
Removing Divider Line from UISplitViewController

Guys, I know a similar question exists but the thread seems to be inactive, and I really would like this question to be answered. It's been annoying me for a few days now. I'm wondering how to remove the divider line between the Master and Detail view in the UISplitViewController. I know its possible to remove/hide/cover it up because I...

How to hide master view in UiSplitviewcontroller in ipad

Is there is any way to hide the master view in a splitviewcontroller programmatically. In my application the first screen will be of a splitviewcontroller, i don't need any split view for the next screens. How i can achieve this ...

[iPad] How to make a UIWebView in the DetailView of a Split View display data for a corresponding UITableViewItem selected in the Root View

I have an iPad app. In the Root View I have a UITableView with two levels. I need to display different webpages in the UIWebView in Detail View based on the selected UITableView row. How can I do it? ...

How to make a UISplitViewController in portrait mode?

I want to make a UISplitViewController in portrait mode just like in the Settings app. How can I do it? ...

How to make UIWebView in the Detail View of a UISplitView change its content when a row in RootView is selected?

I have a UISplitView-based app with a UIWebVIew in the Detail View. I want to make it change its content when user chooses a new row in the table in Root View. I tried like this in DetailViewController: - (void)setDetailItem:(id)newDetailItem { extern NSString *rowname; if (detailItem != newDetailItem) { [detailItem release]; de...

UiSplitViewController doesn't autorotate.

Hello, I have recently run into a problem. My iPad app is somehow preventing the iPad from auto-rotating. My app loads a UISplitView with both of the view controllers returning YES for shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:. I have set up my info.plist to include the "Supported interface orientations" key with all four orientations....

Nesting UISplitViewController within UINavigationController

I would like to have a root level controller that appears to be a splitview but I would also like to allow the detail view to essentially take over the entire screen (in both landscape and portrait orientation) - and not as a modal view. By way of context, my iPad app shows the user a list of experiments (collections of data sampled fro...

iPad After drill down in Split View's Master View, Detail View will not load.

Hi, completely new to coding other than html. I have an iPad app based on the MultiDetailsView/SplitView sample in Xcode. I have a master view that drills down and loads new detail views, both at the same time when needed. But when I do drill down the lower views will not load their new detail views. If I change the master 'RootViewContr...

Adding a view with a view controller as a subview of another view controller. Doesn't work.

I'm trying to essentially re-implement the UISplitViewController (because it has its limits), but when I create a UIViewController viewController, and then do an "[viewController.view addSubview contentViewController.view]" on it, to add a view that already has a view controller, that content view doesn't seem to get initialised by its v...

iPad UISplitView initial state in portrait: how to display popover controller widget?

Hi, I'm working on an iPad app that uses a UISplitView. Inspired by http://blog.blackwhale.at/2010/04/your-first-ipad-split-view-application/, I display a button in my detail view when in portrait mode that shows the popover controller. This works great. However, the appropriate UISplitViewControllerDelegate message is only sent when th...

UISplitViewController programmtically without nib/xib, thank you.

Hi, I usually create my projects without IB-stuff. The first thing I do is to strip off all references to xibs, outlets updated plist, etc and so forth. No problems, works great (in my world)! Now, I just installed 3.2 and tried to develop my first iPad app. Following same procedure as before, I created a UISplitView-based application ...

UISplitViewController Cannot Change the Master View Controller?

I am trying to change the master view controller (that appears in the popover in portrait, and on the left side in landscape) in a UISplitViewController. I'd like to switch between the master view controller being one of two different UIViewControllers (depending on an action taken elsewhere in my application). I am using the following:...

How to determine UINavigationBar custom view text/shadow color for different styles in UISplitViewController?

I have a splitview with a pop over master view using UINavigationController. The problem is I have some custom text views in the header of the nav controller and when it switches to the pop-over view the style of the nav bar changes. This makes the colors of the text clash since they are no longer using the correct settings for the new n...

UINavigationController + UITableView + UISearchBar + UISplitViewController

I have an annoying problem. I have an UINavigationController with an UITableView in the Master (Left) pane of my UISplitViewController. When I do normal operations, things push on on to the navigation controller fine. However, when I do a search and push things on, it's like it doesn't account for the space the navigation bar needs. I...

Problem after dismissing a modal view used in conjunction with a uisplitviewcontroller

I'm having a hard time understanding why the following is happening (and how to fix it). I've created an application using the split-view based application. I've added a UiBarButtonItem called showTheModal which calls this method found in RootViewController.m: - (IBAction)showTheModal:(id)sender { theModalController.modalPresentationS...

How do I make a universal iPhone / iPad application that programmatically uses UISplitViewController and UINavigationController?

I couldn't find a good answer anywhere to this. I am using a UINavigationController for my iPhone app, with everything is generated programmatically, nothing in Interface Builder. I am trying to port my app to iPad, using a UISplitViewController and my existing UINavigationController, but I am not sure where I should have the logic of ...

Why isn't my UITableView appearing in the correct scroll position?

I have a split view-based app that presents a master-detail interface, and uses a popover to present the master list when in portrait mode. The popover presents a sectioned table view that ultimately gets populated by a subclass of NSFetchedResultsController. I can tap the tool bar button to present the master list, scroll to whatever ro...

Mutltiple UISplitviewControllers in TabBar are not all notified of rotations events

I have an application with a tabBar containing 3 UISplitiViewControllers. Everything works well except for one scenario: I have the ipad in landscape position on tab1. I click on tab3, then I rotate the ipad portrait mode. I click on tab1, it is well displayed in portrait mode, I'm happy. I now come back to landscape position. I clic...

Why doesn't the SplitView iPhone template have a nib file for the RootView?

I'm diving into iPad development and am learning a lot quickly, but everywhere I look, I have questions. After creating a new SplitView app in Xcode using the template, it generates the AppDelegate class, RootViewController class, and DetailViewController class. Along with that, it creates a .xib files for MainWinow.xib and DetailView....

How do I add a custom view to iPhone app's UI?

I'm diving into iPad development and I'm still learning how everything works together. I understand how to add standard view (i.e. buttons, tableviews, datepicker, etc.) to my UI using both Xcode and Interface Builder, but now I'm trying to add a custom calendar control (TapkuLibrary) to the left window in my UISplitView application whi...