
Simple Q about UIPickerView properties

Ok this is probably so simple that it's laughable, but I can't figure the answer. What is the property of the uipickerview? For the UIDatePicker, its datePicker.date, for label you can do label.text, etc etc. Is there a pickerView.XX syntax where I can get the value selected similar to the datePicker? Please let me know. Thanks ...

UIPickerView, cannot get data from array

I'm trying to learn how to use the UIPickerView, and I don't know why my alert view always prints the first element in the array (picker), vs anything else. I have a button press defined for the picker as: - (IBAction)buttonPressed { NSInteger row = [myPicker selectedRowInComponent:0]; NSString *s = [myPickerData objectAtIndex:...

Reason why UIPickerView would cause NIB to not load?

I'm trying to use a UIPickerView and for some reason, even though I have the required methods implemented in my code, I have it as an outlet and hooked up to the File's Owner of the view, along with that view controller being the datasource and delegate, my application no longer opens on the simulator. However, when I delete the UIPicke...

Pickerview as a Subview

Hi all. I am trying to create a Dialog Box in which contains a Pickerview. I can get it to work without the Subview tied around it but I always end up with an Uncaught error. Any help? ...

how to add UIPickerView in UIActionSheet

hi expert, i'm having task to enter rating(1 - 5) value, so i found the below code for date picker, can anyone help me to alter below code so to add UIPickerView to choose rate from 1 to 5 UIActionSheet *menu = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Ratings" delegate:self ...

UIPickerView column Titles

Hi, I am looking for a way to add a title to each column (component) of the UIPickerView. In all the examples I've seen there are no titles because in general the columns meaning could be figured out based on its order, content and context... however in my application it would be dangerous to confuse the columns so I need to give them t...

How do I scroll the iPhone UIPickerView from the last item to the first and continue forever?

I want my UIPickerView to rotate to the beginning of the list when it is scrolled past the bottom. How do I do this? Basically, I want the functionality of the UIDatePicker when it scrolls the hours/minutes/seconds continuously. I'm assuming I could just return an extremely large number from the numberOfComponentsInPickerView and then t...

UITextField and UIPickerView

Is it possible for a UIPickerView to appear instead of a keyboard when a UITextField is selected? Every option in Interface Builder is some sort of keyboard. I suppose I could create a UIPickerView programmatically and create one when the UITextField registers a touchUpInside event, then tell the UITextField to resignFirstResponder, bu...

Core Data - Getting Unique Rows

I'm working on an iPhone app that uses Core Data. I have only one entity called Books, and that entity has the attributes Title, Author, ISBN, Description and Shelf. I'm working on the book editing view, and want to have a UIPickerView listing all of the unique Shelf rows so that the user can just pick a shelf. My question is -- how d...

UIPicker crashes app if i spin one component at the same time as another

Hi All I have a picker with three components. The first two components are dependent on the last. So it could be: | 5 | M (The lines represent the different columns) or 1" | 5" | FT If I am moving the second or first column and before they stop spinning I move the third column from from FT to M or visa versa and then while ...

How to make UIPickerView display its data

I'm new to iPhone and Objective C programming but I'm able to make my code work. I'm just not sure if it's the best way to do it because it requires a lot of code and doesn't look pretty. I have a UIPickerView wheel that has 5 components, 120 multidimensional arrays (each with 13 rows and 7 columns) that I placed right in the "DidSelect...

label not updating with picker view

I have a pickerview pulling from a datasource. I have code to update a label in the didSelectRow function, but the label is not updating. When I print the value to the NSLog, the proper value is printed. Is there something special I need to do to hookup the label so that it updates when the didSelectRow is eneter? - (void)pickerView:...

UIPickerView with 2 NSMutableArrays?

I have a core data based app I am working on, that uses an EditingViewController to control a number of different UI elements that get input from the user which describe attributes of an object that is subsequently stored within my app. The EditingViewController.xib file has such elements as a datePicker, textField, numberSlider, and whe...

UITextField - Switch Between Keyboard and UIPickerView

Hi all, I'm working on an iPhone app that uses Core Data. One of the view controllers allows the user to edit information about coffee, and it has a UITextField in which the user can enter one descriptive "tag" for the type of coffee. I'd like to set up the UITextField to show the keyboard if the user clicks into the main area of the U...

Using a UISegmentedControl to switch between multiple arrays using a uipickerview

I am working on a core data using app and one of the views is EditingViewController, which acts as the controller for a number of ui elements which describe the attributes of objects. Inside the EditingViewController, all of my ui elements are being called and hidden with the .hidden = YES/NO; operation. One of my ui elements is a uipick...

UIPickerView Chaging frame Size and positon

Hi... Are there any way I can change the size of the PickerView and its position at runtime. What I do need to do was when A certain Row in A certain Component is selected I will got to show the another pickerView on the right side then the first PickerView will resize itself and change its position so that the new PickerView will be see...

Rotate UIPickerView, Possible?

Is there a way to rotate an UIPickerView? ...

pickerview app crashing due to NSRangeException NSCFArray objectAtIndex: index (5)...beyond bounds (5)

Once again working through beginning iphone development and I am putting together a bunch of UIPicker type apps, the last one of which is a slot machine type of game, super simple. Anyway I am not really understanding why this error is coming up. to my understanding the picker view is asking its delegate for an object in the array that ...

Why is my UIPickerView not animating like it should be?

Hello again! so this is basically like a slot machine type thing, very basic, but the problem Im having is that when you click the spin button the movement of the components is not animated, even though i have sent the animated argument a YES BOOL. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, any help would be appreciated. Nick ps download ...

Create a customised UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary

The path for the thumbnails of the images located in the iPhone is: /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/.MISC/ (or instead of 100APPLE we have 101APPLE, 102APPLE etc). If I want to pick these images directly from these folders, what is the best way to improvise a nice picker like the one for UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLi...