
How to customise a the size of the Master is the SPlitviewcontroller?

My master view is a typical table view. But, the cell content is just to the max 5 letters. I wanted to resize the master in my splitview. Is there a way for us to do it? ...

How to get a tableview to be the one like in youtube app for iPad?

I want to create an app that looks like the youtube app. I wanna have the tableview on the right or the object at index:1. I tried doing it but the problem is that My tableview is going off the bounds. I cant see the text in them? ...

Nav controller works in split view - but only in landscape!

I am in the process of porting an iPhone app to iPad. The layout on the phone is a tab bar with three tabs, two of which contain nav controllers where the user drills down a table view hierarchy. However, on the iPad, navigation works as expected in landscape mode, but it's not possible to drill down the table view hierarchy in portrait...

Animate the change between detailviews on UISplitViewController

Currently This is how i change between detailviews from the right navigation bar UIViewController <SubstitutableDetailViewController> *detailViewController = nil; NSString * type = [self selectview:arb]; DetailViewController *newDetailViewController = [[DetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:type bundle:nil]; detailViewController...

Substitution of detail view controller does not cause viewWillAppear to be called

Hi there! I'm porting my iPhone app to iPad. On iPhone I select row in the table, and after that the next view controller is pushed to the top of navigationController (now navigation is performed on the left part of split view controller). For iPad i modified the code this way: if (deviceIsIPad()) { UISplitViewController *svc = (UI...

UISplitViewController detailView

I have an UISplitViewController base project. I want to have a different detail View depending the orientation of the app. Exemple : In landscape when I select a row in the TableView, I want the detailView to be an UIWebView. But in portrait I want the detail view to be a complex custom view. Is it possible ? Thanks. ...

Programmatically show root controller popup in portrait view

Is there any way to programatically show the root view controller in portrait mode responding to a user action? in my app the root view controller can be updated responding to some user interaction with the detail controller and i'd like to pop it over when that happens. Thanks! ...

Split view controller - didSelectRow in master view controller being called before textFieldShouldEndEditing

I started off with the Split View Project Template. I have some text fields inside a table view in the detail view. I need to persist what the user entered in those text fields. However, when the user selects another row in the master view controller, the contents of the detail view get changed and the older changes in the detail view ar...

how to see current wallpaper as a background for iPad application

There are some iPad applications that show a current wallpaper through their windows. How do they do it? Thanks ...

UISplitViewController - Pushing Modal View

Hi, What is considered the best practise when pushing a modal view when using a UISplitViewController? Would you push from the RootViewController, the DetailViewController or directly from the Application Delegate? Ideally the functionality I am trying to achieve is to have the modal view controller displayed as soon as the UISplitView...

Why does my UISplitviewController not show up?

I have this code in my TNApplicationDelegatePad class: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; splitViewController = [[UISplitViewController alloc] init]; TNFeedListViewController...

UISplitViewController strange behavior

Hi i have a splitViewController mapViewController = [[MapViewController alloc] initWithManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext startingRegion:startingRegion]; distanceViewController = [[DistanceTableViewController alloc] initWithManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext]; distanceViewController.mapViewController = mapViewCont...

UISplitView - load different detailView's for each row in masterView

Hello, I'm using UISplitViewController for app on iPad. The first task was to show master and detail view in portrait mode. I have done this like that: // It is possible to keep the Master View in portrait mode // also. Just pass YES to this method to enable this mode. - (id) initWithMasterInPortraitMode:(BOOL) masterInPortrait { s...

Best practice for displaying modal view above UISplitViewController

Creating a new app based on the SplitViewController template and it works fine in Split View. My main screen is to be a non-splitview 'menu'. I'm trying to figure out the best practice for adding this 'mainMenu' modally above the splitViewController. (Then either push other non-split views above the mainMenu or remove it to reveal an...

UIViewController and UISplitViewController in UITabBarController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation

Hello Guys, i have some Problems with my iPad Code. I have a UITabBarController which holds some UIViewController and a UISplitViewController. The problem is that the UIViewController and even the UISplitViewController dont recognize orientation Changes correctly. i have set shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation on my TabBarController...

iPhone/iPad universal app will not build for iPhone

Hello guys, I have made my application universal for iPhone and iPad (window-based application; universal) from scratch. First I made all logic and views for iPhone and it worked. After that I created views for iPad. That worked to. But when I implemented UISplitViewController or UIPopover, the application will not build anymore for iPh...

How can I resize a split view on an iPad app?

I am trying to have a SplitView pop up on top of the current view but I don't want it to cover the whole screen so that the user doesn't feel he/she is taken elsewhere. I would imagine that the size can be specified from Interface Builder, but there are no size options on a UISplitViewController, and I can't seem to put it into another ...

Initial View over Split View Based Application

Hey guys, I'm trying to add an initial view to a split view based application. I want the user to press a button on the initial view to navigate to the split view. However, I'm rather clueless on how to accomplish this. Any ideas/tips? Thanks ...

UISplitViewControllerDelegate methods not getting called during rotation while modal view controller visible

Our iPad app has a view / view controller hierarchy laid out a little like this: rootViewController | | | a UISplitViewController | | | | | | | tableViewController1 tableViewController2 (implements UISplitViewControllerDelegate) The rootViewController adds and rem...

UISplitViewController detailViewController subviews not resizing properly on orientation change.

HI, I have the following setup in my iPad application: UISplitViewController DetailSide-> SomeDetailViewController-> Added subview as [SomeDetailViewController.view addSubview:AnotherViewController.view] Now after launching when the "AnotherViewController view" is displayed, its initial dimensions are always sam...