work. I've tried... -Creating an action sheet, add the picker as a subview and displaying it. -Creating that above action sheet, making it the view of a ge...