
Simplifying switch statement (Objective-C)

Y'hello.. Yep, it's me again, sorry. I am trying to .. um, see the code, you'll understand. If not, I'll explain later. // When row is selected - (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerTimer didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component { switch (row) { case 0: NSLog(@"It obviously worked.0"); ...

Can you see anything wrong in this code? 'Cause I can’t, but it still doesn’t work.

// When row is selected - (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerTimer didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component { int minutes; int seconds; if (component == 0) { if (row < 0){ minutes = row; } else { minutes = 0; } } if (component == 1) { ...

Hiding UITabBar when displaying UIPickerView in iPhone SDK

I've got a view when I want to use UIPickerView but my application supports also UITabBar. I want to display UIPickerView in the same spot where keyboard pops up but the problem is that when I do that tab bar buttons are above picker and only half of it is beign displayed. Is is possible to temporary disable tab bar before I draw a picke...

iPhone UIPickerView in UIViewController

I have a xib in which I have added a UIViewController named delta. The view under delta is controlled by the delta viewcontroller, not the file owner. On the delta view, I have a UIViewPicker. My issue is that I am programming in the UIPickerView in the deltaviewcontroller and I'm issuing deltaviewcontroller as the delegate and data sour...

iPhone Core Data objects added to NSMutableArray

I am trying to have a bunch of Core Data objects (NSStrings) be added to an NSMutableArray so that I pickerView can use the strings as its data values. Currently I am able to save strings from a textField one at a time into the sqlite file, in Core Data. I am having trouble pulling those Objects back out of the Core Data sqlite file an...

iPhone - Gestures on UIPickerView and UIWebView

I'm making an iPhone app in which the user can do gestures (left and right swipes) to flick through tabs. My problem is that some of the pages have views such as the pickerview, webview, textfields and buttons. The swipes don't work on these. Is there any way to have global gestures? For reference, my gesture code example: //Swipe betw...

iPhone UIPickerView Gestures

How would I go about adding gesture events to uipickerview to change tabs? I have to create a custom class, however, I don't know how to handle the uipickerview. I current have gestures present in uiviews to do this, but I'm having trouble with the uipickerview. My code for the views: #define HORIZ_SWIPE_DRAG_MIN 100 CGPoint mystartTou...

iPhone - Update Label from UIPickerView

I have two UIPickerViews set up on one view under the same view controller. The picker's seem to be populated with values as expected. I also have a label for each picker. The label updates with each value change, but the value displayed on the label is not correct. It's always off by 10. The codes are below. Interface: #import <UIKit/...

How to control scrolling sound of uipicker?

How to control scrolling sound of uipicker? Any available sample code? ...

UIpicker scrolling sound

I getting mad doing the research for the solution of this method. I want to control or disable the clicking sound whenever the picker is scrolled. now i want to use the documented one. Can you help me solve this at the range of 1 day? please I really need to do this as fast as i could. But I guess you can give me some hint to solve this ...

Lazy UIPickerView - (it won't move twice)

Hello everybody, And thank you in advance for your attention. I am trying to achieve a little animation effect in my simple application, using this time an UIPickerView object. Basically, when a certain event occurs, I wish my picker view to animate itself selecting its last row (with animation, of course) and immediately after (without...

Weird UIPickerView bug

Here is a picture of the main view for an app I'm making, the thing at the bottom is supposed to be a UIPickerView. I have the UIPickerView view controller in its own .h and .m files, separate from the main view controller's. could this be the problem? here is the code that (should, I pretty much copied it from a tutorial) populate th...

UIPickerView row selection

Hey, I have a UIPickerView with two components. It works fine when the user scrolls each component until it reaches the desired value. But I want it to behave like the picker in the calendar or the clock apps. Meaning: When the user presses a certain value in one of the components, I want that component to automatically turn that row to...

Disable UIPickerView

Is there a way to make the UIPickerView only Read Only? This means that the user cannot flip through the options. PS. This is not the same as not passing anything in the didSelectRow method because I only want the user to see that the picker is there and not to touch it. ...

multiple uipickerview and uidatapicker

i have a view with many select like checkInDate, checkOutDate (uidatepicker) and age, room(uipickerView)... i want to use showActionSheet to display the different pickerview when click diffrent tableViewCell but i got two problem: the checkInDate and theCheckOutDate can not be show the second time if i use checkOutDate.date = nowDate...

Allowing user to select a UIPickerView row by tapping.

Hi. I'm trying to use a UIPicker View with a behavior somehow different of what's usually seen in iPhone code examples. What I want to do is to allow users to scroll through the picker contents, but not to select a picker's row automatically (using the "didSelectRow" method from picker's delegate). Instead, I want to allow the user to ...

UIPickerView with NSDictionary

I am a .NET programmer and new to Objective C. I am trying to make a UIPickerView which acts like a .NET dropdownlist. User sees the list of text and selects one and the selected value (which is the ID) is used in code. I have been browsing for almost half a day trying to figure this out. I could add a regular PickerView with list of...

iPhone: UIDatePicker not Responding to -selectedRowinComponent:

Hi all, I have added both a UIPickerView and a UIDatePickerView to a single view. I set the pickerview delegate to self.view and it works fine. However, if I select the UIDatePicker first, I cannot get the value of 'selectedRowInComponent`. If I select the UIPickerView first I can. Does UIDatePickerView respond to selectedRowInCompo...


I keep getting a exc bad access error and I think it has something to do with my pickerview because this is when the app crashes. Everything works fine until I make a 9th choice from the pickerview. Every single time the app crashes on the 9th choice. Any ideas? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; list = [[NSMu...

Unselected UIPickerView value

According to the documentation, if a UIPickerView has no selected value, the expected return from selectedRowInComponent: should be: "A zero-indexed number identifying the selected row, or -1 if no row is selected." However, if I check the value the very line after initializing one, its value is 0. Even if I then manually set it t...